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would like your opinion on the last part of this article

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From  Rapture Ready


Here it is:

The similarities between this prophecy and government mandates forcing people to take a vaccine or lose their ability to provide for their family—in essence, to buy or sell—are striking. These tyrannical mandates, while not the mark of the beast, suggest the grooming of people for such an event—one that the Holy Spirit and the word of God warn to discern and resist. An example is in Acts 5:29, where the Apostles resist religious censorship, saying, “We ought to obey God rather than men.”

I would like your opinion on the  part  that is in  bold.

some Christians are taking the jab because of their job or needing to  do other stuff. However, we are expected to resist it. Right?

The Bible says: no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Is he  talking to Israel only or all of his children?

If  worse comes to  worse and the jab is forced  on us,  will no weapon against us prosper?  will God not allow  the jab to do any damage to us?

For Christians who took it, God can have mercy and protect them from harm but he might  not  be obligated cause they did not  do  as they were  supposed to or you could put it as "they tempted  God"

My main concern and question here:  if worse comes to worse and one  day we can't resist anymore  and  the  jab is forced on us, will God protect us  supernaturally from what is in it? Will no weapon formed against us  prosper?

I can't help thinking of a worse case  scenario and feeling scared

thank you


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We must first acknowledge God’s sovereign will!  Whether pertaining to general tribulations up to and including martyrdom!  From miscarriages to murder!

And then realize that the promise of no weapon formed against us shall prosper, is speaking of spiritual weapons primarily!

The fact that this vaccine and pre-conditioning efforts to usher in the Tribulation period is an assault against all mankind and not just Christians is most noteworthy!

I cannot judge those who have taken it!  But laud those saints who in the certain face of death refuse to deny Christ!  Yet many throughout time have done so and suffered torture and death!

God forbid that be diminished in any way!!!

Lest we forget even Israel, the apple of God’s eye has and will suffer tremendously!

Again our focus should not be upon our sufferings for Christ, but rather upon Christ who also suffered!

For our sufferings are also our testimony!



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Whether or not one thinks that the vax is a good thing or a bad thing....everyone should be against the mandate because it is that aspect of it that is laying the foundation for forcing people to do something to be able to continue in society, which will eventually be the mark....that is what we should resist is the forcing of people to do things. Many people at this time are faced with the decision whether or not to get it, attempt religious exemptions or lose their job. Heidi, Tammie and I are all facing this at this time and each of us must do what we believe is best and that the Lord has put upon our hearts. Some have chosen to get it to keep their job, and this in no way affects their salvation or relationship with the Lord....and we have covered thoroughly how many of us feel this will affect our health and that is influencing our choices.  Sadly, we know that we will not be able to stop the tribulation or the AC from insisting on the mark. We know that many will be martyred instead of receiving the mark. What we can be thankful for is that we will not be here for this, we will be home in Heaven. And like Donna said on another thread, there isn't going to be much normal for much longer so we must be that much closer to going home.....and the Spirit and the bride say, Come Lord Jesus :prayer-hands:

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Churchgal, For sure those who took the jab will not lose their salvation. I am just thinking that we are not supposed to tempt God. If someone does something harmful  to their health and well-being (let's forget about the jab now) and if God protects them, then  he was being merciful.

I am just wondering what will happen if it is forced on us. For example, if you can't do anything anymore  without taking it (can't withdraw money from the bank, can't leave the house...........)  or even by force. Would God protect us supernaturally from what is in it? Imagine if on  top of what is being done to us, we also have to suffer a permanent disability and some horrific side effects too

when these thoughts come to me, I remember the story of the 3 Jewish guys that were thrown in the fire and were not burnt

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What I like to keep in mind is that no matter what happens to us here it is for the Glory of God. We must trust that He has our best interest in mind and what He allows us to endure  may be something we wouldn’t necessarily agree with. Always remember that this life is but a vapor and is not about our happiness, acquisitions, status, ease of living or anything else. Those are all fine but our purpose here is to prepare for our life in eternity. God never promised us easy living. In fact, He promised the opposite. Jesus told us we would face tribulations (NOT the Great Tribulation) in life. He told us the world would hate us. But if we put our faith in Him, no matter what we have to endure here, He will be with us and once in eternity we won’t even care to think about what we went through here. Trust Jesus. Press into Him. Pray often. Make the Holy Spirit your best friend. Praise Him through all things and if things get rough, press in harder. He will never forsake you.

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Heidi, you highlighted, "These tyrannical mandates, while not the mark of the beast, suggest the grooming of people for such an event—one that the Holy Spirit and the word of God warn to discern and resist."

These mandates and today's compliance aren't QUOTE ...one that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God warn to discern and resist. UNQUOTE  The warning from God is limited to Revelation 14:9-11, what the third angel warns at that time.

There are at that future time three conditions declared, all joined by "and" within both verses 9 and 11.  The first two conditions are about worship and the third condition is about receiving the mark.

Quoting (KJV) in verse 9, "...If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark..." , and then quoting in verse 11, "...who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name..."  Three conditions are listed.

Those are the only "warnings" the Rapture Ready article refers to.  The article is about today.  Don't worry about the symbolism or the spin of the article regarding the mark.  Neither you nor any other believer today will be called upon to heed that clear warning when the third angel declares it.

The evil rulers are indeed grooming the population of the world, and we believers are NOT in jeopardy.

Let not your heart be troubled...

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Well said Dan!  Thanks for being our ships rudder and guide through these wilderness days!

