Lisa Leenie's Vision from 1988 The return of the King on youtube has several videos and he points to June 15, 2022 as a high watch date.
I think one of his videos said Sep of 2022,... One of the reasons I like June 15 is because in John 21, the 153 fish. I believe 153 is a clue and could mean the 15th day of the 3rd month. The 3rd... OK. I didn't say anything about certainty. But, I believe it. I am OK with a high watch day or date. The Lord's Commanding Shout(1), with the voice of the archangel(2), with the Trumpet Call of God(3)
June 15, 2022, 5:18 Am, Jerusalem time Just after the peak of the full moon of June 2022, darkness will turn to light in Jerusalem, and the baby of Revelation 12 will born in a moment, in t... (Re-phrase) Just after the peak of the full moon of June 2022, darkness will turn to light (dawn)in Jerusalem, and the baby of Revelation 12 will be ... After the peak of the June 2022 full moon, and when darkness turns to light in Jerusalem, the baby of Revelation 12 will be born After the peak of the June 2022 full moon, and when darkness turns to light in Jerusalem, the baby of Revelation 12 will be born That is a good one. Also, June 19, 2020 is 1000 days after the pregnant woman sign of Sep. 23, 2017. The number 1000 means fullness of quantity or m... Revelation 12: 1. Pregnant woman sign occurred on Sep. 23, 2017. 2. Red dragon sign, which I think is the coronavirus. and 3. The birt... I also think March 29 fits. 11192. Reverse the 9 and 2 to get March 29. I think March 29,2020 3/19 is also the spring equinox, 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night Lisa's Vision is 11192. Three ones could mean 3/1, then slide the 9 in so you have 3/19. What does the 2 mean, maybe 2020. So, 3/19/2020
Last seen: March 3, 2025 4:34 am