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Random Rapture Thoughts

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I just wanted to create a place where we can share short simple random thoughts pertaining to the Rapture or anything related to Bible prophecy for that matter that we might have throughout our day. I'll go first.

If the Rapture doesn't happen this year I wonder if it might not happen until Israel is about to turn 81

Posted : May 4, 2019 3:30 am
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I’m glad you started this thread ... still hoping and praying it happens in 2019 ...  but if not ...

Tom has a thread about the 80 year marker ... 1948 + 80= 2028 - 7 = 2021 as a possible high watch time ... At the last trump ... Inauguration Day falls on January 20, 2021 at 12:00 pm on the dot the changing of the presidents or if Trump gets a 2nd term ... the ceremony lands on a Wednesday (Jewish Wedding day ... according to Yohanan’s research ... not mine)

But I also saw this statement yesterday on the RITA facebook side and it has me pondering if the calculations should also include Jubilee cycles in the formula as well?  This guy is thinking it might happen in year 2022?  Gasp!

Just curious ... your formula on how you’re coming up with the high watch date near 81?


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Posted : May 4, 2019 4:18 am
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Also ... do any of you  have rapture dreams?  If so, I’m curious what you eat before going to bed? Check out this guy on the RITA facebook side.  Can you believe he just had his 6th rapture dream!!!   I would give anything to just have 1 dream.  Can someone ask him what he eats right before he goes to sleep?  Thanks.

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Posted : May 4, 2019 5:26 am
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Thanks Geri7 for replying ! And feel free to post on here all you want : )

As you probably know Psalm 90:10 says "The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away."

So if 70 - 80 years is an average life span of a generation I was thinking that maybe the Rapture would happen or better yet that the tribulation would end sometime before Israel turns 81 at the latest.


Posted : May 4, 2019 5:57 am
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I've had a couple of dreams where I knew the rapture was about to happen but then I woke up before it did lol

Posted : May 4, 2019 6:02 am
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One of my rapture thoughts these days is tied to some very practical ramifications.  I am booked to get on a plane early Thursday morning, 5/16, to fly to California for my daughter's graduation from law school.  That's two days after Israel's 70th year back in the land rolls into its 71st anniversary.  Will I even be here to make that trip on Southwest Airlines, or will I have already departed on an earlier flight via Air Yeshua destined to Abba Township?  I am going to spend some time getting ready for the natural trip this weekend by digging out my luggage, etc., but I cannot help but seriously wonder if this is an exercise in futility.  Full disclosure, the trip would be bittersweet at best and there's a part of me that is not looking forward to it if I am still here.  I want to celebrate and honor my daughter for her significant accomplishment, but our relationship has deteriorated so much over the past 5-10 years that it is also a heartbreaking proposition.  It really stinks when you have tried to be a good earthly dad, invested so much in your child in both spiritual and material ways, and sacrificed for them to give them the best life you could, only to have them essentially push you out of their life.  Very painful.  I think this is how God the Father must feel times billions.  My consolation is that I do truly believe she knows the Lord.  Even if our relationship were much closer to what I expected and hoped it would be, it would be a no-brainer to prefer to meet Jesus in the air and go to Abba's house rather than travel to the insane land of California to celebrate my daughter's accomplishment.  It's a challenge for me to try to get mentally and spiritually prepared to go to California when another part of me is seriously contemplating the possibility of being harpazoed before then.  Yet another symptom of my ongoing affliction with what I have come to call Rapture Schizophrenia.  Maranatha!!!

Posted : May 4, 2019 6:12 am
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I was just thinking about Matthew 24:34 When Jesus says "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled"

Well God only has to keep 1 Jew from that generation alive till the end of the tribulation to keep that statement true.

If God wanted to He could keep 1 Jew from that generation alive for as long as He wanted to and really drag this thing on for a lot longer.

Posted : May 4, 2019 6:17 am
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You’re so kind Leaving Soon.  Thank you!  : )

So you feel the church might have to wait until the total of 80 years without minusing out 7 years?  The only thing with that theory is ... things seem to be really hot right now in the Middle East and I’m not sure how long the G/M forces are going to sit idle at the border.  Its got to be expensive to keep the troops over there.  Plus each week its becoming the norm that we are hearing about more Israeli oil/gas discoveries as well as them making big deals with other countries.  Oh and a huge batch of Russian oil is now contaminated so that revenue just tanked for a few European countries. I’m also personally waiting for a big earthquake in Syria so the Lord tips the earth and drains what is left of the Syrian oil  over to the Israeli side.  I wonder about the tolerance level of the bear and turkey ... are we close to seeing them both in agreement to charge over the mountain? :whistle:


Posted : May 4, 2019 7:13 am
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Oh how frustrating that must have been!  Do you recall what you ate before you went to sleep?  I’m just wondering if people tend to O.D. on a particular food?  I would then start hoarding that food  item for sure!  Or were you watching a few end time DVD’s or reading something that would trigger them?

Posted : May 4, 2019 7:20 am
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Interesting theory there because there were only Noah and his 7 family members on the ark before judgement came.

There was always a small remnant of believers down through the ages ... and I used to believe the “alive and remain” group was greater in number ... but I’m now leaning more the ratio of “dead in Christ” group is far greater.

Posted : May 4, 2019 7:35 am
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For all of the reasons you just stated. It definitely looks like and seems more likely that the Second Advent will happen before Israel turns 81

So if the Second Advent happens during Israel's 80th year at the latest and also happens during the fall that would place the second advent no later than fall of 2028 Minus 7 years and I would put the Rapture no later than 2021


Posted : May 4, 2019 10:42 am
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I can't remember lol But I do eat a lot of Chinese and Italian though : )

Posted : May 4, 2019 10:44 am
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Well IF every child 10 and under gets raptured that would be a billion souls right there : )


Posted : May 4, 2019 10:48 am
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Ha!  Well I can assure you its not the Italian meals because  I make chicken parmesan, eggplant parmesan, pizza, and various pasta dishes an awful lot and no dreams.  So it’s gotta be something in the ancient Chinese meals.  7 years ago I stopped cold turkey with eating Chinese take out meals because a former co-worker clued me in that they like to use road kill animals and cats.  He was dead serious and went down the list of their “popular” platters ... when they say hot off the grille .. they really mean from the grille of the car radiator.  Even innocent chicken fried rice is a meal you want to avoid at all cost.  Only a plate full of fortune cookies and slice oranges are safe to eat.  B-)

Posted : May 4, 2019 1:18 pm
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Good point. :good:

Posted : May 4, 2019 1:44 pm
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lol ! I just ate some chicken chow mein and some shrimp egg foo young about an hour ago

Posted : May 4, 2019 3:35 pm
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I have had only one what I know was a dream about the end of our time here. Also due to my health I eat a bland diet. As I read the news daily, and being basically home bound I read from many different sites. The evil in the daily news is unbelievable , even more so as fast as this is occurring . The hate in general and especially against Trump. The left never gave him even a day to see what type of president he would be, they just spewed hate from day one, and have not stopped. I pray with all my heart we are gone if he is not reelected . The left has made it clear they hate Christians
I posted my dream under dreams and visions a week or so ago if you care to read it. 2021 I see as possible, but I will be surprised if we are here much longer. One Democrat went as far as to say kill the baby now or kill them later after they grow up. That has to be the most evil thing to come out lately, lately because the evil seems to get worse every day. Just my thoughts but I see us going home soon, I pray so. Come Lord Jesus.


Posted : May 4, 2019 4:14 pm
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Lately I don't give too much thought on the date, but rather I am looking forward an event. That event is a middle east war during which God shall cut off three shepherds in one month. And if my interpretation of Zechariah 11:10 is correct, immediately after this war God shall call us home.

The best ideal situation is to have the war erupted in late May and early June. "One month" takes us to late June or June 28. June 28 is associated with my 1335 days timeline by counting 2520 days backward. Lately there is an escalating confrontation between Gaza and Israel. If this flares up the incoming war, I won't be surprised at all.

Posted : May 4, 2019 9:04 pm
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I can't help but wonder what the infamous "peace deal" has to do with it, if even at all?? Part of me sincerely feels this has been important, mostly because of the grand efforts involved, the secrecy to it, how long it has been in development plus how closely us watchers are watching it! It feels like part of the signs that are pointing towards tribulation- and it seems like it can't be insignificant?? maybe just wishful thinking....but the news in the last few days has caused an eyebrow to be raised...700 rockets flying from Gaza into Israel and today on the news they proclaimed to have intel that Iran was planning an attack on either us or our interests...and we are responding with an aircraft carrier....here's to hoping, so ready to go! Come Lord Jesus :prayer-hands:

Posted : May 6, 2019 9:48 am
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I keep wondering about this peace plan myself. Like could it be thee "covenant with many for one week" from Daniel 9:27 and we are out of here before it is officially unveiled. Or is it just another peace plan attempt that actually succeeds this time which divides the land and makes God mad enough to Rapture us home soon after or what ?

Posted : May 6, 2019 10:42 am
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Yikes!  If you suddenly get agita (heartburn) you know why.  If you made it from scratch, in your home, I reckon it is safe.  Went to a restaurant ... eek ... I’m so sorry. B-)

On a positive note ... perhaps you will have a fantastic rapture dream to share with us tomorrow?  Pulease make sure you get the date and time you flew away .... :whistle:

Posted : May 6, 2019 11:20 am
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My random thought. God created man on the sixth day which corresponds to our Friday. Will God call the church and the righteous home on the sixth day, and leaving the ungodly behind for purification and judgment?

Posted : May 6, 2019 11:25 am
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Here's another thought. June 28 falls on Friday. After 2520 days, it falls on May 22 2026 Friday again. May 22 is Shavuot. My belief is there shall be an offering on that day. Jesus being the High Priest, with gentiles and the remnant of Israel represent the two loaves of bread. They have become a new creation to God and accepted by God on that day. A new creation of men and women ( in spirit ) on the sixth day again.

Posted : May 6, 2019 12:04 pm
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Thanks :good:  I will mark down June 28th. :mail:

So many possibilities ... I think it was “so ready” who believes the rapture will occur on a Tuesday, Yohanan believes it will be on Wednesday and you believe it will be on a Friday. :popcorn

Posted : May 6, 2019 12:28 pm
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It seems God likes to deal with men on the sixth day. God created man on the sixth day. Since then men have gone astray and sinned. God dealt with their sin by sending His Son Jesus to die on the sixth day which corresponds to our Friday. May be it is true that God shall deal with human's sin by calling His church home on the sixth day, and paves way for the 7 years tribulation. At the end of this tribulation, there shall be a new creation of men and women ( in spirit ) on the sixth days again.

A note here, adding 2520 days to the sixth day / Friday, it always comes to the sixth day / Friday again.

6 is the number of a man,

Posted : May 6, 2019 1:09 pm
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I don't know what day of the week the Rapture will happen on but I can tell you that it might happen at around 6pm (eventide) Jerusalem time. Genesis 24:63

Posted : May 6, 2019 1:59 pm
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Geri7 , some hold the belief that the Jewish wedding either takes place on Tuesday or Wednesday. This is how they determine rapture should take place on Tuesday or Wednesday. But according to Revelation 19, the wedding Marriage Supper of the Lamb takes place at the end of tribulation right before Jesus returns to earth. Take my timeline for example, marriage supper of the Lamb takes place on Passover 2026 which falls on April 1 Wednesday. It matches the traditional Jewish wedding on Wednesday. And on next day Nisan 15 April 2 Thursday  Jesus returns to earth.

Posted : May 6, 2019 2:37 pm
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Imagine a really big joyous party. :good:

Posted : May 6, 2019 2:51 pm
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Yup,. sixth day creation, sixth day redemption, sixth day rapture, sixth day new creation of mankind. :yahoo: :yahoo:

Posted : May 6, 2019 5:18 pm
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Why that particular time? I always thought it might be at midnight Jerusalem time because of the scripture about the shout of the bridegroom coming at midnight, but I am interested in hearing your thoughts?  :yes:

Posted : May 6, 2019 8:05 pm
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