Allow me to hum a little neptune, Arthur, while being schooled in your realm, and then I'll school you in that cod of conduct. It's codified in fishs... Come on in, TR! The water is fine! :good: :yes: Lord, if Hal Turner is right, please intervene having mercy on the ordinary people simply trying to live their lives, while destroying all the greedy,... Sorry Patricia N. Derailed thread. Please keep trying / posting / Happenings in Israel. And it's dispensed without a prescription. :good: But feel free to spit it out. :yes: Some people are corn intolerant. So if you blow really hard, more of your hair will crop up?
(All seriousness aside, those are remarkable instruments.) Arthur! Nobody else except the mods knows about the fish thing! Oh, TR does too. :yes:
Rabbi Fish! :dieu: I'm gentile. And gentle. Maybe honorar... Don't all of Matthew 24 and 25 concern the second coming, so Jesus there is describing distinctly post-Rapture events? It has been a debate inside my... Okay, that's a relief. B-) Yet justice this side of the Rapture is unrealistic to expect... (sigh)
By the way, I thought you had more hair, Yohana... Oh wow!!! Promise?? I'll bring a crow for Yohanan to enjoy with his cheese. Interesting, Geri. Thanks. Maybe Jamal Kashogghi was about to spill some beans. :unsure: :scratch: Or joust and tilting? :unsure: Those are not my socks, Yohanan! Nor my high heels! I don't even own anything like those, nor could I even get them on.
Your trumped up story just ... Yeah, I know you knew. And I'm not one of those old grumps even if Yohanan tries to make me out that way. We gotta have a little fun. On the other ... That can't be me wrapped around that pole! I've never been skinny, Heidi. Arthur possibly missed what I meant when I asked, "Water my chances?" I was referring to a "water witching" kind of divination - the proximal discuss... I advise that each of us ask ourselves and God too, whether continuing to belabor the nature or expectation of this prior-notice by God question is wo... :bye: :wacko: :unsure: 🙁 :stinkerbell:
(better fall on my sword -- failed again) :negative:
Here are some clues: "But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the c... I listened to Leaving Soon's post a few days ago (above)Hal Turner 50 minutes audio, and it sounds deadly serious. Also Patricia N's follow up to tha... Thus sayeth the Lord, Humbly? :mdrmdr: Good strategy though. The last shall be first. :yes: :good: Witch one, Arthur? :unsure:
My beard proves I stopped using my shtick razor long ago, Yohanan. 😉 :yes: Some so-called words-of-knowledge could be gnostic in nature, I suppose. Manipulative often? :unsure: :yes:
Geri, would Dodger be better off chewing... Remarkable ! Yohanan suggest I'm a relic, Arthur. I should probably be more circumspect. More careful. :yes: :yes:
Water my chances of being found? :unsure: Does he use a "Divining" rod to find relics? There are only a few material items more "divine" in meaning than the Ark. I'm not so sure, Todd. I'm not going to look like this any more at the banquet. I'll be disappointed if I don't look young again up there. I didn't... Explain, young man, how I somehow avoided "crooked and wide" for seven decades before we met. :unsure: :scratch: Hmmm.... Jesus? :unsure: :yes: Ye...
Last seen: February 23, 2025 7:27 pm