Evil men have already made their plans! Evil and wickedness will prevail once we and the Holy Spirit are lifted out of this Earth! They are seemingly waiting for the Rapture as well when they shall not be constrained! The Lord is mindful of their times as well! Why then should we be?! The next question is how long will the Lord take to finish the harvest?! How large does the Bride need to be?! And the last question, is why are we still here?!!!! How much then must the bride suffer as opposed to largeness of the bride?! Will there not be willing hearts to receive Christ seconds after the Rapture?! So what then is the cutoff point?! A calendar date?! These things are above me and not within my grasp! I can only know my own heart Lord!!! TR But we know and are confident that He WILL do what He has promised. He Will rescue and save us. Come Lord Jesus, COME! Father in Your Word it is written 'It is not the dead who praise the LORD'. Please may we stay in the living to praise You, Lord. :prayer-hands: Psalm 155:17 Indeed with a humble transparency I speak of things upon my heart. As like David I speak of both good and bad, faith and fear, doubt and confidence! May the Lord hear my heart! TR