Trump knew this was going to happen ... he is always 20 steps ahead of these clowns. It might seem like chaos right now but its truly all going as pl... Its Antifa and BLM thugs that came in bus loads yesterday by police escort to create this havoc we are seeing right now.
Check out the face masks for... Yep, we are certainly watching a movie! :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn
POTUS: Today is not the end. It is just the beginning. Fraud vitiates EVERYTHING... Trump didn’t expect Pence to do the right thing because Pence is deep state. By the way Trump never picked Pence as his running mate ... the deep sta... I know ... I watched it twice and my brain is like :wacko: This is why I couldn’t even do a synopsis ... I wouldn’t know where to start. :scratch:
... Here is a 26 minute youtube between Robert David Steel (former CIA officer) and Michelle Holiday @ Portfolio Wealth Global. He gives lots of insight ... :prayer-hands: for a quick and full recovery. - Fair Use -
Hmmm ... talk about making Washington a ghost town. Can you just picture this scenario after they drain the swamp ... sending t... Yep ... declas on January 6th in Washington DC is going to be fun! Not only do I hope John Jr. shows up ... but check this out ...
It looks like the... Sunlight plays a big part in getting well from Covid-19 ... those that lack vitamin D seem to catch the virus. So I think this is why Wilma Gates wan... Good grief ... and to think this is still the Church Age.
What a blessing to be leaving before the insanity level goes off the charts ... That is disturbing because Amir should know better.
Been reading testimonies of people who did take the vaxx ... some know of people who died from it... :prayer-hands: Oh boy ... make sure you have plenty of popcorn/cracker jacks, etc. :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn because the show is going to be insane. :wacko:
Linw... Some VERY unhappy people out there ...
- Fair Use - Check out Mike Pompeo’s tweet ... he will be given the honors to reveal in the coming days how America and the world are a much “SAFER” 😉 place than... Oh ... and Nancy Pelosi's home gets vandalized...by her neighbors (town of libs). Someone said ... Is this the part of the movie where we see the Dem... And then you have a few speculating Mike Pompeo might be promoted to the V.P. spot :unsure: Pope Francis skipping New Year’s Eve ceremonies due to ‘painful sciatica’
NY Daily News
By Muri Assuncao 12/31/20
Pope Francis will skip the New Ye... Happy New Year!
Great Expectations we shall all meet soon in those beautiful rapture clouds and perhaps board the heavenly train to the 3rd heaven? ... President cuts his New Years vacation in Florida abruptly and heads back to Washington.
President Trump and Mike Pence were at the WH together. Lin W... :popcorn
Time to Build Third Temple, Says Israeli Lawmaker
Israeli Today
December 30, 2020
“Anyone who represents Israel cannot be disconnected fr... Yes, indeed very sad.
Do you know if this is mandatory in Israel or are they willingly standing in line out of fear? Has Amir spoken about this in ... I’m leaning we fly away around the timeframe they do the “peace and safety” speech ... and hopefully it will be announced waaay before May 14, 2021.
... I’ve made smoothies with apple juice, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, etc. with a scoop of protein powder and its delicious. I’ve never had the ap... :mdrmdr: Well I’m glad you didn’t include “fish sticks” that would have been overkill. :wacko: I do wonder about the placement seats at the banq... Woe, did I hear desserts?! :yahoo:
Oh boy, Tammie, pumpkin pie? :groan ing here ... would you believe that is one pie I avoid at all costs. 🙁 Bi... That is so sad about the Israeli man. With his heart condition and perhaps clogged arteries ... once the vaxx was injected ... his body went into str... Yep, and they never age well ... the hormone pills they daily have to take stop working when they reach about mid 30’s. Hence they then have to go u... Oh ... it gets worse ... I just learned the FDA approved this “natural flavoring” :wacko: These people are truly depraved individuals.
Look careful...