on the RITA bravenet forum 9 years ago . . our Lord hears every prayer, every cry, daily ~the Spirit Himself praying with us: "The Spirit and the Bride say come Lord Jesus" ~~ Our Lord calls it a fragrance to Him over surrounding intercession ~~ wave upon wave, prayers caught, heard and held before we even pray ~~~~ ~oh, how much sooner 9 years later we are anticipating our God say: welcome Home dear faithful ~ Lisaleenie, (now in Heaven) gave her response back in 2013: "so ready to hear the trumpets blow ~~ ~ ~ I needed a word of encouragement. Tears are in my eyes right now as I am longing for our Beloved to take us home. I am weary, sis. I know you are, too. Please, Father, send Jesus quickly to snatch His bride so we can be with You forever." Till then, we are here to love the Church! TR Awwww Lisaleenie! :heart: The anniversary of her going home is in 2 months! It's gonna be 7 years! I bet she feels like it's 1 day! Once we finally see God, even then I may not fully understand emotionally or intellectually God's timing and ways, but simply default to the truth that He is God and His ways are above me! Why throughout time, God allowed evil, wickedness and harm to his children. All but for the sake of proving the point that men are indeed inherently evil, suffering abounds! Why is this so???? Indeed only God is holy! TR
at the call when our metamorphosis is a reality more real than this life could ever be~
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