Ukraine-Russia Conf...
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Ukraine-Russia Conflict v.5

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Praise the Lord He is perfect and good and He alone is worthy of our praise and trust! He will not fail nor can He fail! Praise His Holy Name!

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The gal who cuts my hair is Russian/Ukrainian. Her father is from Moscow and her mother from Kyiv. Natashia was born in Kyiv. I asked her about her thoughts on this and one thing is for sure. DO NOT trust what you see in the media. The NWO and our corrupt gov't are going to paint the ugliest possible picture of Putin. No, he is not a saint, but he is also not who they are portraying him to be. Has the press shown ONE video of Russian troops helping Ukrainian citizens? Absolutely not! It would go against the narrative. Russian troops afraid of the Ukrainian army? Not a chance! The Russian military is thee best trained in the entire world. They would kick out collective butts all around the globe if it came to it. We have become specialists in door kicking using elite special forces groups but our regular military would be overrun by the Russians so this narrative about them giving up without a fight is total rubbish. No one is our press is talking about the Nazi infiltration of both the Ukrainian military and government. So many things we are unaware of. So when the press tells you that Putin blew up a children's hospital or some other atrocity chances are it was staged or they are doing things the US had done during bad things and blame it on the enemy.

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I agree there are no good guys(leaders in gov't) but there are brothers and sisters in Christ there and children and this is where I draw the line.  Also those who are not saved I pray in their hour of distress and turmoil that they will turn to Christ.

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I agree 100%, Susan. While the wicked leaders fight, the innocent people suffer. It is a song as old as time. 🙁

African Proverb of the Month
November, 2001

Wapiganapo tembo nyasi huumia. (Swahili)
When elephants fight the grass (reeds) gets hurt. (English)

Background, Explanation, Meaning and Everyday Use

There are different wordings of this very popular Swahili proverb. For example, the words on a khanga, a colorful African cloth: Ndovu wawili wakisongana, ziumiazo ni nyika (When elephants jostle, what gets hurt is the grass). There are many versions of this proverb in other African languages such as When two bulls [male cows, goats, sheep] fight the grass gets hurt (Kikuyu, Kenya, Kuria, Kenya/Tanzania and Ngoreme, Tanzania), but they all mean the same thing: the feeling of powerlessness in the midst of larger forces. While the mating period could be one of the contexts of the trampling of the grass, it could occur at other times too, for example, when two bull elephants are fighting over a female or over the leadership of the herd.

The proverb is used regularly to describe local officials and leaders whose disputes and divisions end up hurting innocent and powerless people. Village leaders can manipulate and exploit the local people in the name of government policy or ethnic group customs. A related proverb is That which eats you up is your clothes [or the thing nearest to you]. Various practices in the local community itself, such as the practice of witchcraft and the invocation of evil spirits and curses, oppress the people.

In Africa and worldwide this is probably the most commonly used Swahili proverb that is translated into English. It is very relevant in many situations and contexts. Here are some of its many uses:

In the 1970s Julius Nyerere (then the President of Tanzania) used this proverb in a speech at the United Nations in New York. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (then Zaire) Ambassador to Great Britain used this same proverb in a talk to a group of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) in London. The meaning was the same: In the Cold War between the (then) two great super powers — the United States and Russia — it was the poor Third World countries such as those in Africa who suffered and were victimized.
The proverb was used about Somalia in 1992-1994: When the local warlords fought for power, it was local Somalia people who suffered and went without food.
In Burundi the proverb has been applied to the rival armies allied to political parties who force “boy soldiers” into their armies.
In the 22-28 January, 2001 issue of The EastAfrican published in Nairobi, Kenya a banner on the top of page 1 stated: “Elephants fight.” Then a full-page article on politics on page 5 was entitled “When Moi and Nyachae Fought, Kisii Was Trampled.

This is a proxy war being fought between Russia and the USA on Ukrainian soil. The rich fat cats on both sides continue to make their money and the common people suffer, are forced to flee or are outright killed.

I hate this wicked world system and long for Jesus to come back and absolutely clean house.

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Speaking about Saints …

Happy St Patty’s Day!

Anybody Irish?  What’s ya eating today?

I made homemade bread and split it in half to make a small pizza pie and the other half to make a batch of twisted bread sticks.  I applied melted butter on top garlic powder and cinnamon sugar before baking.  Then I’m going to put in between the twists butter and raspberry peach champagne jam.  Mmmmm … its soooo good.



The original recipe for the twisted bread sticks are suppose to look like this with Parmesan cheese added … but mine is more of a pastry bread dessert.


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So much for my diet. That pizza looks even more amazing now. Thanks a lot! ?

I have some Irish ancestry. My maternal step grandfather was Irish and I have Irish ancestors that immigrated to the USA and Canada about 200 or more years ago.   :good:
I will have some Hamantaschen to celebrate Purim, however. :heart:

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Yes, I get your point. It is good to be punctual and no one can argue with you, period. 😉

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:mdrmdr:    For some reason it double posted my meal and I was speechless at the time so I inserted the .

I’m Irish too but no way could I do the corn beef & cabbage. :negative:

The Hamantaschen sounds delicious!  B-)

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