When Grace is No Lo...
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When Grace is No Longer Grace--A Little Dog Poop Spoils the Whole Glass of Water

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The Lord gave me a word picture to illustrate how we tend to pollute His intended pure grace as His gift of salvation.  There are so many voices crying out false teachings about salvation as being grace plus something...fill in the blank.  Water baptism, speaking in tongues, worshiping on Saturday, and the list goes on.  Grace plus anything we are required to do in order to earn salvation is by definition no longer grace.

The picture He gave me is of two glasses of water sitting side-by-side next to each other.  One is true living water, pure, pristine, clean, healing, cleansing, life-giving.  The other was pure water to start, but has been tainted by a little dog poop that has been added.

My understanding of His point to me in the illustration was that a little poop spoils the whole glass, much like a little leaven leavens the whole lump.  You would never think of drinking a glass of water that had "just a little poop" in it!  So it is that we should never embrace a gospel that has even "just a little works" added to it.  The very presence of the smallest amount of works added to grace ruins it completely and it is no longer grace.  Let the one who has ears to hear, hear.



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As such this God given grace is polluted by reason of the fact that we would attempt to add to what is already perfect.  Denying that original perfection by our own added attempts is not only ludicrous by itself, but also dis-honours the perfect heart which gave that perfect gift of grace!

Let the waters of life run free, hold the poop!

