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The Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar

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Is this the near perfect calendar and more accurate than our Gregorian one?

I found this article fascinating.

By simply adding a Jubilee day after the 49th week and 49th month you get a calendar that is astonishingly accurate.


360                  Days in the base (and prophetic) 360-Day Biblical Year

4                  Seasonal Days  (Per the Dead Sea Scrolls)

1                  Day for Jubilee of Weeks ( = 1 Day added after the 49th week)

0.2422         Day for Jubilee of Months ( = 1 Day added after the 49 month)

365.2422         Days Per Year

NOTE:  Our modern Gregorian Calendar is 365.2425 Days Per Year long … yet, NASA tells us to be accurate our year should be exactly 365.2422 days long.


So, by simply adding (setting apart) a “Jubilee of Weeks” day and a “Jubilee of Months” day into the ancient Jewish 360/364 Day (Prophetic/Priestly) Calendar which we find in the Dead Sea Scrolls it would provide an amazing exact and perfectly accurate annual solar Calendar (while also filling in the two missing biblical Jubilee recognitions)!!!

Tell me what you think. :feedback

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DSS calendar dates coming up:

Feb 26-Purim

March 23-Nisan 1

April 1-Nisan 10

April 5-Nisan 14 Passover

I like this calendar since all the dates are sooner than the others!

I watched a Ken Johnson video a few days ago..not sure which one, but he was saying that children of the light were the people like the Essenes that followed a solar calendar.  And children of the darkness were the Pharisees and Sadducees who followed a lunar calendar. So following a lunar calendar is bad? What happened to determining the month by the first sliver of the moon?  Or the others that say, no it starts on the full moon. Did God tell them to change at some point?  Or like the Chuck Missler video clip I posted, did it just become necessary when the year became longer?  I know Ken Johnson has some calendar videos, I just haven't had time to watch them.


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Here is Ken Johnson's site:

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Apparently with the DSS Calendar, there are fixed dates for feasts every year and they always fall on the same day of the week. So maybe no need to sight the moon, then?

Anyway, I concur. The DSS and the Essenes are absolutely fascinating. More rabbit trails to follow. :wacko:
