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Ukraine-Russia Conflict v.5

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Patricia N.
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Russia is requesting that China provide support for the ongoing invasion of Ukraine:

Russia asked China for assistance in its ongoing invasion of Ukraine, U.S. officials warn.

The New York Times reported that Russian officials sought military equipment and support from their Chinese counterparts as the invasion of Ukraine — launched last month by Russian President Vladimir Putin — continues.

Russian leaders also sought economic assistance from China to help lessen the burden of sanctions issued by Western nations that have devastated the Russian economy.

Patricia N.
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'They have transitioned into a new stage of terror': Ukraine accuses Russia of kidnapping the mayor of Melitopol:

Ukraine is saying that Russia has abducted Ivan Fedorov, the mayor of Melitopol.

"They have transitioned into a new stage of terror, in which they try to physically liquidate representatives of Ukraine’s lawful local authorities," Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy declared in a video address Friday, according to the Associated Press.

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A word about the situation from Brother Tyler:

-Fair Use-

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I agree. I think it is all theatre.  They want to destroy the middle class with ruinous inflation and out of control energy costs. Then they would impose UBI (Universal Basic Income) and a digital currency.

Methinks, it is part of the fake evil NWO and they are making things really, really bad before they overthrow them and people will be so overjoyed that they will do almost anything for the real evil NWO.

Anyway, whichever case plays out, it is bad news for those who dwell on the earth. Great news for those who have their citizenship in heaven, though! :yahoo:

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Interesting perspective on how the world basically turned a blind eye to Azerbaijan's  aggression against Armenia in 2019 but now is fully supporting Ukraine and condemning Russia.

World system, thy name is hypocrisy.

James Callaway
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A new post on Hal Turner's site: The Kremlin has announced the following:

"Iran will play a crucial role in Russia's nuclear deterrent. As such, Russian nuclear missiles will be installed in Iran in the very near future."

Israel will definately NOT tolerate this. I keep looking up hoping any day now. I wonder if Purim is a good day. Maranatha, and God Bless.



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Here's an amazing message by Billy Crone summing everything up !!!

Patricia N.
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In Midst of War with Ukraine, Russians to Burn "Tower of Babel":

As the Russia-Ukraine War enters its fourth week, the Maslenitsa Pancake folk festival in Nikola-Lenivets in the Kaluga region of  Russia culminated last week in a huge bonfire that immolated the Tower of Babel.  The effigy, designed by Yekaterina Polyakova, was significantly less majestic than its Biblical counterpart, made from wooden shipping pallets and straw, topping out at 23 meters.

“We want it to be an event that brings people together and helps them get through what is going on in the world,”  Ivan Polissky, manager of the park said to media.

“It so happened that the very Tower of Babel was never completed because of the discord between people and entire nations,” Polyakova said. “The current one … serves as a modern symbol for such disunity.”

The young architect, whose design was chosen in a lengthy process, seems to have misunderstood the Biblical story she chose as the centerpiece of the religious festival. The sin of the builders was not, as she stated, “disunity” but, rather, unity in an effort to challenge and dislodge the rule of heaven.

Yaakov Hayman, the chairman of the Temple Movements, explained that “God wants us to come together and architecture is a part of that.” “The highest form of this was (and will be) the Temple in Jerusalem as a ‘house of prayer for all nations.’"

“The United Nations is a replay of the Tower of Babel and this anti-God disunity is epitomized by and focused on how they treat the Temple Mount,” Hayman said. “The cure for global disunity is the Temple in Jerusalem."

Patricia N.
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Ukraine: Weakness Reinforces the ‘Malice of the Wicked’:

“Democracies are apt to think with their hearts rather than with their heads,” Churchill wrote, “and a general’s business is, or should be, to use his head …”   Having used his head to plan, fight, and win wars for five decades, Gen. MacArthur understood the simple recipe for failure in war:

“The history of failure in war can be summed up in two words:  Too late.  Too late in comprehending the deadly purpose of a potential enemy; too late in realizing the mortal danger; too late in preparedness; too late in uniting all possible forces for resistance; too late in standing with one’s friend.”

While Hitler gobbled up country after country, Parliament preoccupied itself with the political acrobatics of doing nothing.  Time ran out.  By the time Britain sobered up to the grave danger, it was too late.  The war they worked so hard to ignore, came to be the bloodiest in history.

After the war, FDR asked Churchill what name history should give it.  “The Unnecessary War,” he said.  “There never was a war more easy to stop than that which has just wrecked what was left of the world from the previous struggle,” Churchill wrote in his memoirs. “… the malice of the wicked, was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous.”

“From my time among criminals in prison, I know very well that the one who’s the ringleader in the cell is not the one who is physically strongest, but the one who is ready to use his knife,” said Ukrainian-born Natan Sharansky, an anti-Soviet refusenik who was imprisoned in the ‘70s and ‘80s.  “Everybody has a knife, but not everybody is prepared to use it.  Putin believes that he is willing to use his knife and the West isn’t, that the West can only talk, even if it is physically stronger.”  That explains Putin’s nuclear threat, Sharansky said.

“So now he really believes he is the strongest leader in the world,” said Sharansky, “not only because he is prominent, and not only because he doesn’t have to worry about things like these silly Western elections, but also because he is ready to threaten nuclear war and his enemies are not.  He is willing to use his knife.”

It could not have come at a worse time.  Leading the free world is Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and a government stuffed with woke ideologues who are taking sledgehammers to the institutional foundations of the country with an imaginary mandate of political fairy tales: climate change, critical race theory, fathom white supremacy, unlawful open borders, unpunished crime, and a more compliant and effeminate male culture and military.

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Amazing update!   Learned a lot more.  I didn’t realize Israel recently discovered oil fields in the Golan Heights!   I knew that region was known for wine since they have lots of vineyards and cattle grazing there.  WOW … no wonder both the U.N. and Putin recently said the Golan Heights belongs to Syria. :mdrmdr:

And the newer tanks and other military equipment Putin uses is made of non-metal materials so it’s like burning coal.

And Putin recently bought a HUGE amount of horses so when invasion time comes they can trek over the mountains and they got high tech bows and arrows that can kill a person and go right thru the bodies and keep going.

And Putin is making money right now with the high cost of gas but once Israel starts supplying the fuel to Europe and other places it will tank Russia’s income and will get the Bear angry for attack …

Ladies and Gents if we are seeing the coming attractions surely the rapture is about to happen very soon.  Then we get to see the grand show unfold in comfy balcony seats as we watch God’s awesome power of protection on display that will leave the world in a shock and awe state and Israel turning their eyes on the Lord.

:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

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