This article is from February 14, 2020 - old news now. If this was previously discussed, I apologize for repeating. So, the Pope and Bill Gates are in communication with each other which I find rather disconcerting and at the same time not surprising.... Enlightening stuff. A really good read. We need to be praying for Africa, the church there and the women. Ekeocha said the Church is “right in the heart of the storm.” In the interview (and Target Africa) she identifies the Gates Foundation as one of the principal foundations that presents itself as a “friend” and tries to “partner with the Church, because the Church has such a great network everywhere across the continent of Africa.” She added: “The Church then sees contraception programs, condom programs being targeted towards children, and the bishops speak out and call it what it is: cultural imperialism or ideological neo-colonialism.” “The Church has to be the line of defense against them,” the pro-life scientist said. I also loved the quote where the Vatican said, "Who is going to pay for all of this? The Vatican has hardly anything. " Lol. No. The Vatican has trillions of dollars. And they want to keep it that way! TR
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April 30, 2020 5:49 am
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April 30, 2020 8:30 am
April 30, 2020 11:50 am