I have posted here before wondering from time to time about whether some activity I am engaging in here on earth will be the last time I do so before the Harpazo. For example, we just renewed the vehicle registrations on our two cars for another year. Will I ever do that again? Don't know and hope not, but I wonder. In that same paradigm today, I find myself wondering if this could potentially be our last Monday here on earth before that Trumpet sounds, the dead in Christ are raised, and we who are alive and remain are caught up in the air to meet the Lord in the clouds? What would such a Monday feel like? Feels so surreal to even be writing these thoughts down. I live in a lovely suburban neighborhood and looking outside today, you would never know that the world was falling apart. It seems so peaceful and secure, even as I think with sincere gratitude on this Memorial Day about those who laid down their lives for this country and our freedoms, which are substantively eroding away before our very eyes. Yet, with the most commonly accepted date of Pentecost now just six days away (Saturday 5/30 Sundown to Sunday 5/31 sundown), it is not at all a stretch to think about how everything is in place to move forward with an end times global government scenario IMMEDIATELY upon the removal of the Restrainer. As I sit here in my make-shift home office, demonstrating classic symptoms of rapture schizophrenia, I alternate between applying online for new Project Manager job postings and authoring posts like this. I cannot help but wonder if this is how it would feel on the last Monday before we depart? I will apologize in advance to whomever ends up having to clean up this mess in my office. Lol. All kidding aside, the Spirit and the Bride say come. Maranatha!!! Watchman, you are not alone in your thoughts such as what you list. I ponder a lot of “is this my last time to do this or that...” I also live in a quiet, very pleasant neighborhood. It looks so peaceful out today. Thoughts of walking around the lake, except for the chill, why bother? Families not gathering for the traditional holiday Bar-b-ques seems to be the only sign of, this is a different year.... I did venture out to the store early this AM, less folks out, more still not wearing “the masks” - guess, folks are finally getting a clue. Smiles greeted me, instead of “the mask”, although I’m pretty good at reading the eyes :mdrmdr: have to be in my profession. I know, hard to believe, but people actually do try to lie to their practitioners. :calvin My family has a long line of military service folks, some killed in various battles, my husband was a 16 year veteran, my youngest daughter served in the Air Force, my son is active Army now, just returned from his second tour in the sand box. That’s my immediate family, lots of uncles, cousins, etc... I’m kind of a Red, white, and blue blooded patriot. I carry thoughts of sending my dad off to sea, as a child, standing on the cold piers, during the Vietnam era. Got new Apple watches as we will celebrate 45 years of married life on May 31, I asked why do I even bother to get the watches - I am sincerely praying to be gone! Working on the family vacation for July, whatever that will look like. Haven’t used or even opened the camper this year and typically we’ve been out several times already, but passed up a 4- day holiday this year! Will we even bother this year, was last year our last time to camp? Was Christmas our last family vacation. Should we plan on selling the house, maybe before we lose it. You are right so many thing up in the air, except us! :prayer-hands: :flyup: Funny how the mind works, I am constantly praying for the lost and asking the Father can we please come home “are we there yet mentality”, or what path should I take? My desire is to remain busy for Him, in His Will, but that is getting harder to discern what that even looks like. Just keep watching the eastern sky and listening is what my spirit hears, it is not easy, even in this slower pace that has been forced upon us (not that I’m complaining). Do you find you wake up more frequently at night, to listen and pray? :prayer-hands: Well done on 45 yrs of marriage! I will hit 44 yrs on July 31st. Indeed surreal on so many levels. Again, hoping dearly for Pentecost! Whether Pentecost or FOT, I still am believing which ever day it might be, the Lord will be gracious. And give us His ETA in advance! TR It’s been a quiet and peaceful weekend ... beautiful warm sunny weather. The calm before the storm. I got all my planting done so I’m now relaxing. Later this afternoon my condo neighbors are having a social distancing party on the back lawn. Its bring your own food/drinks/dessert ... use your own plates/utensils and park your lawn chair a safe distance away. Those who feel comfortable in wearing masks will continue to do so and those who don’t like to wear masks (like me) are still encouraged to attend. I don’t have to walk far so I will gather with them for a little while and eat my chicken cutlets that I cooked this morning. I will quickly heat up a bake potato in the microwave at the last minute. Also made a fruit salad - watermelon, strawberries, peaches, pineapple and for dessert I have miniature cupcakes from Walmart bakery. I will spend a little time with the unsaved and listen to what they have to say about the world troubles. Should be entertaining ... especially watching those with facial mask on as they try to eat and drink. B-) There is no doubt we are certainly in the countdown stage ... would be nice to fly out of here on Pentecost vs. having to wait until FOT. We aren’t positive, no proof, but I have often wondered if Enoch knew he was going up to be with the Lord on the very day he ascended. Noah knew on the day he entered the ark and God shut the door the flood was coming as promised. It was 7 days later, true but the door was shut. It seems that Elijah knew of his day to ride in a fiery chariot and Elisha as well knew, as other prophets seemed to have known and spoke of it to Elisha. Moses was told by God of both his brother Aaron’s day of death and his own. There are many things recorded in the Bible like this. King Hezekiah was sick unto death, he prayed, and God allowed him 15 more years of life (more than likely already God’s plan). So TR I’m not holding out for a sign, but can’t negate the fact there may be one. God is God and chooses to work according to His plan and desire for His purpose. I just am tired and want to go home! It’s crazier than crazy and going to get even more odd as we march toward the close of the church age, it’s like you want to say, get on with it then, my patience is spent...but I’m not the long suffering God, who would that none should parish and has everything mapped out perfectly. I can pray as Hezekiah did and plead “is it time today” :prayer-hands: please! Please! Let it be so! I’m a child with a finite brain, trying to discern an infinite, loving creator God, who has even the hair on my head numbered... According to His Will :prayer-hands: Geri, May God open a door for you to drip on your neighbors regarding His salvation message to help them in their fear of the unknown happening all around them. :prayer-hands: Enjoy your afternoon, mask free! Breath in all the fresh air, unlike those who will wear a mask becoming more hypoxic or hypercapnic, and heaven forbid if they are slightly sick with something, breathing all that germ back onto themselves, increasing the viral or bacteria load, therefore making their poor depleted immune systems (from the stay at home orders) fight harder, once they get sicker, they will certainly blame it all on the great gathering of today. It’s really the fault of wearing a mask....just saying! B-) :mdrmdr: Wonder if this will be your last neighborhood gathering before we leave? Pray it is so! :prayer-hands: Ditto to what you both have shared. Indeed I believe God to be a God of disclosure. Though not necessary, a gracious act on His part for sure. Again, I ask what would be the point of us remaning down here any longer?! Really! Perhaps our absence would precipitate study of God's prophetic plans prior to the plans of men?! Thereby thrusting people into the valley of decision beforehand. TR LOL ... too funny! So true with the facial masks being more harmful than good with the already depleted immune system. One neighbor responded back with declining since masks make them panicky. Then the person setting up the party caved and said if you don’t wish to wear a mask you can still attend but please remember to keep your distance. I think I’ll also reframe from wearing a Trump 2020 logo ... I don’t want to stir up the hornets nest ... :whistle: It hasn't hit me yet that we could seriously be out of here by the end of this week. I've been looking for a possible Pentecost Rapture since 2010 and have obviously been disappointed lots of times. Also every time we get close to Pentecost I start thinking and feeling nope not this year but maybe next year except this is the first year that looks to me like the Tribulation can seriously begin before this year is over. So maybe this is our last week on earth. If so I hope it goes by quick : ) on hebcal, 5 Sivan is Thursday May 28, Shavuot begins at sundown. 6 Sivan is Friday May 29.
What a totally different time we have all entered .... :popcorn :calvin :wacko: :prayer-hands:
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