Hello siblings, A woman at my church has too many struggles. I don't know her story, I only heard bits and pieces. Here is what know: she has been abused by her family then when she was a child or teenager was sent to a doctor who came up with some silly diagnoses and she ended up in a psychiatric facility. at the facility she got abused and probably over drugged which caused her more emotional and physical problems. a doctor (or doctors) wrote some damaging report about her. I read part of it. It was really bad. she was accused of things: being an addict, attention seeking, not cooperating,... all doctors have access to that report so doctors are either refusing to have her as a patient or not treating her well when she goes to them. I told her yesterday that I know of a doctor who is a born again Christian and gave her his contact info. She said her doctor is treating her well and has vouched for her honesty but that damaging report is still out there and causing problems. she is so badly being mistreated by doctors and hospitals. she is put on so much meds, including opioids, the level of pain in her body is at times intolerable. they are subjecting her to unnecessary exams and procedures. she is in a wheelchair (because of mobility issues) yesterday she was in distress at church. she is losing her faith, did not want prayer and was crying and shaking. I emailed a lady from my life group telling her that we need that damaging report to be gone, maybe we can pray that the doctor (s) get exposed for their lies and lose their license. this way ( I think) the report would not be credible anymore. she emailed me back immediately saying: wow! that was what she was thinking about. I think there is also a lot of spiritual warfare going on. Something bad happened to me after I started praying regularly for her so I think there is something going on, however that thing got resolved. thank God. However, I keep asking God for protection as I pray for her and command the devil not to retaliate. thank you so much. :prayer-hands: Thank you so much Loz. Not that it's an issue relative to our praying, Heidi, but I was wondering if she herself has prayed to receive Jesus as her Savior. In any case I'll pray for that too. That would be even more important even than clearing her earthly records, particularly if Jesus is just days, weeks, or a couple months away. I would guess that since she was hostile about the idea of prayer, that she might be a believer, but one who is seriously disappointed at God. :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: MyWhiteStone, she is part of my life group and I think she is saved, however, she was in so much distress yesterday that she did not want prayer. she said she is losing her faith and does not believe anymore. I think she is very disappointed and confused. Thank you so much for your prayers. Thank you Blake. :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: Thank you very much Geri and Regina.