A charity might come and take it off their hands. and hand them a receipt for a tax write-off. :yes: :mail:
Once my 18 year old son parted out an ol... My heart breaks for you too, dearest sister. :prayer-hands: Let's see... If you thought 50 kids might come tonight, and you have 100,000 chocolate bars, then each kid should be given 2,000 bars. If 100 kids, t... A lot of people claim that the third temple being built now-ish or very soon-ish and housing the Antichrist, will live on and remain as the Millennial... There's a 100 percent chance Thursday will remain 14.2857... percent of each week. And also someone observed that as a concept, it's difficult to pus... Well Patricia, I listened for a time with my best earphones and concluded that those sound must have come via Rumble because the Right proved louder. ... what might happen if just the poles flip
I suppose all acrobats from all other nations would cease for a while, leaving only Polish acrobats performin... They only show gray aliens there, Todd, not reptilians, nordics, or any other alien types. That's a little heady, no? :unsure: Perhaps on December 8 ... Sadly the nation of Israel already slapped Jesus in the face 2,000 years ago. Why is God so patient? :unsure: 🙁
Well for one, I am grateful for H... Those lucky postings! :yes: Disappearing like that when it's we who yearn to disappear!! :unsure: 🙁 😉 B-)
I'd prefer it were Jesus getting back i... Tabernacles all next week then, Blue... :scratch: :yes: 🙁 In Matthew 5:43-45 we read, "You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies ... Please, do not quote ” I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
T... 28 years to the day ---> Israel / Jordan covenant made firmer...?!?!
Wow! Great find, Geri!! Could be! :good: :yes: :popcorn Thanks! Check minute 10:20 thru 11:45 for what Dr Woods said in this video. If he says something else somewhere else I would be surprised.
Anyway, we will b... Thank you everyone! It was a good day. :yes: :good: :prayer-hands: I confess! :yes: 🙂 :bye:
My warning to all reading this:
DO NOT GET OLD!! Forgive me for mentioning it Geri, but Nisan 14 is Passover... No matter though. :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: Thank you so much, you short-time-now RITA loved ones -- each one who prayed for Kolleen even silently without posting.
Kolleen is now home and weari... “One month later, the remains will fully decompose and be turned into soil Soylent Green.”
A new go-green California state enterprise! :wacko: :wack... It's a K+D WhiteStone anniversary. Cinco años. We'd love to receive our white stone on Wednesday, Lee! Passover 2023 = April 6 depending on the calendar used. Nisan 10 when perhaps we leave, is April 1, again depending on the calendar yet only a few da... Deliver us from evil.
Maranatha! Hi Kelly! :bye: Please don't leave here without us. :negative: :mdrmdr: Okay? :popcorn Wow Geri!! Thanks! It's chilling, amazing, and hopeful at the same time! :good: :yahoo: :flyup: :prayer-hands: Provided the Rapture is within the next 2 1/2 weeks, I'll be in my 76th year. From then for another 52 weeks, (God forbid very many weeks into it...),...
Last seen: February 23, 2025 7:27 pm