I stocked up on some tonic water that has a bit of quinine in it, a while ago. I have lots of zinc. Not sure how to get Zithromax, though. I figured it might be useful to have some, just in case. My cyber friend said .. “She also said in another video that Fauci and co. are all secretly taking Hydroxychloroquine because it works as a preventative against the virus, and she challenges all of them to take a urine test to prove that they aren’t.” She is getting death threats. She seems to be a believer, so we need to pray for her safety. Good idea ... I will have to stock up on tonic water ... I can just see the bottles flying off the shelves soon. We get a lot of zinc in our foods ... Red meat, lamb, pork, shell fish ((shivers)) Cheese, Milk, Eggs Chick peas, lentils, beans Squash, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seed, pine nuts, peanuts, cashews and almonds And I saved the best for last .... Dark Chocolate ... Yum! Regina —- awesome! I started out as LPN for 5 yrs, became an RN in a high acuity ICU & Pediatric ICU; moved to Level 1 and Burn Trauma; became advanced practice with two Masters to work in eICU; then moved to DNP work as a current clinician, executive leader in administration over a 369 bed acute care facility W/2 ED’s, 5 Outpatient infusion centers, 20 medical offices, and if that wasn’t enough to do, I’m an adjunct Prof for ADN to BSN program. I too have 20 plus (closer to 25 now) years in healthcare/ medicine..... I have loved my healthcare career (Worked along with my husband as a missionary for 12 yrs & am a Pastors wife now) but would trade it all as Paul says, To be with Christ is far better .... it is needful to remain in the flesh, seriously praying to hear that Shofar any minute! :prayer-hands: Not only are some predicting asteroids hitting the earth but also an all out attack and invasion from China. China won't use nuclear weapons against us because they want and need our land but they will basically use EMP weapons to take out the power grid then they will begin a massive invasion. Some people are saying that's another reason for all of this lockdown/shutdown and even the riots stuff. They want the American people to stock up on guns and ammo to fight the coming invasion and they want people stocking up on food and medical supplies and even buying and wearing masks for any kind debris caused by asteroids and even weapons of war. The good news is that August should be just fine and uneventful but according to people like John Moore in this video below it could all start in September, October, or November. Even better news is that God is in 100% control and absolutely nothing happens anywhere in the universe without Him letting it happen even a leaf falling off of a tree. Start listening to John Moore at the 28:10 mark. It's basically a culmination of what I've been hearing and reading about for months. I haven't listened to the whole John Moore interview yet...possibly he already mentioned this. Maybe Trump is getting ready to go underground in preparation for the fall events? All sorts of rumors from Trump having surgery, to the drug companies trying to stop him, and then the normal strife in USA and world. Donald and his family and staff need our prayers. This is very interesting Blue, This article... Says that Trump left the White house to go to Ohio. Wright-Patterson AFB is in Ohio. Some people say it's the real area 51 and that it has a massive deep underground base underneath it. Giant asteroid to hit earth day before election day ? Of course it is - more fear building tactics to isolate folks while we exit! for us: NO fear, just FAITH —- NO worry, just WORSHIP —- we are soon the departed ones :prayer-hands: :flyup:
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