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Y-Chromosome Study Confirms Genesis Flood Timeline

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Patricia N.
Posts: 5232
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Joined: 6 years ago

I found this article on our sister site on Facebook posted by Thomas Maples:


"Based on biblical chronologies, we can determine that the global Flood recorded in Genesis occurred about 4,500 years ago.

After the Flood, the earth was repopulated by Noah’s three sons and their wives. So we should find genetic signatures of this timeline in human DNA. While a number of previous studies by both secular and creation scientists have supported this general timeline, a recent study using extensive newly available high-quality DNA sequence data for the human Y-chromosome spectacularly confirms the earlier research and solidifies the Bible’s history of modern human origins."

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Can we here just say — duh —- bout time they got a clue! Fact check - God is real, He created man in His own image, He created them male and female! But do you think you will hear this on MSM or in the secular education system, NO, of course not. Let the sheeple go in believing the lie. :wacko:

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(@Anonymous 394)
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Having taught Genetics for a number of years, this makes perfect sense!  Genetics supports Genesis. Thanks Patricia for the article.

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Yet people still believe that we are descended from pond scum. Lol.

The evidence is right there, staring them in the face.

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People don't want to take responsibility for who they are or how they behave and it seems they would prefer to have come from pond scum than to be answerable to a Higher Authority.

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The Bible's origins are irrefutable. Otherwise one is left looking for observable proof of evolution. Have you ever seen a monkey evolving into man walking down the street or seen a skeleton of one? I haven't. Nobody else has either.

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Interesting that God created the DNA of man .... Ecclesiastes 3:11 “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity  into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.”

Man may try to deny the existence of God, but God made sure man would know that God does indeed exist. Don’t you find it interesting that man must always acknowledge that to them God does not exist. Yet God is still in the forefront of their arguments and in the fowl use of His name in whom they don’t believe exists. One day soon they will come face to face with the one who created them, died for them, and loved them in spite of themselves.

