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Rapture is indeed coming!  TR

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Patricia N.
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WWIII Watch: Crimea in the Crosshairs as UK Set to Send Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine:

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has suggested that British long-range missiles, which the Ukrainians say they want to use to launch an offensive against occupied Crimea, could be sent to Ukraine as the war heats up one year on since the invasion. Meanwhile, Zelensky warns that Russia intends to invade EU-member-candidate Moldova next.

The Times of London notes “Ukrainian defense sources” are clear they want to use the missiles to strike Crimea, Ukrainian territory that was annexed by Russia in 2014.

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Amit Tsarfati:

More than 60 Russian 3M-54 Kalibr cruise missiles were launched today at the cities of Ukraine, and some of them flew over Romania, a member of NATO, and over Moldova. If NATO does not respond to this violation, the Russians will realize that it is a paper tiger. The missiles were launched at strategic facilities in Kiev, Odessa, Khmelnytskyi, Zaporizhzhia, Vinnytsia, Kribi Rig, Dnieper, Poltava, Zhytomyr, and more.

Russia's ambassador to Moldova was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Chișinău for "violating Moldovan airspace" after 2 Russian cruise missiles passed over their airspace on their way to hit targets in Ukraine.

The government of Moldova, headed by the prime minister, resigns.

The Russians performed an experiment, and succeeded, as far as they were concerned. Today they launched two cruise missiles over the territory of Romania (out of 60 missiles), which landed in Ukraine. Zelenskyy himself confirms that Russian missiles flew over the skies of Romania and Moldova (on video, from today). But Romania is a member of the NATO alliance, How the NATO alliance would react. of course, they prefer to contain, and ignore and the Romanian Ministry of Defense refuses to confirm that the missiles flew over its territory. The Russians received a proof today that NATO is a paper tiger, and therefore the attacks on its member states may intensify now.

Seven deputy ministers in the government of Ukraine were transferred from their positions.


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Russians Rally For Nuke Strikes On Washington DC

Patricia N.
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Before We End Up In Wars With Russia And China Simultaneously, Let's Review The Nuclear Balance Of Power...:

It has been said that there are no winners in a nuclear war, but the Russians and the Chinese have been feverishly preparing to fight one anyway.  When I was growing up, I was taught that nobody would ever dare start a nuclear war because both sides would fire their missiles and everyone would die.  In those days the doctrine of “mutual assured destruction” was universally accepted in the United States, and once the Cold War ended our politicians saw no more need to upgrade our missiles or to develop cutting-edge anti-missile technologies.  Unfortunately, the balance of power has changed dramatically over the past decade.  Russia and China have both made enormous leaps forward, and that puts us in a very precarious position.

In recent days, Republicans in Congress have been buzzing about a new report “from the top commander of U.S. nuclear forces” that says that China now has more launchers for land-based nuclear missiles than the U.S. does…  This wasn’t supposed to happen.  We all knew that the Chinese were upgrading their arsenal, but it turns out that they were even busier than we had anticipated.  In fact, they “have doubled their number of warheads in just 2 years”…

Meanwhile, the Russians have developed a new intercontinental ballistic missile that is the most advanced in the world by a wide margin.  It is called “the Sarmat," and it is absolutely frightening…  A single Sarmat can carry enough firepower to destroy an area the size of Texas.  If the Russians or the Chinese fire their missiles at us, can we shoot them down?  The answer is no.

If our enemies fire their missiles at us, we will be in all sorts of trouble.  Unfortunately, the Russians have been working very hard to develop very sophisticated anti-missile systems.  If a nuclear war with Russia erupts, we will be sending 400 hopelessly outdated land-based missiles against the extremely sophisticated anti-missile systems that the Russians have now developed.  By the way, the Chinese have been working very hard to develop sophisticated anti-missile systems as well.

As I have repeatedly warned my readers, we could soon find ourselves involved in wars with Russia and China at the same time.  Before we do that, perhaps we should take a really hard look at our own capabilities.  Many of the old paradigms no longer apply, and we are far more vulnerable than most people realize.

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NATO Chief: Ukraine Using Ammunition Faster Than West Can Make It:

BRUSSELS (AP) – NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned Monday that Ukraine is using up ammunition far faster than its allies can provide it and putting pressure on Western defense industries, just as Russia ramps up its military offensive.

“The war in Ukraine is consuming an enormous amount of munitions and depleting allied stockpiles,” Stoltenberg said. “The current rate of Ukraine´s ammunition expenditure is many times higher than our current rate of production. This puts our defense industries under strain.”

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

The president of Moldova, Maia Sandu, warned today of an intention to carry out a pro-Russian coup to establish a government that would be loyal to the Kremlin. According to Sandu, the plan is to take over public buildings during demonstrations against the government, with Kremlin supporters from Russia, Belarus, Serbia, and Montenegro, who have undergone military training, leading the coup.
The French Foreign Ministry calls on French citizens to leave Belarus immediately. This comes after the American call for the citizens of the United States to leave Russia. Something serious seems to be going on beneath the surface.

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Putin Suspends U.S. Nuclear Treaty, Tells Russians West ‘Wants to Finish Us Forever’:

Russian leader Vladimir Putin announced in a nearly two-hour speech on Tuesday the unilateral suspension of the longstanding New START agreement that limits American and Russian nuclear development, describing Western support for Ukraine amid an ongoing Russian invasion as an existential threat to Russia.

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LEO HOHMANN: World’s Superpowers Threw Their Cards on the Table This Week and Every One of Them Came Up in Favor of WWIII

Here is an excerpt from an article by the Russian news agency Tass dated Tuesday, February 21, in which Yi’s statements were included:

The People’s Republic of China is ready to join forces with Russia to decisively stand up for national interests and promote mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas, Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China’s Central Committee, said on Tuesday as he met with Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev.

“During a virtual meeting at the end of last year, our leaders (Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin – TASS) came up with a plan for further development of bilateral relations. We are ready to join forces with the Russian side, in accordance with the high-level agreements, to decisively stand up for national interests and virtues, and promote mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas,” he said.
These are two countries whose interests are converging at the same time the interests of China and the U.S. seem to be diverging.

What we have is China-Russia-North Korea-Iran vying with the U.S.-U.K.-Israel-NATO for who gets to sit on top of the mountain and call the shots in the coming new digital world order.

If anyone. . .  thinks China’s decision to “join forces” with Russia excludes them from helping Russia take Ukraine, they are deluding themselves.

Russia will defeat Ukraine and probably end up annexing the entire country, instead of just carving out the eastern section populated by Russian speakers as they had originally planned.

The Western media, bought and paid for by globalist Western corporate interests, is not telling us what China and Russia are saying and how closely they are working together strategically. So 99 percent of Americans remain in total ignorance of the current trajectory toward World War III and nuclear Armageddon, not even aware that their government leaders are like wolves in sheep’s clothing leading them to slaughter.

We aren’t being told what Putin said in his seminal February 21 speech, which was directed at the West as much as it was to his own people. Biden made a surprise visit to Ukraine and gave his own speech on February 21 in an attempt to distract and divert media attention away from Putin’s speech. It seems to have worked as I flipped on the radio this morning to listen to the headlines and did not hear one word about Putin’s speech, only Biden’s.

Putin will send every last Russian to the front and if that doesn’t work he will nuke us.

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