Tower of Babel
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Tower of Babel

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I just had an “aha” moment.

In Genesis, people were building a tall tower together reaching into the sky.  God saw them working together and could see the potential for evil they had by working together and accomplishing much united as a team for their own glory. So God confounded their language so they could no longer work as a unit.  The people disbursed, populated other lands, started over, and spoke different languages.  It took a very long time before people joined together again to accomplish so much, until the Industrial Revolution really.

Today, we again have a universal language — English.  Of course not everyone speaks English but the majority do, the developed countries do.  We can again unite and accomplish great things, again with the potential for great evil.

It’s the Tower of Babel all over again, but today instead of working together for our own glory, we are working together against God and to be God.  We have worked together to alter genetics, change genders, abort life, artificially extend life, euthanize, alter the weather, create weapons of mass destruction, develop biological warfare, accomplish global communication in seconds, and much, much more, usurping God’s role and will.  We glory in our god-like power and have no need to for God, nor do we acknowledge, fear, or respect God.

It’s about time for our Tower to fall...


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Joined: 6 years ago

Your right Sis!  Actually the universal language IMHO is math.  Binary, zero's and one's  actually.  And indeed it is again to perpetuate the ascent of man over God!  This language is utilized by all and works wonders in commerce and technology.  In this marriage we have the unholy and express desire to dethrone God!  Nothing new under the sun!

Being filled with our own importance and achievements who needs God?


Posts: 190
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Estimable Member
Joined: 6 years ago

Hmmm...yet another aha moment Tender Reed!  Thank you.


Posts: 8052
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

Blessings to you Sis!  But indeed a great insight about the tower of Babel!

That's what I call binary...babble!

