Urgent prayer reque...
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Urgent prayer request for Blake7

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Please keep Blake7 in your prayers ... he has an unspoken request ... his pain level is a 10+ and needs divine healing.

Thank you.

:prayer-hands:  Dear Lord Jesus, you’re Jehovah-Rapha, and nothing is to hard for You!  I ask that you please do a miracle healing in Blake tonight and remove all his pain and comfort him.

In Your precious Name,



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Prayers sent up for Blake7

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Mighty heavenly Father, we again lift Blake before Your throne!

Asking for tender mercies, and a full divine miraculous healing!

Asking that You be mindful of his frame regardless of when the Rapture might occur!

Let him and us rejoice and glorify You!

I just cannot imagine his suffering being part of any grand plan on Your part!

Truly there must be some advantage to the prayers of your people as opposed to those who don't honour You!

On this basis alone Your hand should be moved to send comfort and release from his ailments!

Again, for mercies sake please move quickly!  We plead the blood of Christ over his infirmities!



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Abba, we lift our brother up to you, as you reach out your hand and signs and wonders are done in your Holy Son, Jesus! As you calmed the waters, calm his soul, only you can hold him and carry him through the deep waters, you see him as he is and can touch him like no other. You healed the blind man, you healed the sick and palsied, you removed the demons according to your Will, work in Blake’s life, keep him close as we all prepare to fly, in Jesus Name! :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands:

Todd Tomlinson
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Father God you are the great physician, we pray for your healing hand on Blake.  Please Father remove all of the pain, all of the suffering, all of the conditions that are causing his pain.  Thank you Father for making it come to pass.  We praise you!

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Blake, May the Prince of Peace give you His Peace and comfort. May He strengthen you and encourage you. I humbly ask before the very throne of Almighty God for a cessation of pain and discomfort. I pray this in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.

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I'm definitely praying for Blake.  I hate it when saints hurt.

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Thank you Geri for posting this for me. I have been disabled for over 13 years with a very painful condition. Had a bad accident ,fell badly left me with a head wound, tore up my left leg and broken ribs. I am having a out patient  surgery on my hips this morning for pain in both hips. Pain is horrible, hard even to type this. Please pray also a non health unspoken request, to difficult to explain fully, but very important to my future. Do not worry I'm heaven bound, however satan has attacked my life in a major way. Your prayers in my life have always produced good outcomes. Thank you all, my sisters and brothers  in Christ Jesus. May all of you and all Gods children in Jesus care and love be greatly blessed.

Your brother in and covered by Jesus precious  blood, Blake :prayer-hands:

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:prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands:

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