"The Eighth Mo...
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"The Eighth Month And A Rapture Connection?"

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I have never heard much of a case for the rapture in November; I usually feel I have to at least wait until Passover by this time.  However, here is a link where somewhat of a case is made for the rapture in November and following is a snippet from it:


Soon we will be entering the 8th month of the Jewish calendar - the month of Cheshvan/Heshvan/Marheshvan (post Babylonian exile) or Bul (I Kings 6:38) (pre Babylonian exile).

Bul is the Canaanite name (pre-Exile) and signified the month of rain, or the start of the rainy season; it was also the month of harvest and means to 'bring forth' or 'month of bountiful harvests'.  Solomon's Temple was completed in the month of Bul.  The Hebrew word is  בול, which comes from the verb 'to bring forth', as the 'whole process of labour'/per Strong's). Olives were harvested in this month and grains (barely and wheat) are planted for the first harvest of the following year.

Cheshvan is the Hebrew name and does not occur in the Bible.  The Hebrew root word for Cheshvan is 'chash', and in Hebrew this means to be still or quiet.

Cheshvan is the only month with no mitzvot or special days.  This is because this month has been reserved for the time of Mashiach or Messiah.  It's often refered to as 'the month of Mashiach'.

"The number eight in the Bible signifies Resurrection and Regeneration.  It is the number of a new beginning.... Eight is the personal number of Jesus.  When we add together the letter values of the name of Jesus in Greek we get 888.  Jesus was called The Christ, the numeric values of this title is 1480 (185x8).  He was Savior which has the value of 1408 (2x88x88).  Jesus is also Lord which again is a multiple of eight being 800 (100x8).  Messiah has the numeric value of 656 (82x8).  Jesus also called Himself the Son of Man.  The term occurs 88 times and is valued at 2960 (370x8).  Jesus said "I am the truth":  the numeric value of "the truth" is 64 (8x8).  .  .

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Would love to see the rapture occur this month for sure! :flyup:

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Just as our hearts can't wait to be with the lover of our souls, Jesus is just as anxious.  For God has been looking forward to "that" day since before the foundations of the world were even laid down!


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sort of interesting thing about the name Bul for the month.

have a look at the meaning of the hebrew letters beyt or bet, vav, and lamed from Jeff Benner's site, Ancient Hebrew Research Center

bet= family, house, in

vav=add, secure, hook

lamed= looked like a shepherd's staff in the ancient hebrew. meaning teach, yoke, authority, bind


:bye: come Lord

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Holding my breath for tonight and tomorrow being Cheshvan 10! That 14 page document posted in another post on the main forum was an amazing read (I tried to re-post it below). I am going to check into the letter from that Rabbi... oh that it be legitimate! Would love to being flying up in the next 24 hours and meeting all of y'all! Reading the author's comment about the veiled moon... man oh man - holy ghost goosebumps!

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A big AMEN to that!

The Rapture itself will be a glorious experience, but receiving our physical redemption and being ushered into the arms of Jesus there is nothing better!

Scripturally and historically we have so many pegs upon which to hang our hat upon.  It will be interesting to see which one the Lord will honour.

Aside from Christ's own rapture, or Pentecost, it seems to me that the day Noah and his family entered into the Ark seem to be a most prominent Rapture possibility.  There is very little effort of trying to read into or between the lines to draw a direct correlation.  As for me, these seem to be the most straightforward of all the types and shadows!

Given all the intricate and elaborate formula's we have considered in trying to place a date upon the Rapture, I lack the knowledge and skill to be dogmatic about any given one of them.  If there is indeed a call at midnight it would certainly blow my advance warning theory out the window.  And I wouldn't even care!

