So enjoying this thread ~ . . . too, I am thinking the 2 witnesses are Moses and Elijah ~ ~ Heaven having no 'time restraints', (at the Father's mere command) , these 2 entered earth's time zone in glorified bodies, ~ ~ their 'light' lessoned for Christ's dear disciples to 'withstand' such a Heavenly miracle, Moses and Elijah I think represented the Law and the Prophets then and will again for Israel . ~~ such an appearance no doubt was a great illustration, a 'foreshadow", a preview of our Lord's 2nd coming, as well as confirmation right there on the mount for such a time our God appointed . ~ ~~ no doubt a mission that thrilled these 2 blessed O.T. saints ~ Regardless who their identities are, they are the two witnesses of God's righteous dealings with Man. They will condemn and convict the hearts of men. While all the while exhorting the righteousness of God! What is not common is that it is with these witnesses that Lord himself divests himself of His sovereignty and gives them license to operate as they will! Few men have been given such license from the Lord! TR Given that the whole world will celebrate their deaths, speaks to the fact that their ministry affects peoples across the globe. They will probably be responsible for global events and weather. The adverse affects of their ministry will so enrage the peoples of Earth! Not least of which these two witnesses being spokespersons for God himself also incense and foster rage in the peoples of Earth. Firstly against them in particular, but more importantly against God himself. Understanding that God is exacting judgment and vengance against all who have opposed Him! TR
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