3,000 CA churches have announced they will 'defy' Governor Newsom's Order and resume services ~ ~ My take: ~ ~ ~ let's see how our fraudulent governor can 'reign in' millions of believers gathered in worship TOGETHER unto Jesus while he continues to release criminals from prison . . ~ ~ ` watch how our God pushes back the darkness much like He 'opened' the Red Sea ~ ~ . . Christ's church must stand up against the tide of this 'pharoah hound' ~ https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2020/may/not-asking-for-permission-hundreds-of-california-churches-plan-to-open-may-31?fbclid=IwAR0lCWKp_HpAc-K9KN_qFQdNKFoaxqb1XbOzL47Sz_8Fe2hxYlBIN06P0Yc Pastor Jack Hibbs noted: ~ ~ "May 31 was chosen because it is Pentecost, marking the birth of the Christian Church when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and followers of Jesus, according to Christian tradition, fitting for a "rebirth" of services." Wonderful! Given we have so little time! Last call before Ark door closes. TR leaping saints! in acts 2:38-42, 3000 souls were added on that pentecost, gathered together on that day. now there are 3000 pastors opening doors to worship together in person Awesome! Whoota think it! TR
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May 9, 2020 12:02 pm
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May 9, 2020 2:49 pm
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May 9, 2020 6:58 pm