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Putin: 'Impossible' to Isolate Russia, Moscow Will Turn to Middle East

Russian President Vladimir Putin said it would be "impossible" to isolate Russia and that Moscow would defy the West's attempts to push Russia off the global stage.

Speaking at an economic forum in the eastern city of Vladivostok, Putin said Russia saw more opportunities in entering markets in the Middle East and Iran, following the imposition of sweeping Western sanctions in response to Russia's military campaign in Ukraine.

No wonder "Sheba and Dedan and the young lions" will ask Gog "have you come to take spoil?" when Russia and co. make their move on Israel aka Ezekiel 38. Ol' Pooty-boy is forecasting his intentions to the world right now. I can just imagine him answering that question by saying, "Yep! That's right - I'm coming to take Israel's spoil but YOU forced me to do it by imposing those sanctions!" :groan

He's calling it "entering markets" - yeah, right! :mdrmdr:


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it's getting more exciting than scary to me the more Bible prophecy we see on the verge of happening- He's given Himself- available to all who choose to agree with their need of Him and place their faith in Him fully for the salvation they come to realize they need- i'm sooo excited for our big move!!! upward! :flyup:

i pray for more to be saved right away- even today!  and pray for those who will be later after we are gone...and for all of us in the meantime...

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Well said Sis!  A smirk comes on my face when I think the last they see of me will be my behind!  TR

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Be sure to wear undies TR….



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This link from shows a map of how many nations would be affected by the radiation if Russia nuked Ukraine:

Patricia N.
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U.S. B-52 Stratofortress Bombers to Lead NATO Nuclear Drills over Europe:

U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress bombers will lead fighter jets from Belgium, Germany, and 12 other countries across Europe’s skies on annual nuclear exercises Monday, amid reports Russia has increased the number of strategic bombers close to its border with NATO-member state Norway.

The annual NATO training is going ahead despite rising fears President Vladimir Putin might consider a real nuclear strike in Ukraine.

Up to 60 aircraft are taking part in training flights alongside the American long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bombers over Belgium, the North Sea and Britain to practice the use of U.S. nuclear bombs based in Europe, Reuters reports.  The jets will be escorted by other warplanes along with refueling aircraft and spy planes.

“Steadfast Noon” is likely to coincide with Moscow’s own annual nuclear drills, dubbed “Grom," which are normally conducted in late October and in which Russia tests its nuclear-capable bombers, submarines and missiles.

NATO said the Western drills were not prompted by the latest tensions with Russia but simply a continuation of training schedules.  The training will run from Monday until 30 October.

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Here is Lisa take …  on Russia threatening Israel now … :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

This update shows the church hast to be gone soon! :whistle:


Starts @ 5:35

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Regarding images in the sky of Kiev that look like angels:

"And during the first weeks I felt a lot to pray especially for the city of
Kiev and that God will release mighty angels and there was really
a miracle how it happened that the russian army could not invade the
city of Kiev !

And there was also in the internet a wonderful story and the clouds
in Kiev skyline like a strong angel over the city (see google "Gloria TV
Engel ueber Kiev am Vorabend des russischen Angriffs" Joannes
Battista 2. März) and Kiev has the archangel of Michael and in white
colour in the official city flag of Kiev. "

Go here to see images of angels:

Patricia N.
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Newsweek: US States can join Russia, Russian official says:

A Russian lawmaker said the country would consider admitting any U.S. state that wants to join the Russian Federation, according to Newsweek.

Alexander Tolmachev, a member of Russia’s parliament, reportedly told Russian media that Moscow will consider any state’s desire to join up after seceding from the U.S.

Newsweek quoted Tolmachev as saying the U.S. is starting “to decay” and the European Union is “bursting at its seams.” He reportedly blamed America’s so-called decay on its foreign policy, adding that it’s “a signal that the citizens of the United States are dissatisfied with their leadership and are ready to take extreme measures, up to secession, if the current policy of America continues.”

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