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You Know What Is Awesome?

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I’ve been looking for His return since I read Late Great Planet Earth in 1970. And yes there have been a few times of discouragement. Just look around. Things are deteriorating. Another sign. Our watching may not be perfect, but it’s better than not watching. We are doing great here at RITA, in my opinion. Let’s continue to encourage each other. I know I need you all. I’ve turned to this site numerous times when I’ve felt down. So let’s keep looking up together. I hope I don’t sound critical. Just trying to help. Love to all. Kent 

Posts: 816
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Joined: 4 years ago

And Humbly, you have been a real blessing. 

Posts: 816
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Joined: 4 years ago

And furthermore, 😁, there is a big difference between “I wonder if He will come on such and such a date based on the meaning of a Feast Day,  and setting a definite date. I for one enjoy the speculation and anticipation. And I am learning about the Bible. I don’t consider that date setting at all. It’s fun to discuss the possibilities. 

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I agree that there are a lot of people out there looking for attention. That goes for any group imaginable. Discernment is needed. But I stand with Kent on this where he said "What kind of Bride would we be if we weren’t excited about when the Groom is coming." Exactly! I love the Lord Jesus and I despise living in a sin-soaked world with incredibly corrupt governments, yet that is what the Lord has for us right now, we are born into this time, and He expects us to tell others about the saving grace of His Son. That is what we are to do while we wait. But how could we not be excited about being with Him soon when we see so many signs around us. I'd rather be near people who are trying to interpret the signs even when they are wrong than those who want to go out drinking and partying. I will add that I am not now, nor have I ever been, interested in numerology or esoterica or secret words from the Lord or anything that is not available to all. God gave the Bible to everyone. So keep watching brothers and sisters. Keep your spirits up. I truly believe that it pleases God that we watch diligently for His return. 

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