Any updates on the Barley? Will it be ready for picking by April (Fools Day) or by April 17th (Easter)? Also another reason we are in the NOW season … before this year ends MEGA worldwide famine will be in place … and when the rapture happens and the graves are open … MEGA earthquakes worldwide … “I think” the tectonic plates will shift and tilt and the oil in Syria, etc. will all flow over on Israel’s side. And Israel will have all the food, drinking water, oil, technology, etc …. that G/M forces will covet after … Aviv Update Update from Devorah’s Date Tree – ? Barley Inspection Report – 1-2 March 2022 TLDR: Barley was not in Aviv at the time of the team’s search. Sounds like they will be out search again shortly. Shabbat shalom. May יהוה be with you, Ya’aqov Meyer --------- Note: Click on the link (Barley Inspection Report – 1-2 March) on the page to get a detailed report on .pdf. Since the church is the Barley crop … we got to leave when its ripe to harvest … when will that happen this year? Perhaps we can narrow it down to that timing as well? Leviticus 23:10-11, "When you come into the land that I give you and reap its harvest, you shall bring the sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest, and he shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, so that you may be accepted. On the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it." This particular Sabbath is April 9. The waving of the sheaf would therefore have to be the next day, April 10. March now is too early for Abib barley and May is too late. So again, ten days after this coming new moon would be the next day, Sunday, April 10. No? :unsure: :scratch: :yes: :yes: Talk to Ken Johnson about it. ? That's what the Dead Sea Scroll calendar says. :mail: Spring also is associated with new life and new beginnings! The season of new growth! TR Hmmmm … that would make it Palm Sunday … The "Triumphal Entry" that was the original Nisan 10 event, and signifying the taking of the lamb four days before Passover, is celebrated in Christianity on a "Palm Sunday." But only occasionally will Nisan 10 actually coincide with a Sunday. Right? Yes? No? :unsure: :yes: :yes: Note, I am not an expert on the DSS Calendar but I am trying to learn. According to the Dead Sea Scroll calendar, the feasts always fall on the same day of the week. The new year always starts on a Wednesday. Therefore, Nisan 10 would always fall on a Friday. Nisan 10 always falls on a Friday? That would have the new moon always on a Wednesday, and the new moon does not always start on a certain given never changing day of the week. Just think, "new moon." Each "month" starts on a new moon. Even every Nisan / first of year month. Right? :unsure: :yes: :good:
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