Make our dreams come true Lord! Let us meet face to face, heart to heart! Let eternity begin this divine romance! Be glorified Lord for all eternity! TR Our joy is presently restrained as we deal issues of this life! Soon we shall experience joy unrestrained and immeasurable! Can't wait!!! TR I was just thinking about our new birthday when we get our glorified body … Then I saw this posted on the RITA facebook - Fair Use - Then I did a quick search and found many Bible scholars believe Feast of Trumpets its the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve and that Samuel was born on this day. Jews also believe the first temple was dedicated on this day. Then I saw someone post Will it be the same day when Adam opened his eyes and looked into the face of God and the same day the “last Adam” was born? (Luke 1) - Fair Use - Then I started searching about when Jesus was born … I saw these quotes: Jesus must have been born on the Feast of Trumpets, as no other day of the year in 3 BC could astronomically meet the specific requirements detailed in Revelation. Jesus Christ was born on September 11, 3 B.C sometime in that eighty-one minute span of time between 6:18pm and 7:39pm. Amazingly this corresponds to Tishri 1 on the Jewish Calendar which is the First day of the festival of the Feast of Trumpets. The early Jewish Christians considered Jesus to be the Messiah (Christ). And because He was born on the Feast of Trumpets, they also considered Him to be the King of the Universe. The theological understanding of the Jews within their synagogue services for the Feast of Trumpets was that God rules over all and that He is the King of kings. - Fair Use- Then I was wondering if anybody was able to pin point the time frame when Caesar Augustus taxed the whole world because this was a very usual thing to do. Caesar Augustus was that powerful and was a type of an antichrist. Could it be … we will share the same birthday as Jesus and Adam and Eve and Samuel if the rapture happens on Feast of Trumpets? :whistle: What are your thoughts? :feedback More thoughts … if this is correct … Jesus Christ was born on September 11, 3 B.C sometime in that eighty-one minute span of time between 6:18pm and 7:39pm. Amazingly this corresponds to Tishri 1 on the Jewish Calendar which is the First day of the festival of the Feast of Trumpets. Then can we narrow down … the rapture might happen on: Sunday, September 11th or Sunday, September 25th @ sundown will that be the first day of FOT festival or will it be Monday, September 26th all day? :unsure: Blake, I am with you on the always looking up at the sky. I was at a stop light on my way home from work today and just kept looking at the beautiful cloud shapes and wondering if just one of them might be the back side of our heavenly door — I know, it is silly. The dimensional portal to heaven that opens with that last trumpet will show us Jesus face to face. The verse in Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore since we are “surrounded” by so great a cloud of witnesses ….. really takes on a awesome meaning when you think of the multidimensional facets of our Heavenly Father. I could be looking right at an angel or a loved one and not know it because I can’t see them with this current limited view and “we see in a glass dimly, but then face to face” —- how exciting that will be … Like Kent stated below — I miss so many people and long for our Savior and the righteousness of heaven so much, it feels like an ache — the longing….. Almost home ! :prayer-hands: Filled with Godly abandon of joy in our hearts when we are taken home! Unbridled freedom in our spirits! Overwhelmed by the reality that we are finally in His presence! Ten thousand years and still my excitement of being with Him will still reign supreme! The peace imbued while in the chuppah will overcome and slay my senses! Finally to be home with my long lost friend, Jesus! The grace that led me home will sustain me eternally! Only ever increasing awareness of His greatness, glory and love will accompany me! How can such feelings be imagined or contained?! TR We're going home! Where the streets are golden.... Heaven is home! TR Yes . . . . Heaven IS JESUS . . ~ Oh that we could once again start counting down days with a sense of surety expecting the realization of the hope of man! Still too soon to be able to say I'm feeling it, but what anticipation! Can it really be that time is truly so near??? Again time will tell! As days move forward and the history of man plays out, God will trump all the plans of men, good and bad! Please forgive my ramblings, but I maintain a measure of excitement! TR