Turkey’s hook in th...
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Turkey’s hook in the jaw

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Evil forces want their way and will not be put off for long. There has been too much appeasement of Evil for the sake of so-called peace and getting along. Now it’s completely out of control. The only way out for us seems to be up.

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Sooner than later!


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TR, Geri, and Kent —- it could be that folks are just getting things lined up for those left once we’re gone, because it sure should happen within hours to days if the sign from the escalation of evil is a clue.

My favorite thing about today is that it celebrates Reformation Day

1517 Martin Luther sends his 95 Theses to Albrecht von Brandenburg, the Archbishop of Mainz, precipitating The Protestant Reformation

Big news today is:    Super Typhoon Goni explodes into 2020’s strongest storm on Earth, and is slamming into Philippines. The storm in the western Pacific saw its peak winds reach 195 mph.

So we all get “Peace and Security” —- home going! :yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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Getting a wee bit off topic. Let’s talk Turkey! 😉

Here’s a video that tries to explain what is going on. It’s fairly accurate, for the most part.

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The USA may be finally imposing sanctions on Turkey that could really cripple their economy. Could make them desperate enough to invade Israel and trigger the Gog - Magog War, perhaps.

“The United States is poised to impose sanctions on Turkey over its acquisition last year of Russian S-400 air defense systems, four sources including two U.S. officials told Reuters on Thursday.

The long-anticipated step, which is likely to infuriate Ankara and severely complicate relations with the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden, could be announced any day, sources said.

The sanctions would target Turkey’s Presidency of Defence Industries and its head, Ismail Demir, sources have said. Several sources said they were expecting the announcement on Friday but one said it could come any day and perhaps as soon as Thursday.

The Turkish lira weakened following the news. U.S. sanctions could harm a Turkish economy already struggling with a coronavirus-induced slowdown, double-digit inflation and badly depleted foreign reserves.

A senior Turkish official said sanctions would backfire and hurt ties between the two NATO members.

According to Reuters, the U.S. State Department could alter its plans and widen or narrow the scope of planned sanctions against Turkey, a NATO ally for decades.

However, sources said the announcement of the sanctions in their current form was imminent and suggested the United States — after long waiting for Turkey to change course in the face of U.S. warnings about sanctions requirements under the law — was out of patience and finally ready to act.”


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The next week will be very interesting to observe. Lot of “potential” wars just ready on the verge of as it where, ready to explode. Even here in the good ole USA, we now have military ships on our two main coastlines and military bases are literally “loading” up. I live in a highly concentrated east coast military area with the now largest Navy carrier base and two Naval air stations, plus Air Force, Army, and Coast Guard bases. Just Four hours from DC, a LOT of air activity from both Navy and Army going overhead.
We shall certainly see the fireworks.

Excited to go to DC this Saturday for the Trump March ... taking the Amtrak into Union station, should be very exciting .. I do covet your prayers :prayer-hands: for the ones of us going, for safety and honoring our Lord as I stand as a Patriot in the fight for our freedom .... course if we fly up tomorrow, that party is over :mdrmdr:

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Turkey under Erdogan is making a lot of enemies.

Iran is now mad at Turkey.  Turkey recited a poem basically claiming Iranian provinces were part of Azerbaijan.  Iran does have a sizable Azeri minority numbering in the tens of millions.

Suffice to say,  this will be one more thing that triggers the infighting between the Gog Magog forces.


"Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif responded to a poem recited by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan “wrongly” claiming that Iranian provinces of Azerbaijan were part of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Tehran Times reports.

“President Erdogan was not informed that what he ill-recited in Baku refers to the forcible separation of areas north of Aras from Iranian motherland. Didn’t he realize that he was undermining the sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan? NO ONE can talk about OUR beloved Azerbaijan,” Iran’s top diplomat tweeted."


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The US Senate has approved sanctions against Turkey.

“The U.S. Senate has overwhelmingly passed defense bill mandating sanctions against Turkey over its purchase of Russian S-400 missiles.

The Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by an 84-13 vote on Friday, defying President Trump’s threat to veto the bill if it does not repeal liability protections for social media companies, Axios reports.

The bill provides for the obligation to impose sanctions under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) in Turkey within a specific timeframe.

The bill requires the imposition of sanctions within 30 days of the legislation passing. It calls for sanctions on “each person that knowingly engaged in the acquisition of the S-400 air defense system” by Turkey. The bill would allow the president to rescind the sanctions after a year.

Earlier this week, the House passed the bill with an overwhelming majority. “


Also, the USA has secretly blocked any military sales to Turkey for the last 2 years.


It’s nice to see someone standing up to a bully. Now, if only the USA would recognize the Armenian genocide.

Also of note, Trump threatened to veto the bill if liability protections were not removed from social media companies. That is very interesting.

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Gog is quite upset with Israel.  More bluster and threats from Erdogan.

Vows to destroy Israel, “liberate Al-Aqsa,” and spread anti-Zionist and antisemitic comments have become normal in Turkey.

Turkey has in the last few weeks sought to use media connections abroad to push narratives about how it wants reconciliation with Israel, even as its own media pushes extremist anti-Israel comments. One commentator, according to T24 Turkish media, said that Turkey could “enter Tel Aviv in 48 hours.” He claimed, “we are not like the Arabs,” an apparent reference to the inability of Arab armies to defeat Israel in 1948 and 1967.
The commentary on Turkish television was not abnormal. Hatred of Israel and vows to destroy Israel, invade Jerusalem, “liberate Al-Aqsa” and spread extreme nationalist, anti-Zionist or antisemitic comments have become increasingly normal in Turkey. Most journalists who are critical of the ruling party in Turkey have been silenced, forced to flee the country or imprisoned. Turkey is considered the largest jailor of journalists in the world under the AK Party.


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Again, Turkey is key for end time prophecy fullfilment!

Once trusted allies of Israel they have played the Judas card!


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