Ever hear of the Satmar hassidic community? Five Doves' Fay's article entitled "Rabbi Connected to Clintons Lands in Jerusalem to Destroy Israel." Two other articles cited I've not yet looked at are there in Fay's contribution. But this is so way out there! I had no idea. Some kinda enemies! Lemme know what you think. Fay's post is http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/nov2019/fay1124-2.htm The Satmar rabbi who visited London I believe went to see Lord Jacob Rothschild. There is a government within the government here in America as well as in England and it looks like Israel is the same. The Rothschild family have been controlling this world’s system with the permission of satan (their god) and financing every war since the Battle of Waterloo right up to the present time. Lord Jacob Rothschild is the head of Council of Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Meetings, etc. and the elite masons attend these meetings and are given orders to follow. Their one goal is to bring in the New World Order utopia with their AC at the helm. The 13 satanic families are: Ironically its been said that Hitler had Rothschild blood. His grandmother worked as a young maid in Salomon Mayer von Rothschild mansion in Vienna, Austria and was raped by him. Insider news is the Rothschild family placed Hitler in power and gave orders to knock out the Jews because they were getting too powerful in the banking industry in Germany and the Rothschild banking family felt threaten plus the elite love to keep the population down - this is why they are all for promoting abortion, gay lifestyle, drugs that make you sterile, etc. While buying DVD’s from a Christian distributor he revealed to me over the phone that President Kennedy got saved in March 1963. He has a friend who worked in the White House and was a young man at the time. He heard President Kennedy say this while meeting in the Masonic Lodge, 13 blocks from the White House. President Kennedy said “I can no longer meet here ... I am now a born again Christian”. He also tried to shut down the Federal Reserve Bank (which is controlled by the Rothschild family) so this is why he got assassinated. I saw old black and white newsreels of the President’s Prayer Breakfast and Billy Graham was preaching about Jesus and gave a salvation message and the cabinet members were looking down eating but President Kennedy was taking it all in and not eating. He often met with Billy Graham to play golf and Graham said Jack would always ask spiritual questions. One question was “do you believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to rule and reign on this earth?” Billy said “yes”. This question was big because these elite families are taught from the get go that they are going to put their man in power to rule the world. Note: John Kennedy Jr. also got saved after his mom died. Billy Graham said he was in a hotel and heard a commotion with the news reporters out in the hallway and when he opened the door and saw John Kennedy Jr. and his girlfriend he motioned for them to come in. John asked questions about his father and Billy was able to share the Gospel and that night Billy said John prayed to Jesus and got saved. John later was trying to find all those responsible for murdering his dad and writing articles in his George magazine. This ticked off the elite. For the Clintons to have ties to this Satmar Rabbi I’m not surprised. Lots of junk going on in the inner circle ... Certainly no surprises here. I believe that we shall soon feel more heat in our personal lives! I just lost my part time position at what I believed to was a faith based organization for openly sharing my Christian beliefs. Just recently learned that the two men who own this company are quite secular. My open sharing of beliefs seemed to leave a bad taste for these two men! Hopefully the Lord will continue to provide for my meager needs! This is a sign for me that we are indeed quickly approaching a "critical mass" of sorts. I believed that the Lord was preparing me in my spirit for more challenging days ahead! Personally I have also been under attack by the enemy as well. My strength in certain areas of my life seem recently to fail me! There is a slow unraveling taking place in the world, as like a thread being pulled like the undoing of a tapestry. Let's all keep our eyes and heart on the Lord God Almighty! TR Wow, Geri. Thanks. I guess I knew a bunch of those Rothschild and friends ideas and affiliations but I never before ran across the name or group Satmar dynasty. Velly intellestingh! For sure! Fay suggests these rabbis probably are the synagogue of Satan Jesus refers to in Revelation 2 and 3. TR, I hope that "slow unraveling" taking place in the world leads to a sudden rip, accompanied by the release of millions of saints into the air! Amen to that flight into Heaven! Certainly as the Lord divides the sheep from the goats there will be no room for discussion, as it will be apparent to everyone! The bigger and more glaring the division of souls the more justified the Lord will be in His judgments! A creator's heart for a shared relationship will either be fulfilled, or not! Christianity is not a religion, but rather a relationship. We are to live in the truth's that have already been given us, not constantly seeking out new truths and doctrines! The knowledge brought out by the Five Doves article is old news, but certainly needs to be revisited more often. Indeed Heaven or Hell will ultimately be of our choosing. As such, there will either be much gratitude and praise, or weeping and gnashing of teeth. Totally beyond my wheelhouse how any could ever think to walk away from God's love and provision, or decide to actively fight against Him and think they could ever walk away with winning hand?! Satan know his end already, he's just being vengeful and spiteful. Too bad his followers can't discern that as well! TR :prayer-hands: for provision for you TR and comfort. :prayer-hands: for the descendants of Jacob who do not know or believe what the prophets have said, who do not accept God's word. :prayer-hands: that they will have their heart prepared, softened, to pay attention to the 2 witnesses and 144,000. it says that 2/3 will be cut off. I'm hoping that even though only 1/3 make it through the time, that more will be saved than that before their life is over. maybe even some of those who are anti Israel now. Zechariah 13:8-9 New American Standard Bible (NASB) Praying for a new channel of divine provision to get you across the harpazo finish line TR, in the Name of our Savior, Yeshua Ha Mashiach!!! Please send manna for TR, Abba God. Until we come eat at Your place! Amen and thanks! TR :prayer-hands: T.R. that the Lord supplies you with another part-time job you will love. Don’t get discourage by those shallow former co-workers ... keep sharing your faith with others. You’re going to be rewarded greatly. His mercies are new every morning! One of His greatest is being able to share my heart with all the dear hearts here at RITAN! Getting to know and cherish each one of you all! God is good, and may His goodness attend each of your hearts today! TR
Bundy (serial killer Ted Bundy)
Collins (Joan and Jackie Collins)
Reynolds (Debbie Reynolds, RJR Nabisco)
Russell (founders of the Watchtower Jehovah Witness cult)
Van Duyn
Merovingian (royalty family)
8 “It will come about in all the land,”
Declares the Lord,
“That two parts in it will be cut off and perish;
But the third will be left in it.
9 “And I will bring the third part through the fire,
Refine them as silver is refined,
And test them as gold is tested.
They will call on My name,
And I will answer them;
I will say, ‘They are My people,’
And they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’”
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