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Ukraine-Russia Conflict v.2

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Patricia N.
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From Amir's email newsletter:

. . . . Despite all this, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ and have made Him your Lord and Savior, there is no reason to be discouraged. Of course, it is disappointing to see America stepping down as the world’s only superpower. Watching the degradation of government and culture can bring feelings of sadness. Trust me, I’ve felt that for my own country of Israel. Yet, when we step back and look at the big picture, we should begin to feel that anticipatory flutter in our stomachs. We know that something big is coming. We’re feeling the foreshocks and we know the big quake is near. With America no longer standing alone as the world’s only superpower, it opens the door for a new world order to be shaped. We see already that Rosh (Russia) has risen back to prominence, something that wouldn’t have happened under the previous president. We see that Europe is a confused mess, the world is unstable, and people are longing for a strong leader. The stage is set for the rise of the antichrist.

As believers, though, we won’t be around to see the antichrist come to power. That is where our excited anticipation comes from. When we see the stage set for the antichrist, we know that the rapture is right around the corner. What we see in the world should not cause us fear but should bring us peace because we are watching Bible prophecy played out right before our eyes! God’s Word given 2500 years ago is being fulfilled right now, this moment, all around us. So, we live with confidence. We live with peace, demonstrating to the people around us that there is no reason to be afraid for those who believe and trust in the Lord.

I don’t know how the Russia/Ukraine conflict will end. I do know, though, that there will soon come a day when an Israeli attack on proxy militias in Syria or an airstrike on Iran’s nuclear facilities or a desire for Israel’s massive gas fields will trigger a now emboldened Russia to attack. The prophetic page will turn from Ezekiel 37 to Ezekiel 38. That is when we know that we as Christ’s bride will soon be removed from this earth. In the twinkling of an eye, we will meet our Lord in the air, and we will be changed. Until that day comes, though, we are to occupy this earth.

When it comes to wars and the fear of what might happen, we as believers must remember that our lives will always be a balance between the calling God has given us in this world and what we know will eventually take place as He carries out His plans. We are to be about our Father’s business. We are to live in this world and love its people and show them that there is hope and truth and peace to be found. And when you watch the news and look around you and discouragement comes, look up – your redemption draws nigh.

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Exciting updates!!!   Hope Springs Eternal 2022 :whistle: 

:flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

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I just viewed a youtube … this watcher pointed out in 2023 the U.N.’s agenda is for ALL nations to surrender their sovereignty to the Globalist’s New World Order System.  He claims there was a speech made in Sept 2022 about it.  So … if this is the case … no wonder Putin is not all on board and resisting all he can with the Globalists …. cause he wants to retain his power and not go along with their beast system. :popcorn

So then is this a slam dunk win win for the church 2022 is thee rapture year? B-)


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September 2022 hasn’t happened yet :mdrmdr: ?

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Oops …  ok ok  make that … it was Sept 2021 😉    I fixed it. :stinkerbell:

This is what happens when I haven’t eaten breakfast yet.  I can’t think straight. :wacko:    I even ran out of donuts 🙁  so I need to cook something … will it be fried eggs, cinnamon/brown sugar and walnut oatmeal … oh wait a second … I have some frozen waffles for the toaster and I gots mint chocolate chip ice cream …  ok I will have that! B-)

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Thanks Patricia and thanks Amir - I needed this right now to step back and see the big picture.

Oh how I want to go HOME! :prayer-hands:

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I think we're all a little discombobulated right now :wacko:

This world is coming undone

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Please note … pretty much every world leader is a Mason or a Shriner (Islamic leaders). They are all in the same club BUT they bicker to be the top dog.  And Putin wants to be #1 because he sees America has lost its status … paving the way for the NWO and AC rising.   This is why Jesus said a house divided will not stand. He was referring to the devil’s crowd of world leaders in the secret club house.   If the leader doesn’t follow orders … they get eliminated.  No mercy.  Saddam Hussein of Iraq (was a Shriner) … when he decided to invade Kuwait …  they warned him NO, but he disobeyed orders so he had to be taken out of the way. The same happened to …. Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi … he was removed from power from Libya.  I forget what no no blunder he did. :scratch:

So with today being 2/22/22 … I expected action pack EXCITEMENT … but its been pretty tame and boring sleep fest.


Patricia N.
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Putin orders troops into eastern Ukraine:

In a wide-ranging televised speech Monday evening, Putin described Ukraine as a historical part of Russia that was illegitimately taken from Moscow and is now run by a “puppet regime” controlled by the U.S. and the West. "Ukraine is not just a neighboring country, they are a part of our culture," he said. Noting that Ukraine has taken down some of its Soviet-era statues, he warned Kyiv, "You want decommunization? We will show you what it’s like." He then signed a decree formally recognizing the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic, which have been controlled by Russian-backed separatists since 2014. Alongside him were Denis Pushilin and Leonid Pasechnik, heads of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics.

If you are a student of WWII history and territorial aggressions by the Nazis and Russia, then you should know exactly what you are looking at on the evening news tonight. If you’re a student of Bible prophecy, then you really know what you’re looking at as there must be the necessary geographical power grabs foretold in scripture. Putin wants Kyiv, and he just might be about to get it.

Make no mistake about it, Russia has to expand its territories and get mobile if these are truly the days of fulfilling prophecy, and guess what? They absolutely are, so buckle up and enjoy the view here on Day 707 of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve!

FROM NBC NEWS: The order will likely be seen as another escalation of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, on a day when tensions rose as Putin moved forward with the formal recognition of two breakaway regions and delivered a lengthy speech about the relationship between the two nations.

Putin framed the troop movement as a “peacekeeping” effort in both regions. His decision to recognize both regions was seen by the United States and its European allies as a dramatic provocation and part of a pretext to invade Ukraine and led to the U.S. and European Union announcing sanctions.

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Here is an interesting passage … when AC is introduced to world stage not all the nations are going to want him/worship him … there will be resistance.

Revelation 6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.


But by mid point … he gains full power … and the electricity goes off. :mdrmdr:

Revelation 16:10-11

And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, 11And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.


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