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Ukraine-Russia Conflict v.5

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The postured rhetoric continues, masquerading insane national decisions and politics!


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Ukraine Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelensky Asks For Peace Talks With Russia To Be Held In Jerusalem In Stunning End Times Development On Saturday



Geoffrey Grider    3/12/22   10 minutes ago

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky suggested on Saturday that negotiations between Ukraine and Russia to end the war could be held in Jerusalem. The Ukrainian leader also told media he believed Israel could provide security guarantees for his country, and said he hoped Prime Minister Naftali Bennett would have a positive influence on negotiations. Zelensky spoke at a special briefing for reporters from Kyiv, under heavy guard. He said he told Bennett he did not believe negotiations could take place in Russia, Ukraine, or Belarus.

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelensky said on Saturday that he hopes for significant positive influence from Bennett on Russia talks. Zelensky even suggested to Bennet that Russia talks could take place in Jerusalem, adding that Israel could provide security guarantees to Ukraine.

In a stunning end times twist, Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky is asking that peace talks with Putin and Russia be held the capital city of Israel in Jerusalem. What could be crazier than that? When nations are involved it’s history, but when Israel is involved it’s prophecy, and the Russian Ukraine conflict, whatever it truly is, is far from over. How much you want to wager that should the peace talks actually be held in Jerusalem, that Emmanuel Macron will make a guest appearance? One can only hope.

“Blessed be the LORD out of Zion, which dwelleth at Jerusalem. Praise ye the LORD.”Psalm 135:21

These are exciting times to saved and serving the Lord Jesus Christ on the front lines of the end times, is it not? On March 14th, I will celebrate 31 years of being born again and walking with Jesus, through many ups and downs, through many mountain top triumphs, and through my fair share of dark, valley days. But right here and now, in the 21st century, the return of Jesus to come get His Bride in the Pretribulation Rapture has never felt to me more close. It is time for us to “come up hither” to meet our lovely Lord and enter our forever Home. Peace talks with Russia and Ukraine in Jerusalem? Yes, please! Jerusalem, O Jerusalem, the epicenter of Bible prophecy and the City of the Great King!


Zelensky to Bennett: Russia talks could take place in Jerusalem
From The JERUSALEM Post: Also on Saturday, the US said it is willing to take diplomatic steps that the Ukrainian government would find helpful, according to a State Department spokesperson after President Volodymyr Zelensky said the West should be more involved in negotiations to end the war. Moscow has said little about Bennett’s mediation efforts. It has issued terms including that Ukraine recognizes Crimea as Russian and Russian-backed breakaway areas as independent. Kyiv says it will not cede any territory. One official briefed on the mediation, and who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, envisaged a potential situation where the warring countries “put it (the recognition issue) on the side, perhaps for 10 or 15 years.”

As a possible precedent, the official cited the Soviet-Japanese peace pact of 1956 that left the status of disputed islands unresolved. It was not immediately clear if the remarks reflected wider thinking in Kyiv or Moscow. The crisis diplomacy, coordinated with the United States, Germany and France, has been a high-wire act for Bennett. He has left it to his foreign minister to condemn the Russian invasion in Israel’s name. That, said another official, was meant to keep Putin’s door open to the Israeli prime minister.

“Power in Russia is pooled entirely around this one man. It’s highly personal. Israel has managed relations with Russia through leader-to-leader contacts, and that requires avoiding soundbites that might stir up ill will,” the official said.
Citing the time that Putin and Zelenskiy have invested in speaking to – and through – Bennett, a senior official in Israel’s Foreign Ministry, Simona Halperin, said in a radio interview on Thursday the mediation efforts “certainly, certainly have a chance of succeeding.”

France and Germany call for peace 
Meanwhile, on the Russian side, President Vladimir Putin told French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz about the state of negotiations between Moscow and Kyiv and responded to their concerns about the humanitarian situation in Ukraine during a three-way phone call on Saturday, the Kremlin said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin did not show a willingness to end a war with Ukraine during a call on Saturday with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, a French presidency official said.

The French and German leaders reiterated their call for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine as a condition for full negotiations, the official said

Finland and Russia speak
Finland’s President Sauli Niinisto and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin discussed the need for ceasefire and humanitarian corridors to evacuate civilians in Ukraine in a phone call on Friday, the Finnish president’s office said in a statement. In the call, which lasted for one hour, Niinisto told Putin the worsening crisis in Ukraine was strongly impacting Western opinion.

“President Niinisto emphasized the need to establish an immediate ceasefire and ensure the safe evacuation of civilians along humanitarian corridors,” the statement read.

Niinisto earlier in the day also spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to discuss Russia’s invasion, and the Finnish president later tweeted that he was “doing my best for peace.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday there had been some progress in Moscow’s talks with Ukraine, but provided no details.

“There are certain positive shifts, negotiators on our side tell me,” Putin said in a meeting with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko, adding that talks continued “practically on a daily basis.”

Putin did not elaborate, but said in the televised remarks that he would go into more detail with Lukashenko.


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Patricia N.
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Joe Biden Threatens ‘World War III’ if Vladimir Putin Attacks NATO:

President Joe Biden warned Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday that any attack against NATO could spark World War III.

The president spoke about the conflict at a House Democrat retreat in Philadelphia, vowing again to defend “every inch” of NATO territory from Putin and the Russians.

“Granted, if we respond, it is World War III, but we have a sacred obligation,” he said to his fellow Democrats.

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Amir Tsarfati:

Lithuania will be the next country that Putin wants to seize if he wins the war with Ukraine, - Ukrainian intelligence data. Then, the Baltic states and Poland will follow. Everything will depend on "how NATO will behave."

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[So sad to read.]

Amir Tsarfati:

A report from a Christian in Mariupol- the besieged Ukrainian city by the Black Sea:

“Good evening friends! Please pray for us! It is impossible to believe what's going on here.... My family and I are in the church. By the grace of God we are alive.... The city is simply being wiped off the face of the earth.... It is completely destroyed, no electricity, all the wires are on the ground, no gas, the gas line is blown up, people go out on the rocks outside to cook their food, no water.... There is no gasoline, we have a well in the church, saltwater, and we drink salty tea. Thank God at least something. People on the streets are hungry, stores are broken and looted, hailstones are shooting, guns, aircraft, bombs just fall around a few meters from the church. God controls these meters, and we only have windows blown out. But we are alive. The generators are on now, and we have charged the phones and for a time, there is WiFi and I hurry up and write this before it disappears.... Pray for us! I wanted to go out with my family when there was a corridor, but our car broke down right away. The Lord didn't let us go far.... I hope the Lord will think of something for us.... Even if it's over, there's nowhere for people to live. Entire entrances are burned out, houses have holes in them, everything is broken! Schools are smashed.... They say don't be horrified, it's not over yet! But it is very scary.... There are corpses lying in the streets, they don't have time to collect them, or maybe they don't collect them at all... It's very difficult! Pray! There are a lot of marauders out there! By the grace of God they feed us twice in church. Yesterday was the first time I washed the kids.... in all this time. From the sea we can get some, but there is nothing to heat, they cook food on generators, they save money on everything ... Pray for us! May God give the leaders wisdom and they will agree.... We do not know how to live
We don't know what to do next... God is with us, He is strong!”

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And Russia is warning this from H.T.

"The Special Military Operation by Russia in Ukraine, which NATO continues to interfere with, got very much worse overnight.  A particular escalation too place overnight that has alarm bells ringing in the heads of all thinking people.

Russia will treat western arms shipments to Ukraine as legitimate military targets, deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov says. "We warned [the US] of consequences from the insane transfer to Ukraine of weapons like mobile anti-aircraft systems, anti-tank missiles, and so on."

Now, Ryabkov's statement does not reveal if treating weapons shipments as legitimate military targets means hitting such weapons inside Ukraine, or taking them out before they get to Ukraine, which means hitting them in another country.

No matter how one looks at it, this is now an aggressive new escalation."

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Sadly, Duckduckgo has gotten on board with the censorship game. :negative:

I am pretty disappointed, as a Duckduckgo user, that they would do this. At least they have received heavy criticism for their actions.

Somewhere, Soros is smiling

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Putin enlists 16,000 Middle Eastern mercenaries to fight in Ukraine: Russia announces 'volunteers' from abroad will join fight:

Vladimir Putin has today given the go-ahead for up to 16,000 volunteers from the Middle East to be deployed alongside Russian-backed rebels to fight in Ukraine.

The move, which comes just over two weeks since the Russian President ordered the ruthless invasion, allows Russia to deploy battle-hardened mercenaries from conflicts such as Syria without risking additional Russian military casualties.

Putin, speaking at the council from the Kremlin, said they could help volunteers, who he claimed were joining of their own accord rather than for money, to 'get to the conflict zone.'

'If you see that there are these people who want of their own accord, not for money, to come to help the people living in Donbas, then we need to give them what they want and help them get to the conflict zone,' he added in an exchange that was shown on Russian state television.


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American Filmmaker Brent Renaud Killed in Ukraine:

A series of reports Sunday state award-winning American photojournalist and filmmaker Brent Renaud has been killed in Ukraine.

The New York Times said Renaud was shot dead in Irpin, near Kyiv, by Russian forces. The outlet quoted Kyiv’s police chief Andriy Nebytov.

It is the first reported death of a foreign journalist covering the war in Ukraine.

Renaud, 50, had worked for a number of American news and media organizations in the past, including HBO, NBC and the Times.

The White House has not yet commented on Renaud’s death but National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan called it ‘shocking and horrifying.’ He said the U.S. would consult with Ukrainian officials about what to do next.

Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine’s interior minister, said in a statement that Renaud “paid with his life for attempting to expose the insidiousness, cruelty, and ruthlessness of the aggressor.”

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Biden Gang Now Says Biological Labs That They Said Were in Ukraine Yesterday Do Not Exist:

OK – so which is it?  Are there biological research labs in Ukraine or not?  The Biden gang admitted to the existence of biolabs on Tuesday but then changed their story on Wednesday.

Yesterday, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland admitted during testimony before a US Senate committee the existence of biological research labs in Ukraine.

But then this afternoon, less than 24 hours later, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that reports of biolabs in Ukraine were fake news propagated by Russia.

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