Three days till summer! Not feeling yet, but ever hopeful! Can't help but feel something is gonna pop soon! Let the remnant be removed! TR Can't wait to see the face of your glory Father! To be bathed in Your love, embraced by Christ, and to be nurtured by the Holy Spirit's overshadowing is beyond comprehension! Just a greater portion of Your glory is all I desire! To be fully enveloped and immersed by your love is what we were created for! We are the wonderful work of your hands and heart! Our purpose is to know your love more intimately and completely! To worship you, give thanks for Your being and to rest in the knowledge that our love for one another will be complete! The express fulfillment of Your heart and ours! TR Yes Lord! So be it! Had an interesting short dream last night.... a patient at our office, that I am not particularly fond of.....talks literally incessantly- sorry but I have my :calvin She was in a room waiting to be seen by another provider :good: and I walked by within ear shot but not directly visual and she was saying that she had to have this or that done before this weekend because she was watching and expecting the Rapture on Sunday!!! First of all, I was surprised that she was watching because she doesn't give any indication of being a believer but I definitely perked up when she said Sunday!! Now Im not sure if this is just wishful thinking on my part or a bit of good news, but either way I woke up hopeful and excited....Lord please come! It could happen! Church services in Heaven this sunday! WOW! TR Maybe Thishful Winking... 😉 😉 Who knows :unsure: :whistle: Fathers' Day :yes: :yes: :yes: Maybe, "Our Father, we art in heaven..." :yahoo: Good one Dan! TR Though we still wait for the shout, time is on our side! Again, 2021 seems to be our year of escape! TR Three days till Fri! We know and are assured that our redemption will eventually be realized! Will this be our Ascension day?! TR Now over half way through 2021....closer than before! This has got to be the year. Come Lord Jesus. We yearn to be raised with you (without masks!) to our heavenly home. I wanna go home.....
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