I'm happy to hear that gratefulforgrace Please let us know if it helps you. :rose: How are you Todd? :prayer-hands: Praying this virus is loosening it's grip. :prayer-hands: Father we ask You to touch Todd, protect and keep him safe from respiratory complications. Meet his every need Lord and raise him back up for Your service and Your glory. In Jesus name, above all others we plead, Amen. Thank you to all my brothers and sisters. The monoclonal antibodies did their job and I've turned the corner. Tuesday and Wednesday were days of complete exhaustion, which the nurse who administered the treatment warned me of. Today was the first day where I felt like I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Tomorrow is day 10 of my isolation - which has been one of the hard parts of this whole journey. Trying to get an answer as to whether I'm supposed to stay isolated for 10 days or 14 days. My primary care team has been great and the county health department has been in touch to make sure that I'm doing ok. My work's HR department put me on 2 weeks of paid administrative leave - so no fear of loss of income and I didn't have to burn up my remaining sick time or vacation. This journey has been exhausting. I feel for those in countries and areas where there isn't the level of care and options to beat this thing into submission. I'm thankful for the monoclonal antibodies as that was truly the one thing that pushed me around the corner. And Geri, Tammie, or whomever recommended Mucinex in the past - that surely was a life saver for me. My lungs were full of congestion - well beyond anything I've ever experienced in the past - and the Mucinex cleared it right up and kept it at bay. Thank you again for all your prayers. We serve and worship a mighty God who loves us and heals us. I pray that none of you experience this and that we're out of here soon. I feel so far behind in knowing what is going on - 10 days disconnected seems like an eternity! I love you all! Praise God! :prayer-hands: Good to hear that you are on the mend, Todd! Praise the Lord! Woo hoo! Awesome Todd — so you goina stick around and fly up with us, what fun. :yahoo: So glad to hear!! :amen: Glad to hear the good news. Stick around with us, Todd, as we await the Lord's Blessed Hope. :good:
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