I have been watching different videos about this this week. Here is the latest from Revelationchapter12dotcom where he talks about Nissan 21 as the Red Sea crossing: -Fair use- Ken Johnson discussed Passover week and the Essene calendar has Nisan 21 as April 6-7. April 6 was Bob Ware's number from 5 doves list. April 6: Bob Ware has calculations “May 14, 1948 plus 80 years minus 2595 Tribulation days = 6 April, 2021. 2595 days more gets us to Israeli’s 80th birthday on 5/14/2028. -Fair Use- Check out a YT channel Sword of God. He has great hope for April 4 too, but I won't post his video because I didn't watch the whole thing and I think I remember him having a strange end time belief.....like maybe he thinks the trib. is 14 years? Check it out and post it if you think it is ok. I like to think of the Rapture happening just before sunrise on resurrection Sunday in Israel- which will be many other times around the world- it would be around 1030ish pm on Saturday night here in the eastern time zone- works for me- but of course anytime will work for me but certainly the sooner the better! Central time makes it sooner for me! And west coast time would be 7:30pm! TR Todd, I couldn't resist posting this video, even the words.....coming home!! His countdown is also 4/3/21! TR If it could only be.... https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?msg=Countdown+to+the+Rapture& 4/3/21 is the only date this century that is a countdown. The year has to be 21 preceded by a 3 preceded by a 4. How can it be coincidental that it lands on Saturday, the day before Easter? :scratch: Jesus arose and a resurrection occurred the day before Easter 2000 years ago. In Matthew it talks about a midnight cry and then behold, the Bridegroom cometh. The countdown for 4,3,2,1 ends at midnight when it becomes 4/4/21. I think midnight tonight is a good time to stay up and watch just in case this 4321 is strategical, not coincidental!