Who are the two end...
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Who are the two endtime prophets....

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I have watched a video few years ago in which a girl who dreamed of the rapture, and saw one of the saints who partake in rapture, but was sent  back to earth. He could be one of the two witnesses. The two witnesses can be anyone of us, chosen by God later on.

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Kenneth, very nice summarization. I have leaned more toward the two witnesses being a representation of Moses (the law) and Elijah (the prophets) in a similar sense as John was a type of Elijah, bridging the gap and “preparing the way...” for the new covenant- the death of the Savior to atone for mankind’s disobedience to God, therefore paying the Bride price through the shed blood. The tribulation is a time for God to deal with Israel, not the church (we’re with him :yahoo: ).

Kenneth, I also think of the story of the rich man and Lazarus and the ability they had to “see” and “speak” to each other, but because of the great space could not cross to the other side (Gods amazing protection for the believers), and although Enoch did not die, he was pre Abrahamic, so not part of either the law or prophets, but a great image of the magnificence of God in showing Grace to people “not yet born...” for their faith. Proving also the gift and truth of the rapture for those not under the Abrahamic covenant, but justified by their faith in God.
We have many examples of people raised from the dead, the widows son in both the OT & NT, the little girl, Lazarus, God demonstrates His authority over death, if you were to put it in a more Scientific term, God has the ultimate authority over all matter as we understand it. Making creation out of nothing and with a Word, so why are we always surprised at something as simple as raising a person from the dead. It would be so cool to see the two witnesses rise up on that third day and see the awesome response from a totally corrupt world, God is God!

As for the 144 thousand Jewish men preaching Jesus and salvation, I would agree with Jan Markel, Billy Croon, and many others, there is yet another great holocaust coming, I pray earnestly (pray with me) for the eyes and hearts of the Jewish nation to have the scales removed now, and trust Messiah Jesus by faith so they escape the wrath to come.
Great topic TR, great mystery yet to be revealed, we will kind a be busy with the Bridegroom in chamber during this time, can’t begin soon enough as far as I’m concerned. :prayer-hands: :flyup:

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I watched a documentary which explained that Elvis faked his own death to protect his family from organized crime.  What about Waldo?!

Again their identity is for us nothing more than a curious point of interest.  They indeed will have a premier and unique prophetic mantle.  And they speak of God's ultimate provision to the harvesting of the later fruit one last time!

Arguments pro and con regarding their identities have been the topic of speculation within the Church for two thousand years.  Enoch, Elijah and Moses have held the top three slots.

In the same manner, would God need to resurrect Judas to play the part of the AC?!!!   Why has this line of thought never been pursued?  Or will the two prophets also not be someone resurrected from the past, but someone born to fulfill God's plans?  We all do love a mystery don't we!




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Interesting T.R about Elvis protecting his family from organized crime.

One of my bosses at Nabisco grew up in Memphis, TN and she said she attended the same high school as Elvis.  She claims he was not popular at all.  He was very shy and pretty much a loner.  He didn’t play any sports ... just spent most of his time in church singing.  When it came time for the prom he ended up asking her best girlfriend’s older sister.  She accepted the date but it wasn’t that she was crazy about him - just a “friend”.

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God declared a universal injunction when He said that it is appointed once to all men to die and then judgment.  Also stating that men must return from when they came, dust!  As far as I know, this has never countermanded by God.  As such, God would then have to accomplish every jot and tittle of His Word.  For this cause, Enoch and Elijah must also fulfill God's injunction.

Secondly, I am torn with the idea that the filling of the prophetic office of the two end-time prophets might be fulfilled by someone yet to be born.  While the language that identifies their time of ministry might be metaphoric in nature.

Moses and Elijah appearing on the Mount with Christ could have been accomplished as to give cudo's to the ministry of Christ for the Jewish nation, as well as for personal encouragement from the Father.

Again, no declarative identification has truly been made.  As such, I would question why God would keep their identity a mystery?!  For if the word of God was more definite as to their identity, what harm would that do?

There is no skin off my nose or anyone else's whoever they end being.  God's intended vagueness with their identity as well as the day and hour of the Rapture seems to serve His purposes!


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:agree  We shall know soon enough.  It will be interesting.  I don’t envy them at all or the 144,000 Jewish men because they really will have their hands full when this earth turns into a living hell.  Yet, they will be successful in reaching many for Christ during the first part of the tribulation period.

I wonder if the saints in heaven already know who the 2 witnesses will be?

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Certainly not in my pay grade to know all things!  Sad but true, when fighting evil and wickedness makes for an weary warrior!

Though none of us may have experienced hand to hand combat or been involved in any suicide missions, our battles have been of an Heavenly nature.

Dying to self also sucks, but the rewards can't be beat.


Kenneth K Pon
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Thanks for the kind comments on my post all. Mr Roche, if you could find the time, I'd appreciate it if you could change "whom's" at the end of my post to "whose." I have no clue how I came up with the bizarre neologism. Thank you in advance.

Geri7, you hooked me into investigating the whole Pastor Bob Joyce as Elvis Presley thing. It sounded too intriguing to pass up. Hating videos in general, I actually watched several in which Joyce spoke and sang along with some of Presley singing the same songs. I can see how some would think Joyce is the "missing" Presley. All in all, though, I think it is close-- especially the singing, but no cigar. I may be persuaded, however, if I see him wearing blue suede shoes or singing, "I'm a hunk a hunk of burning agape"... or maybe not.

David W. Roche
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I heard it said once that the best proof Elvis was dead was that Lisa Marie married Michael Jackson.

I did see the video of the pastor and it really looked and sounded like Elvis, I'll admit.

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I can understand your skepticism Kenneth about Bob Joyce being Elvis.

I did watch a few youtubes of Bob Joyce singing and read the comment section of people’s thoughts.   Here are some interesting tidbits that people noticed that will make you go hmmm ... and keep the mystery alive ...

“Bob Joyce’s” full name is ... Robert E. Joyce or R.E. Joyce (rejoice) what a perfect alias cover name, eh?

In a few of Bob Joyce’s singing youtubes ... people noticed something very interesting ... Glen D. Hardin (Elvis’ former pianist) was on visit at Bob Joyce’s church.  Coincidence?

As far as seeing Bob Joyce wearing blue suede shoes or bell bottoms, etc.  I’m not sure if he would dare put on those trendy styles again. LOL.  However, people have commented that when Bob Joyce is not in a suit and tie ... most of his shirts are like the 1970’s  big cake slice collared shirts. :wacko:

The icing on the cake I think will be if Bob Joyce starts singing “Suspicious Minds” song. :mdrmdr:


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