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You Can Be Forced To take the Vaccine

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Delusion is as delusion does!

Eternity is like a box of firebrands, without Christ you never know what you might get!

Eternity - it happens!

Fly Forest, fly :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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I agree.  The rise of the machines are coming.   I was just watching a youtube about a Covid swab test being performed by an AI robot  ... totally creepy and looks painful with the long Q-tip being jabbed up the guy’s nose. :wacko:  No mercy especially if the machine malfunctions and goes haywired.  By mid point of the trib its looking more like these robot beasts will probably be administering the mark of the beast.  Like clock work they can perform it quickly.   You can tell the elite want to eliminate man from every occupation including the medical/dental.  Nobody’s  occupation is secure ... I wouldn’t at all be shocked if the AC’s army consists of a whole bunch of A.I. robots taught to shoot when they think its necessary ... what can possibly go wrong? :wacko:

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They certainly are making the NWO scarier and scarier. The near future on this earth certainly looks bleak.

Hopefully the dismantling of it by the New Age luciferians will take place at the start of the Tribulation. They can do their reset after we are gone.

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If we are still here when operation warp speed starts I bet at least 99% of all people in America who identify as Christian will willingly take the vaccine.

The rest might not be given a choice. They might just have a few soldiers grab and hold refusers while someone injects them with the vaccine.

I heard someone talk about how they are using the census and the stimulus checks to find out who's alive, where everyone lives, and how many people are living in a certain place for all of this.

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They might just have a few soldiers grab and hold refusers while someone injects them with the vaccine.

I would definitely be one of the refusers. Unfortunately, unless the Holy Spirit intervenes, I will act in an very unChristian like fashion. The person coming at me with a needle will receive a kick they will not soon forget. Granted, I'm sure they will exact revenge on me and drive the needle deep, but I just cannot see myself taking it without quite a struggle.

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As of right now if the time comes I hope with the help of God I will be able to refuse it with all of my might also.

I had a dream a few weeks ago that people in the military were trying to get me to take the vax and when they asked me why I didn't want it I got real mad and yelled "Because I'm a child of God"

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Sadly most Christians have their heads in the sand about the dangers of the vaxx so yeah ... if we are still here for the roll-out ... the clueless Christians will be first in line. :negative:

Funny that you should mentioned the Census and stimulus checks being used to see who is alive and where they are living.   At the grocery store today (the headquarters of this store is not to far from Albany, NY where Governor Cuomo is stationed) the loud speaker interrupted the heavy metal music to say “Just a reminder its not to late to complete the 2020 Census to shape your future.  We need your help in completing the census or your local community won’t get as much federal money for student loans and education, highway construction, food stamps ... so please complete by September ... because we care.”  Meanwhile remember to stay 6 ft apart, follow the one way arrows and wear your masks.” Then it was back to heavy metal music.   I about lost it with “we care”.   I started to laugh ... meanwhile they are trying their hardest to keep the schools closed this fall and there is still shortages of food (lots of shelves are at half capacity)  so what good will the food stamps be  this winter ... when the people who qualify for them can’t redeem them when the shelves are completely empty!  And they are certainly not repairing any roads - the pot holes are bigger than ever.

:prayer-hands:  we are out of here mid September and walking on golden streets!



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Amen to that!


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Geri as you seem to go to the grocery a lot, you gonna be ok that there might not be a grocery store in the heavenlies? :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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