Witnesses of.....
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Witnesses of.....

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What more shall we be witness to before our being called home?!  Indeed the foundations of the time of the AC are still being laid.  As the indictment of those who reject God and his messiah Christ continue to grow in scope and number!  Our hope of salvation only grows and intensifies!  The sooner the better!  TR

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Perhaps waiting for the U.N.  “peace and safety” speech dividing of Jerusalem?

Will it happen on the anniversary of November 22, 1969 when  the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 242, establishing the Arab-Israeli peace settlement?  Will Chrislam Abrahamic house in UAE have their grand opening ceremony on this day?

And 6 years prior on November 22 was the saddest day in U.S. history with the assassination  of JFK in Dallas 1963.

So will it become the saddest day in the world history when the rapture happens and chaos unfolds and the left behind will be left in shock and mourning?

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I wonder all the time how much more we will see. I never in my wildest dreams thought we would see what we're seeing now. But I know we won't see things too bad because at that point things won't be 'normal'. Generation2434 did a video about running out of normal. That gave me hope that we won't see the worst of things before we go.

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It’s hard to tell how much we will see but we are the last generation and a witness to the depravity of mankind at the end of the age. I’ve often wondered why I was born for this time. Is it to be a witness and a testimony of these times for ages to come? If so, how much more shall we see?

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Eating, drinking and given in marriage!  Eating is necessary for life, while human we shall always eat.  Drinking, could speak of the consumption of alcoholic beverages as escapism.  Whether normal, mixed or open marriage the institution continues!  With the whole world unraveling morally, politically and and the setting up of the AC kingdom is hardly what I call normal!   What then is meant by this verse?  I believe that it speaks to spiritual realities that will be in place.  In that the majority will not be looking towards God for any help or escape!  God by and large has always been rejected or put on a back burner so to speak!  Also reference the many "christians" who don't desire to see the Rapture in their lifetime as being so consumed by this life and it's allures!  Also remembering the people of Noah's day!  Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die mentality!  Any talk with regards to the mark of the beast, frightens many.  Lest we forget the "mark of Cain"!  TR


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I often think of JD when he would say that prophecy has a shelf life, things would either go back to normal or we would continue towards that day.....things can't keep going in the direction of the the tribulation period without eventually getting there. Ever since we starting seeing the scene being set up we have been consistently moving towards the day. We never thought the shelf would last this long or that we would see so much before we are removed. I think of all the new watchmen and their sense of urgency. In the last two years alone, there has been so many prophecy conferences, so many books and videos made that will be evidence for the left behind. If the Lord had come even two or three years ago, there would have been so much less available for the left behind to use. I also believe He allowed us to see some difficulties to make the willing wake up. I believe that part has been completed. I can't see us being here much longer.....but only the Lord knows. I am so ready to go Home.
