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Speculation on May 12 Pentecost

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The whole calendar debate is enough to make my head spin trying to figure out which one is "right".  That said, I find it more than a little fascinating that the Torah Creation Calendar has Pentecost falling on May 12th this year, just two days before Israel's 70th year rolls into 71 when we hit May 14th.  Is that the calendar God is on?  I have no idea.  But I have always thought, in my finite little mind, that Pentecost would make for the perfectly symmetrical time to end the age of grace and resume Daniel's clock of the 70 weeks.  After all, it was at Pentecost that God hit the pause button on Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy by initiating the age of grace at the conception of the Church at Pentecost, with the first 3 feasts tied to the death and resurrection of Jesus.  How divinely symmetrical would it be to restart the 70th week on the same prophetic day that He stopped it, leaving the final 3 fall feasts to be fulfilled at His second coming physically to earth?  If we are still here when we roll into May, this seems like a very high watch day to me.  If we get to May 15th, I will be perplexed.:scratch:If we don't, ecstatic.:yahoo:Maranatha!!!

Posted : March 30, 2019 1:48 pm
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:good:   I just circled that high watch date.  :mail:   It’s good to have more days to look at, just in case the month of April passes and we are still here.

Posted : March 30, 2019 2:22 pm
Posts: 3945
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When I first began watching so many, many years ago I thought it would be any ole day. I never thought to tag it onto a feat day. Once that idea became known to me I always assumed Feast of Trumpets for obvious reasons.....trumpets! But over the past few years I favor Pentecost for the reasons you gave, Watchman 35. I am very hopeful this will be the year!

Posted : March 30, 2019 2:41 pm
Posts: 654
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hebcal.com has the Pentecost on June 9. I prefer to stick to hebcal which I got all my calculations from. Consider if rapture shall take place on Pentecost, it is likely but I still think rapture shall fall on a day which is unexpected.

Posted : March 31, 2019 5:53 pm
Posts: 24
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Pentecost, according to Torah Calendar commences at sunset May 11 and comes fully on Sunday, May 12.   It is interesting that May 11, 1949, the United Nations admitted Israel as its 59th member.  The Fig Tree was thereby recognized as a sovereign nation by "all the trees", the U.N. (Luke 21:29)  Now, May 11 will be Israel's 70th year as a mature and sovereign nation.  It was one thing to "declare" independence and another to "possess" the land by war, the Arab Israeli War of 1948/49.  Declaration followed by recognition.  God may well be counting a seventy year period from May 1949-May 2019.  This is the Joshua Model of "receiving the promise followed by possessing the promise.  God is a God of patterns.  A Pentecostal Resurrection/Rapture would complete the feast typology of the priestly "two-loaf wave offering" where two groups go up, the resurrected dead in Christ and the translated living in Christ. (Leviticus 23:15-17; 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, 51)  Pentecost celebrates two stages of the promise:  (1) the deposit of the Holy Spirit, to be followed by (2) the redemption of the body (Ephesians 1:13-14), both Pentecostal events.  Analogy, if you put a deposit on lay-a-way product in Department Store Pentecost, why would you not make the final payment and pick the product up at the same store?

Posted : April 24, 2019 11:29 am
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If I had to pick one day for the Rapture Pentecost would be my first guess. I have heard that Enoch was a type of a Raptured Church age saint and have read that according to Jewish tradition Enoch was born on Pentecost and taken to Heaven on Pentecost.

Posted : April 24, 2019 8:15 pm
Posts: 198
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Like you mentioned... I have no idea which calendar is more accurate. I tend to go off the one that Israel follows that has Pentecost on June 9th/10th. However, I am all for the rapture this Sunday (Mother's day - cool gift for this mama)! My mom and I have studied the feasts and calendars so much over the years that we just start watching come spring and keep it as a high watch time until after Feast of Trumpets. I have mentioned your theory to others too. It makes sense in my analytical mind that if God "stopped" Israel's 70 weeks at Pentecost - the birth of the church and age of grace - then it makes sense that He "restarts" the weeks with a Pentecost rapture where the focus then goes back to Israel's weeks. I'll keep watching, waiting, and hoping each year.

Posted : May 7, 2019 10:01 am
Posts: 689
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its a lovely thought.

its comforting to know that whatever day the rapture happens will be the best day, because God makes good decisions



Posted : May 10, 2019 5:36 pm
Posts: 510
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Well, we are here as far as this theory/speculation is concerned.  Today is May 11.  It marks the 70th anniversary of when the international world collectively acknowledged the existence of Israel as the UN General Assembly voted to accept the Jewish nation for membership in that international body.  Historical records indicate that event took place on May 11, 1949, so today marks 70 years.  It is also just a couple days in front of Israel's 70th year ending and rolling into its 71st when using the traditionally used 5/14/48 date as the fig tree blossoming marker.  In addition, according to the Creation Calendar on the Torah Calendar website, today (Sat 5/11/19) at sunset in Israel (7:26PM local Jerusalem time, which equates to 1126 AM CDT) marks the beginning of Pentecost as Sivan 6.  It would run to sunset tomorrow night (Sunday 5/12).  So, IF the Lord were to come for His people today, it could be argued that He did so on the 70th anniversary of Israel at Pentectost!  That, in my finite little mind, would fit perfectly.  Maranatha!!!:flyup:

Posted : May 11, 2019 5:05 am