"James Callaway satsm Essentially WW3 has already begun"
But we are still here.. When will Jesus come then? In the beginning of WW3? Or in the middle... "Susan says, Sonya, it very well could be ww3"
Wow! Oh boy! I really thought that Putin was just full of hot air and wasn't going to invade Ukraine! ... Well, if even one person gets closer to God because of this video, then it's all worth it! 🙂 I love seeds that are planted. 🙂 Is this world war 3? If so, we are still here! Why are we still here? 🙁 And if it's not world war 3, we are still here. 🙁 You're welcome Churchgal!!! 🙂 You're welcome Vicki and that's wonderful for you and your husband.. Good!! Yeah I felt peace listening to him.. Hahahaha. Tammie so many puns! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Oh sorry! I'm here!!! 🙂 Awww you miss me? So sweet!!! *BEARHUGS* Yeah I want Jesus to come now!!!! I can't wait! Okay leaving you a private message doesn't work! ROFL!
"LOL … I knew you would get a kick out of it … I suspected you were because I recall you used ... Happy Easter and Resurrection day everyone!!!!! 🙂 Jesus is ALIVE!!!! 🙂 He will soon come back!!! I can't wait!!! :prayer-hands: :bible :amen: "Yohanan says Pre-wrath is basically the belief that the Church will have to endure the first half of the Tribulation experiencing the wrath of the An... "Geri9 says Mamma Mia say it ain’t so … no upsetti thee Italianos!"
I'ma Italian! Are youa? 🙂
"The pasta-bilities of pizzeria closures would soon b... Yeah I know. It's awful. 🙁 Who's next? Italians? Satan is really ramping his hate up! 🙁 "Churchgal says, Apparently it is just me, please continue on-"
Awww Churchgal! *BEARHUGS* No I get it. All that negative gets to you.. You are not t... Oh oh. That's odd. Why do they want it alongside the Ten Commandments monument? That makes no sense. "Deja Vu? Evergreen Truck Halts Traffic In China Similar To The Suez Canal’s Situation"
Coincidence? I don't think so! "Geri9 says, Shocking this rapper has 6.3 million Instagram followers and last year told his pregnant fans to “get rid of it” during an online Q&A... Oh! I thought at first this was about actual shoes. I can't wait until Jesus comes.. Please come now!!! Are we even going to be still around in 2024? I hope not. I hope Jesus comes before that. "Yohanan says, I can only imagine the things my former pets would say to me if they could talk. I might have to run away! ;)"
:mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrm... "Tender says, Bless your heart Sis!"
Bless you. 🙂
"I always need to check my Spirit before I claim something being from the Lord!"
Of course!!! :)... "tenderreed says, Not saying it was supernatural, as I am often called out to by someone saying hi."
I am saying it. 🙂 It was!!! It was from the Lor... :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Oh Satan you are a sneaky sneaky snake.. Always working. Always whispering.. You can try as you might, but you won't win. ... Yes. He hasn't come yet. Still waiting!!! 🙁 We are still here!!! 🙁 :groan Sorry Lord for whining. 🙁
Last seen: February 4, 2025 11:12 am