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Bon Appetite? What’s for dinner at your house?

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Thought I would start a fun thread on food, delicious sumptuous food.  Even if the prophetic news slows down ... this thread should, hopefully, stay alive ... unless ... ahem ... you’re all fasting. B-)   If your main meal is not dinner please feel free to share what you made for breakfast or lunch.  If you plan on going out to eat ... name the restaurant or fast food place and what you think you plan on ordering ... oh ... and don’t forget dessert. :yes:


Ok ... today I’m making a small pot of chili ... very mild mild chili so my puppy dog can have some. :whistle:    Will also bake a potato and add the butter, chives, chili, shredded lettuce and cheddar cheese. :yahoo:    Drinking a tall glass of ice tea to wash it all down.  Then later for dessert - 2 scopes of pistachio ice cream on a sugar cone.

Posted : August 1, 2019 6:39 am
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For dinner ...  Cheese Burger  top with roasted red peppers, Homemade Coleslaw, Cape Cod Kettle Potato Chips and A&W Root Beer Soda.

Posted : August 13, 2019 10:30 am
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Dinner:  Eggplant Parmesan  ... its made NOT with traditional bread crumbs but with flour ... this makes it light and melts in your mouth.  Ooh la la delicious!

So simple to make ... just wash and peel the eggplant.  Cut into thin slices.

Cover with flour and then in the egg mixture.  Heat up the frying pan with lite olive oil made for baking and frying.  Keep in the hot oil until light brown.  Layer corning-ware glass dish with tomato sauce, eggplant, mozzarella cheese.  Put dish in the microwave for 1 - 2 minutes to melt the cheese and warm up the sauce and Voila.


Posted : August 15, 2019 9:19 am
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Looks like it will be Tacos tonight and Apple Crisp with 1 scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream for dessert.

Posted : August 20, 2019 8:10 am
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I skipped breakfast and lunch ... made homemade pizza at 3:00 so that is my early dinner.  Also made an Ice Cream Float ... with Root Beer Soda and 2 scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream.

Posted : August 22, 2019 1:50 pm
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What is your greatest dish that you make?  Do you enjoy cooking, or just prepare quick meals to satisfy?  If I were to show up for dinner, what would you fix? Guess who's not coming for dinner, but would like to?


Posted : August 23, 2019 10:31 am
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I keep it simple ... only Italian and normal American meals. I stick with easy meals and cut the recipe in half so I don’t OD on one particular food.  I sometimes use the crock pot - makes great comfort meals like ... beef stew and a few chicken dishes.  My motto is  “I stay away from all fish, turkey and sausage” :whistle:   I make meatball sandwiches with French bread - my dog’s favorite. I break up the bread and just give him small pieces to go with his meatball.  I don’t bother making homemade tomato sauce because I found the best sauce already prepared in a jar called “Rao’s” Marinara Sauce.  They have a NYC restaurant and another one out in Las Vegas so perhaps a local grocery store on the West Coast sells it too?  Its costly though but well worth it.  About $9.00 - $10.00 a jar so I wait for a sale - $7.00 - $8.00 and then stock up.  I only use half a jar per meal and freeze the other half.  Its been a while (4 years) since I last made roast beef, prime ribs, or ham so if I go out to a restaurant that has a smorgasbord ... this is what you will see on my plate!   I tend to make a lot of chicken parmesan, eggplant parmesan, various pasta meals (stuff shells  vs. lasagna) because they are quick and easy to control the portion sizes.  My favorite fun meal to prepare would have to be pizza. :yes:    If having guests over ... I would ask a head of time what they feel like having.

I actually prefer baking desserts over cooking.  I make Italian Struffoli a lot.  Its cinnamon dough rolled into tiny balls and fried quickly in olive oil ... its not soggy at all ... then you melt honey and pour on top and then shake some tiny candy sprinkles on top.  Yum!  My family goes nuts for it.  I’m using Dom DeLuise’s recipe ... because his calls for cinnamon.  I can’t find my cookbook (its in one of the many moving plastic containers in the basement) ... and I’m craving carrot cake right now.   I bake small batches of brownies - Betty Crocker has the packages for only 99 cents and you just add 1 egg, small amount of oil, 2 tablespoons of water and walnuts.  That is it.  I also have an out of this world Chocolate Cake recipe to die for ... so moist ... taste like pudding inside.  Love to make homemade sponge cake as well - both cakes are decorated  with 2 layers of whipping cream, strawberries, pineapple, peaches.  Yum!   I also love to bake all kinds of cookies, ginger bread/ ginger snaps are my favorite.  In heaven I rather be baking desserts and being a judge in tasting meals and desserts.  : )

Oh and one of my favorite salads is called “Where’s Waldorf? Salad” by Rachel Ray - the recipe is still online, if you google it.   It is soooo good ... taste almost like a dessert.  I left out the ground cardamom and it still turned out great. B-)

Posted : August 23, 2019 2:53 pm
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Always start with dessert, we could be outta here at any time!

Those Italian desserts sound wonderful.  Ever try sugar instead of sprinkles.  One of my favorite doughnuts is brown sugar cinnamon!  Also like powdered sugar doughnuts and double dipped glazed sugar!  Chocolate truffle is also a great topping.

Given your fare for Italian food, are you Italian?  My daughter makes a decent carrot cake, but I like spice cake even more.  I love most pastries as a rule.  The flakier the better!

Chocolate milk is one of my favorite drinks, I drink a lot of soda's as well.  I could down a quart of milk with each meal.  Love beef, chicken, pork and ham, and gravies!  Potatoes of every ilk, baked scalloped, tater tots, hash browns, etc.  Love cole slaw, rice, squashes, salads.  I'll eat anything with onions and garlic in it!

You just can't beat simple food that is well cooked and prepared!



Posted : August 23, 2019 3:50 pm
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LOL  desserts first indeed.  I couldn’t agree more!  :good:  Ditto with the jelly donuts with brown sugar on top ... then 2nd favorite are jelly donuts with the white powdered sugar and then the glazed donuts especially from Krispy Kreme.  Mmmm ... Chocolate Truffle topping sounds delicious too.   I haven’t made Zeppole in a while - that is more like a donut that you fill with either custard, jelly or  gasp ... “anchovy” :negative:  and then sprinkle powdered sugar on top.   I love flaky pastries too ... apple turnovers, etc.  Yum!

Yes, I have Italian and Sicilian heritage so pasta meals were always on the table along side with the turkey for Thanksgiving ... Roast Beef or Ham and pasta dishes for Christmas and Ham and pasta dishes for Easter.  We were fortunate to have Italian bakeries near by while growing up so we would pick up the French loaf bread and Italian pastries for those family gatherings.  I love them all ... cannoli’s, biscotti cookies, etc.

Wow, you really love milk!  LOL    I don’t think I ever had spice cake ... I will have to check out the ingredients and see what the difference is between that and carrot cake.  I wonder if its the same ingredients but just missing the carrots?  I also like Zucchini Bread ... to me it taste a lot like carrot cake.

Yep, the staple foods - beef, chicken, pork and ham are the best and can’t go wrong!  I love potatoes prepared all different ways too.  Baked with all the toppings, French Fries, Mashed, Scallop or Au Gratin.  I do like rice and miss the Chicken fried rice from Chinese restaurants.  I should learn how to make that at home since I refuse to go to the restaurants ever since I heard about them using road kill animals. :wacko:

I’ve been doing more cole slaw salads lately because a head of lettuce around here is over $2.50 and a bag of cole slaw is only $1.50.  Yes, sweet onions and garlic are needed to enhance the dishes.  If the stores have sales on frozen meals - sometimes I will pick up a few of those.   I keep plenty of soups on hand for days I don’t feel like cooking - its always a good stand by.   And, of course, jars of peanut butter and jelly. B-)

All this talk about food ... I’m getting hungry now ... I skipped lunch so I will have to figure out what to have for dinner ...  I’m thinking of a baked potato with sour cream, chives, butter and cheddar cheese.


Posted : August 24, 2019 11:05 am
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What about veal parmeseano?!  I'm not good at Italian but let me try this:

Ti violo bani or ti ama amour!  Caio bella! Molta bueno.    I liked Dom Deluise and my favorite growing up was Dean Martin. Forgive my butchering of the Italian language.

I love linguine and marinara sauce.  Then some finely chopped garlic in olive oil and balsamic vinegar for dipping my French bread into.  Don't forget the olives!  Again some scampi is awesome.

Thankfully I have a small appetite and fortunately I'm not a big or heavy person.  I'm French all the way.  My family has at least 10 generations in Canada.  My last name is traced back to a region in southern France called Aix en Provence.  French was my first language, I haven't kept up on it!

We moved to Calif when I was three years old.  Being born in the 7th month I was sickly as a child.  My health was used as an excuse to migrate west.  Been here ever since.

If and when I eat fish apart from shrimp or lobster, it must be fresh water, and then again not that often!

Let's not forget about carob!  Or divinity!  Love fudge also!

Thanks for the appetite booster.




Posted : August 24, 2019 1:16 pm
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Veal parmesan?  Nope, totally off the list.   Not too many like that cut of meat.  Those that do like it seem to order it when they are at a restaurant.

No worries ... I don’t speak Italiano ... except for “Mama Mia” and if someone is annoying me I will tell them “you’re really giving me Agita”

Linguine and marinara sauce ... Yum!

One time at a Cape Cod restaurant someone at my table dared me to at least try one tiny bite of lobster dip in butter and breaded shrimp on their plate - I accepted the dare and .... boy was I extremely glad I ordered thee juicy Prime Ribs that night.

Finely chopped garlic in olive oil and balsamic vinegar and a side dish of olives with French bread ... oh yeah ... now you’re talking! Good Stuff.  How about  Bruschetta?  Sliced Mozzarella, onions, tomatoes, arugula all coated in olive oil on top of toasted French Bread?  Hmmm delicious!   Sometimes I make a small Bruschetta pizza pie.

Cool that you were able to do your heritage linking back to south France!  Do you eat a lot of French meals?   My knowledge of French foods is very limited  ... I love French Toast, French Fries, French Bread, French pastries.

Both Carob and Fudge sound divine!  I’m 100% positive all kinds of chocolate will be inside the gates of heaven!  B-)


Just had early dinner ... not very hungry ...  cooked a small batch of spaghetti ... no tomato sauce ... just sprinkled some Romano Cheese on top and small glass of Raspberry Lemonade.

Posted : August 25, 2019 12:13 pm
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I just had some linguine and marinara sauce for lunch.  Don't eat Parisian french, mostly American.  Given the clues you gave I figured you to have some Italian blood.

At some time we were probably neighbors!  Oh well.  I tried what little Italian I knew.  "I love you" in northern and southern Italian dialects. You could probably figure out the rest.  I don't find self esteem in my ancestral line, but rather will glory in whatever ancestors were Godly!

I can imagine that at the marriage supper of the Lamb, the Lord will have each of our favorite dishes spread out before us!  And not have to worry about weight, calories or cholestoral.

God has given us many things that we take pleasure in, food is but one of them!



Posted : August 25, 2019 12:59 pm
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Nice lunch :good:

Ha ... yeah distant neighbors of long ago ... the way I look at it ... we were all distant cousins from one of Noah’s 3 sons. :yes:    I can’t wait to see the lineage books in the library in heaven.  Looking forward to reading the family tree and the testimonies of those who got saved.

Yep its going to be grand to have all our favorite dishes and desserts at the  marriage banquet table and not having to worry about calories or if the food will cause agita. B-)

Posted : August 26, 2019 5:37 am
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Again, it will be cool to break bread with all the saints.  I have no doubt that we all have some not so pleasant relatives in our family tree's.  But what a joy to go back to Adam and Eve!

Wonder what their favorite food was?  So many things to wonder about since man was created!  So many things to learn when we get to Heaven about eternity past, present and future!

Later Cuz!


Posted : August 26, 2019 7:34 am
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I would imagine early on Adam and Eve’s diet was mainly fruits, nuts and veggies and perhaps eggs and I’m sure they were milking the cows so they must have enjoyed drinking fresh milk and/or the fruit juices.   I wonder if they learned how to make butter, sour cream, cream cheese, etc to spread on their bread?  And how about ice cream?  Then after the fall ... they added lamb, chicken, deer, cow meat to their dinner plates. :yes:

Today is my puppy dog’s birthday!  So I’m going to spoil him with some steak and garlic mash potatoes. :whistle:

Posted : August 26, 2019 2:57 pm
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Bark, bark.  Can I have some?  How old is your dog? What breed?  What's his name?


Posted : August 26, 2019 3:43 pm
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LOL ... well the birthday boy wasn’t in a sharing mood.  He gobbled up his steak and mash potatoes sooo quickly. Then he came over begging for mine so I caved and gave him more.  He is a Toy Fox Terror Terrier and turned 4.

This was taken on March 1st ... that morning I was singing “We’re marching to Zion beautiful beautiful Zion, we’re marching upward to Zion the beautiful City of God!”  We expected the rapture that day ...  so he quickly packed his bag of goodies and toys so he could share with his big brother ( a twin) up in heaven and said “Let’s Go!”


Posted : August 27, 2019 9:37 am
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We have a mini poodle, champagne colored, his name is Cody!  My wife's dog.  About 10 yrs old.


Posted : August 27, 2019 11:06 am
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Aw mini poodles are adorable ... they think they are human.  I noticed you clearly wrote “your wife’s dog” :mdrmdr:    I’m sure she is looking forward to seeing him again in heaven ... but you on the other hand ... from prior posts couldn’t care less, eh?  B-)     Have you ever ponder your future job duties in eternity?  Would you be terribly upset if you were given dog watch and clean up duties? 😉

Posted : August 27, 2019 12:21 pm
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Ya really know how to hurt a guy!

I tolerate pets, I choose to not be in a personal relationship with one.   Pet's are fine as pets, and some enjoy them, that's cool.  But when they demand as much care and attention as a human toddler while yet never growing, I loose interest.  Sorry.  Too time consuming for me.

As I have said, cat's and dog's are half and half.  Half cute, half pain in the butt.



Posted : August 27, 2019 1:10 pm
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I choose to give my emotional attachments to pets of the human nature.  As such I get to choose also with whom and when.

There does seem to be an equal division of those who tolerate and those who love pets.  Again, I enjoyed many a fish tank, and many a caged bird.  Where the level of emotional attachment was minimal and non demanding.



Posted : August 27, 2019 1:29 pm
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Hee hee ... no just bracing myself just in case we are assigned job duties we don’t like.  We know Jesus does have a sense of humor ... perhaps the rules are we can switch the job assignments we don’t like with others that do?  Hey, if you’re assigned to dog watch and care duties, no worries I will gladly switch with you in a heartbeat but you will have to take on the awful chores of both barista :negative: and fish sticks frying  :negative: because I seriously feel I’m going to end up with these assignments. Cry
Cats seem to be extremely independent and don’t need a lot of care.  Puppy dogs though do want your sole attention 24/7. That’s why they are man’s best friend.    :yes:

Tonight will be a repeat of steak, garlic mash potatoes, will add hot garlic bread  and vanilla pudding with whip cream for dessert.

Posted : August 28, 2019 11:22 am
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Better yet Geri7

How about when we get to Heaven God makes all females male, and all males here on Earth females in Heaven.

Though in the flesh there will not be male and female, perhaps a role reversal in spirit would be in order!

I know I'm goofy, now you don't have to say it.


Posted : August 28, 2019 1:14 pm
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Woohoo ... there is a sale on lettuce  ... so its ... BLT sandwiches tonight minus the mayo on toasted French bread.  For dessert ... I’m baking a Pistachio pudding 2 tier layered cake with sour cream frosting.

Posted : August 30, 2019 7:02 am
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Yum on the BLT


Posted : August 30, 2019 12:03 pm
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Wow its been a while since I last posted in this thread.

Today I skipped breakfast ... so for lunch I’m having a garden salad - iceberg lettuce, tomato, black olives, cucumbers, cheddar and mozzarella cheese, walnuts, and raisins with Olive Garden Italian salad dressing.  The local grocery store sells their brand - so I thought I would treat myself.  Also made some garlic bread.

For dessert ... preparing a Black Cherry soda ice cream float. :whistle:

Posted : September 15, 2019 8:53 am
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Today I used my crock pot.  I threw in 2 chicken breasts with 1 can of cream of chicken soup (don’t add water).  Peeled and chopped up the potatoes, onion, added frozen peas and string beans (I normally include carrots but was all out) seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder.  4 hrs later .... mmmm ... sooo good.  Gave some to my dog too, he inhaled it.  We have left overs for tomorrow. :whistle:    I also made some garlic bread.

Dessert later on will be waffles and ice cream.  Toasting 2 small frozen Eggo waffles then will add 2 scoops of pistachio ice cream in between.

Posted : September 16, 2019 12:41 pm
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Breakfast at Denny's and then baked some breaded shrimp for dinner yesterday.  Also had an eclair for desert.  Spaghetti for tonight.


Posted : September 16, 2019 4:57 pm
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Yum!  I used to love going to Denny’s.  I have to drive a distance to get to one around here but when we went on vacation or shopping in NY we would often go there.  Very delicious meals at reasonable prices and their service was fast.  Loved their slam breakfasts and lunch/dinner T-bone steaks with onion rings!

Oh that eclair sounds sumptuously delicious as well as the spaghetti ... enjoy your meal tonight!

Posted : September 16, 2019 5:15 pm
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Making Bruschetta on toasted French Bread.  The topping is arugula, olive oil, mozzarella cheese and tomatoes.

Dessert will be a few boxes of Cracker Jacks. :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

Posted : September 20, 2019 9:23 am
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How about a few boxes of chocolates!


Posted : September 20, 2019 12:44 pm
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