The world has not e...
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The world has not ended.....

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A couple things folk tend to overlook in this parable.

One the 10 virgins are significant of a virtuous life doing deeds of mercy. The difference is the 5 virgins without oil neglected to complete the cycle by taking the salvation offered at the cross of Christ by grace thru faith to receive the oil (sealed with the Holy Spirit).

Second, many believers tend to read over this part —-

Matthew 25:5 “As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept.”

Jesus favorite saying for those who died was “fell asleep”. So these Virgins that had oil are those who have died in Christ, when the call came (trumpet sounded, the voice of God) - the dead in Christ rise first ....

So salvation is by the cross of Christ through faith, not of works Least anyone boast....

My thoughts via an old study, long, long ago, far, far away...


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Indeed the Lord I believe can still be entreated by men.  Whether it be Moses, Abraham or many of the Old Testement saints.

That said, God is sovereign and knows when to accommodate and capitulate, and when not to!

I agree with Johanan, on a day already appointed by God before the foundations of the world were laid, that this is an immovable time!

There may be many virgins, but not all are found engaged to the Lord!


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I agree Yohanan, I was drawn to the RITA board because I sense not only the love for Jesus but the love for His appearing.  This is a unique group of believers who are faithful in their watch and are determined to not give up! :popcorn

Per J.D. he says the rubber band can only be stretched so far before breaking and, as of this moment, its sooo close to the breaking point of no return. :yes:

So the million dollar question is ... will the rapture happen “on a day we think not?”  or  “while they are saying peace and safety sudden destruction occurs on them” but we will escape ... at the same time all goes down ... we go up?! :flyup:      Hmmm ... right now I’m leaning towards the “peace and safety announcement” :whistle:   I think we should know by next week if it will happen that way  ... if not, I reckon I will switch back over to “on a day we think not”. B-)

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Excellent point, Tammie, with the foolish 5 hearing the salvation message but procrastinated in making a decision and then fell asleep and weren’t ready and missed the call from the bridegroom.

I never heard a sermon on this parable ... now it making more sense.  Which brings me then to another question, but I’m going to start a new thread on that question ...

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Another point is that when the cry at midnight is made Christ is announced as the Bridegroom!

At the second coming, that is not the title He will known as.  The King of kings and Lord of Lord's,  the one they had pierced, the Alpha and Omega!


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I'm confused about something....if the five unwise virgins aren't saved, then why are they even waiting for the Bridegroom with their lamps? Do they represent those who are religious and yet not saved? I have yet to meet an unsaved person who is waiting for Jesus' return.

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Yep, I think the foolish ones are the wolves in sheep clothing ... it could be preachers/prophecy teachers selling their latest end time books / DVD’s or charging money to hear them speak in person in conferences.  Perhaps its also pertaining to those who are in the Christian music industry selling their CD’s as they sing about the rapture.  And the movie stars who play the roles in end time films.  How about those who own Christian tv stations or radio stations begging people for money threatening they will be off the air unless people empty their pockets.  Or those who are selling expensive dry food and other must have gadgets claiming this will get you through the tribulation.  Some of these wolves are showing their true love by their over the top lifestyle - living in mansions, having personal jets, etc.

I’m sure there are a lot of ordinary wolves too that mingle in with the saved on Christian forum boards and in churches.  They are there for the fellowship.  Perhaps they just love to talk about politics and want people to pray for them and their family, but deep down they are only concerned with making America Great again and pretend they are waiting for the rapture.

Matthew 7:21-23
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity,

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The best thing is that even though we are still here, nothing has changed...The signs are everywhere, all around us, now, now...He is coming soon, get ready, the time is urgent!! We have all been watchers for at least a while :good: and so for us, the Rapture feels delayed but many (unfortunately not all) other previously distracted Christians seem to be waking up to the truth....and there is now more persecution, as well as opportunities to separate ourselves from churches that have rejected the Word....the pressure and the heat is getting applied so that His word might go out farther and more effectively than if we were comfortably waiting. This is's closer than it has ever been, the Spirit is speaking in our hearts to work hard, time is short, bring as many into the family as possible. We are going home soon!! Let us finish strong....we don't have to wait for any future feast days, moons or is at the door, any day, any hour, any minute soon my friends :flyup:

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Well said, one and all!


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Indeed a comforting thought is that it is later than it's ever been!  Not only are we getting older individually, but so too is the world!


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