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Ukraine-Russia Conflict v.5

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and keep your borscht and vodka :calvin

Patricia N.
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Zelensky Ready To 'Discuss & Find Compromise' On Crimea, No Longer Insists On NATO Membership:

President Zelensky's 14-hour old ABC News interview is finally getting widespread distribution and is being repackaged as a significant nod to Moscow on what's been Putin's core issue he cited as justification for launching the war:  the Kremlin issued updated demands saying it would halt all military operations if Ukraine agreed to the following: recognize Russian sovereignty over Crimea, acknowledged the statehood of Donetsk and Luhansk, and importantly to update the Ukrainian constitution barring entry into external military alliances (namely NATO).

In another apparent nod aimed at placating Moscow, Zelensky said he is open to "compromise" on the status of two breakaway pro-Russian territories that President Vladimir Putin recognized as independent just before unleashing the invasion on February 24.

"I have cooled down regarding this question a long time ago after we understood that ...NATO is not prepared to accept Ukraine," Zelensky said in an interview aired Monday night on ABC News.  "The alliance is afraid of controversial things, and confrontation with Russia," the president added.

President Zelensky hinted that Kyiv could be willing to compromise on some of these proposals. He said:  "I’m talking about security guarantees. I think items regarding temporarily occupied territories and unrecognized republics that have not been recognized by anyone but Russia, these pseudo-republics. But we can discuss and find a compromise on how these territories will live on. What is important to me is how the people in those territories are going to live who want to be part of Ukraine."

However, he reaffirmed in the interview that Ukraine is not ready to compromise based on "ultimatums."  Previously Zelensky said he wouldn't negotiate based on a "gun at this head."  "I’m ready for dialogue, we’re not ready for capitulation," he said.

Patricia N.
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The World Failed To Take Adolf Hitler Seriously And Paid The Price, We Would Do Well To Take Putin Seriously:

Let’s set the record straight, Vladimir Putin is absolutely in the driver’s seat, he knows it, Ukraine knows it and the whole world knows it. Not only that, Putin has painted himself into a corner from which there is no retreat, only forward motion, and he is well aware of the cost of doing so. Nuclear. Adolf Hitler was the “funny little man with the mustache” that no one took seriously, right up to the moment when Hitler set the world on fire. Have we learned anything since then? We’re about to find out.

If you think having Starbucks and McDonald’s closing up shop, and Visa and Mastercard cutting Russia off does anything other than make Putin laugh as he falls asleep, you have another thing coming. Vladimir Putin has thrown down the gauntlet and burned his bridge behind him, how do you answer that? If Ukraine was smart, they would negotiate, accept concessions and make a deal. Or, they can see how far Putin is prepared to go, because guess what? Putin is “all in," and you better bring your A-game. Putin has certainly brought his.

A former senior White House official familiar with Russian nuclear security issues told Defense One that the risk of a Russian first nuclear use is rising, largely because Putin doesn’t view such weapons in the same way as the United States, or even the former Soviet Union.

“The United States has newer weapons to deter conventional conflict…Russia has nuclear weapons as part of a warfighting battle plan,” said the official, who called them just a “warfighting tool” for Russia. The former official said the danger is increasing “precisely because the conflict in Ukraine is going badly.”


Patricia N.
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Russia Tells the US “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons”:

The Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova,  told the United States on Wednesday, “We have found your biological weapons!”

“There was the statement made by the Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, leave no doubt, will not give Washington to be silent this time. Their attempts, while spilling blood, to find biological and chemical weapons throughout the world. We have found your own products. We have found your biological material. As it turns out it was all happening in Ukraine,” RT, Russia state-affiliated media reported.

Russia now demands the US to explain bio labs in Ukraine.  Russia accused the U.S. of violations of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention and has covered it up.

This comes after State Department official Victoria Nuland admitted in her testimony on Tuesday that the US has biolabs in Ukraine.

On Tuesday, the official spokesman for the China Communist Government confronted the United States on its 336 biological labs in 30 countries around the world. According to China, there are 26 US biological labs in Ukraine alone.

Patricia N.
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Fox News Turns to Israel 365's Rabbi Weisz for Insight into the Ukraine Conflict:

Rabbi Weisz, who has sent one of his staff members to Ukraine to aid Jewish refugees and eventually bring them ‘home’ to Israel, pontificated on the historical and spiritual ramifications of the war in Ukraine.

“I live in Israel, where there are literally hundreds of thousands of Israelis from Russia and Ukraine,” the rabbi added. “But in addition to that, there’s a very interesting spiritual message [here]. Both Jews and Christians are looking at this [war] from a biblical perspective. A lot of rabbis are saying how this seems to be the war that is described at the end of days.”

The war he refers to is the War of Gog and Magog and is described in Ezekiel 38.

Rabbi Weisz said that although the situation is tragic, the good news is that the conflict has brought together both Jews and Christians to exercise the moral obligations they share, saying: “different faith communities [are] coming into alignment, and together they are fighting for what’s right.”

Regarding the interest of Israel, where he now lives, to the conflict the rabbi told Fox News, “In addition to this being an enormous humanitarian crisis, the Jewish people are very concerned because there’s so much history in that region. My grandmother is from Ukraine, originally.”


Patricia N.
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From Fay on last week's Five Doves, Evil Men Waxing Worse and Worse:

Russia is the biggest producer of barley (Revelation 6: 5-6) In a post last week, I pointed out that Russia and Ukraine are responsible for a 3rd of the world's wheat exports. Hence the astronomical price of wheat and barley in Revelation 6. The Black Horse. Hey - it's no accident that wheat and barley are named in Revelation 6!


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Very interesting!   I missed that letter … thanks for pointing this out!

Also Russia is a MAJOR exporter of fertilizer … so they are saying … MAJOR famine is coming because they will be holding that back on all the farmers in the dell.

What I don’t understand is can’t the farmers just use regular cow and horse poop … my mom used to use horse poop in her garden and had the best tomatoes, cucumbers, string beans, peppers, etc.   And I believe the Amish use just that and their crops and meat is always organic and tasty?  The hamburgers in Lancaster, PA were out of this world good!

So why does the world depend on toxic fertilizer? :unsure:

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Because they have depleted the ground of it's nutrients by over farming it and in their greed they want bigger crops.

Patricia N.
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My extended family raises beef cattle.  When I was young, they used to keep the animals in barns in the winter, and then every spring the barns were filled with manure which the farmers spread on the fields that they planned on seeding.  But at some point, the experts were saying that cattle could stay outdoors all year.  So they went to that system.  Now there are no more concentrated sources of manure to use unless you buy it.

Patricia N.
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Grassley: ‘Biden Administration Was for Sending These Polish MiGs to Ukraine Before They Said They Were Against It’:

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has called for a more hawkish approach regarding the U.S. reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  The Iowa Republican insisted the United States provide “everything it might need” in its defense in a social media post.

“[W]e have no time to waste,” he declared. “And it seems funny. The Biden administration was for sending these Polish MiGs to Ukraine before they said they were against it. I guess they listened to some lawyers in the Pentagon that said it might be a pretext for escalation. But he’s already said that our sanctions are, and the arms that we’re giving them now is kind of an act of war. At least, that’s what Putin is saying. So, it seems that Putin’s talking to a few of his yes-men. I don’t think he’s consulting with these lawyers. But our Pentagon’s consulting with the lawyers.”

“And maybe the worst thing here is that, in news conferences and on television, we’re always talking about what we’re going to do to help,” Grassley continued. “We’re sending messages through our news media to Putin what we’re going to do. When it comes to national security issues, we ought to keep our mouth shut.”

Host Neil Cavuto said some at the Pentagon objected to the Polish MiGs being sent to Ukraine because it could be considered an act of war. However, Grassley questioned how it was different from the West’s munitions already provided to Ukraine.

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