TRUE Chanukah 12-30...
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TRUE Chanukah 12-30-21 Thru 1-6-22

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I thought that this recent teaching by Dr Barry Awe may bless my brothers and sisters here on RITAN. I have believed for quite a few years, with good biblical evidence, that Jesus was conceived on Chanukah and born in the fall feasts, most likely Tabernacles. Is there a possible symmetry in that Jesus as the head of the Church and light of the world left heaven and came to earth on this feast day and we, as the body of the church, will leave earth and go to heaven on the same feast.

Whether a Chanukah rapture is valid or not my wife and I were amazed at the material in the video such as the connection and pattern of a pregnancy to the sequence of all of the biblical feast days.

The spark of light that scientists have now discovered at conception left us stunned and there is a lot of material in this video to encourage the church that the rapture is very very close.

Many blessings



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We shall see if that changes anything from the perspective of our departure!

Still hoping for Christmas Day!

Again, whenever the Rapture occurs  the event itself will need to be addressed!


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Jan 6th is also called the little epiphany!  Also my wife's birthday!

Christmas or Hanukkah, I'll take either one!  But Christmas is preferred!


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there are so many different calendars, i don't know what to think. it is intriguing that when Jesus walked on Solomon's porch at the temple that it was winter. If true Hanukkah is in winter, it would begin following the solstice.

John 10:22 At that time the Feast of the Dedication took place at Jerusalem; 23 it was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple in the portico of Solomon. 24 The Jews then gathered around Him, and were saying to Him, “How long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly.”25 Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe; the works that I do in My Father’s name, these testify of Me. 26 But you do not believe because you are not of My sheep. 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28 and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.

be of good cheer, we will hear His voice and follow Him. we will gain eternal life and no one will be able to keep us away from Jesus. either at the rapture or being resurrected, we will hear His voice and meet Him in the air, and so we will ever be with the Lord.

Chislev or Kislev 25 evening, on the creator's calendar is Jan 12 thru 8 days. today the 21st Dec was the start of winter.

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I am counting on hearing His voice, the voice God!

He will tell us where and when to gather!

Perhaps His voice first, then the angel and trumpet!


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dr awe mentions other dates, 20th of 9th month, and 24th of 9th month.

on the creator's calendar,

the 20th Kislev is Jan 7. this day is in Ezra 10 where the men of Judah and Benjamin were told to put away foreign wives. Ez 10:9 they gathered before the house of God in Jerusalem

the 24th is Jan 11. he referred to Haggai 2:10-23 From this day on the Lord would bless them. God would shake heavens and earth and God would make Zerubbabel like a signet ring.



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I saw something interesting on Steve Fletcher's channel.  I can't post it because he likes to name his choice for the AC. But he mentions that Jesus is the Bright and Morning Star..Rev. 22:16. He says this is Venus and that Venus is changing from being an evening star to a morning star on January 8th, but not visible until the 11th or 12th.  On January 8th, Venus is in the constellation of Sagittarius...the rider on the white horse.

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Interesting about January 8th …is “linked” with rider on the white horse … :mail:

because Lisa’s (WW65) YouTube’s she mentions the Russian newspapers are indicating they might invade Ukraine  on Christmas Eve … Russian orthodox celebrate Christmas on January 7th so January 6th is Christmas Eve to them … and she thinks when Russia invades it will be a domino effect and trigger  all the other wars … China invasion to Taiwan, perhaps Iran attacking Israel? :unsure:

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Again, if we see the ball drop and 2022 realized, Apr 11 is my last guess!

Imminency never seemed so long!


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on Creator's Calendar, Chanukah began Jan 11, Kislev 24

lets see how lit up this week ends up being.

Project Veritas on the military paper release

Chairman Kim firing a missile
