What Love! What Com...
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What Love! What Compassion ~~

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oh, my, . . . I had to share what my friend Becka Goings wrote .  ~ ~ sooooooooooooooo lovely, so breathtakingly anointed.   so true ~ oh, that  we may shout this from the rooftops in this closing hour before our Lord's rapturous call ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"Was thinking on the things of God today while sitting in the sunshine, and wrote a little piece of rambling thought that I'd like to share with you. It's written "stream-of-consciousness" style from my perspective, but if you belong to Christ, this is your perspective too. ❤️


What could be more magnificent than God as a man? It defies all reason. Why would an Almighty God unite Himself to humanity for eternity?

So that we may know Him, come near to Him, relate to Him. Love Him.

And this same God, not only unites Himself to a human body, but to me. He lives in me! What great glory is this? Not only shall I learn of Him as God in a man, but also in my spirit by His Holy Spirit as God.

This indwelling allows for more intimate communion than we have ever known with anyone else, able to discern thoughts and mind and heart that even the angels cannot! My relationship with Christ is therefore as open or as private as God wills it to be, knowing even as I am known.

By this indwelling, the beauty of Christ, and His ineffable glory, is bestowed upon me - not in sharing His glory, as He does not share it, rather, this is HIS glory going forth from me. He radiates Himself through His children. He is our glory.

Even now, veiled in my flesh, He lives in me. His glory is evident - perhaps not in radiant light, but in power. He is strong in my weakness, displaying Himself through my inability. He is able, therefore He makes me able, for the glory of His name.

By His power, He can change my heart and mold my life, that my righteousness be not by my works, but by His finished work, and through my precious sanctification, I resemble Him more and more, not only by this glory of His, but by His Spirit in me.

The beautiful presence of Him in my heart molds me into the image of His heart. I cannot fathom this grace - this fullness, this richness of Him, from glory to glory.

Christ has made Himself known, and continues to make Himself known. He is always available, never absent, forever attuned with our needs and desires. He is altogether humble and merciful to make Himself completely accessible and open to us for all eternity, even His mind, His thoughts, His will, His wisdom, and His heart.

This Great God, the God of Sinai, the God of Calvary -- is MY God -- and one day, I will stand in Glory before Him, adoring Him, united with Him, forever. "

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That is beautiful! Donna - can you find out if it is ok for us to share that (giving Becka credit, of course)?

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I am sure it's okay to share Becka's powerful thoughts and words,   ~ ~ ~ she was pleased I shared . ..    ~~ Jesus would want all of His own to feel, and know the reality of God's great, great Love  ~

~ do it, dear sis ~ ~ :rose:
