The Crowns in Heave...
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The Crowns in Heaven

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So cool,  Tammie!  Now you got me thinking there must be a clothing factory up in heaven and some angels assigned as “tailors or fashion designers” sewing our robes so they fit just perfectly.  I don’t know about you but I’m short so they are really going to have to spend time taking up the hem. B-)

Now you have my mind wondering :wacko:  what are we going to wear when we are flying upward and in attendance at the grand reunion RITA party ... before the Judgment Seat starts?  I’m giggling now just thinking about us all meeting in the Rose Garden picking a rose :rose: to attach to our garment or to place in our hair before heading to the party!

And are there going to be clothing shops on Rainbow Blvd with American clothes and other culture clothing for other activities later on to change into? :scratch:

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I’m thinking I want an extremely White Robe, with beautiful iridescent trim and gold, with sparkling diamond dust. My crown is of purest gold, simple, but elegant. I’m a petite frame as well so have to watch not just the hem but the arm length.
Now, God took great care in describing Aaron’s priestly garments, so as I go up, in a twinkling I get that perfect, gorgeous robe and crown. Can I find that perfect grouping of lavender flowers to meet you all. I just love the color purple. I’ve requested my heavenly abode to be surrounded with a water fall, and purple flowers :yahoo:

Just imagine the peace, love, beauty we are about to become part of? It’s glorious! :prayer-hands:

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Your white robe sounds so beautiful, Tammie!  Woohoo ... its good to see the petite group is growing in numbers!  Yep, I hear ya about the long sleeve arm length problem  ... I learned to just roll up the sleeves. 😉   Yes,  purple flowers are the best ... Zinnias, Veronicas, Butterfly bush, Lilac bush/trees ... and the purple roses would be the icing on the cake in that garden!  Perhaps we will be next door neighbors since I dream for a view of a purple flower garden as well.  The water fall sounds lovely but I wish for a lot more water ... say an ocean beach view. 😉    Since you love purple ... is your birthday perchance in Feb?  We discovered last week there are a lot of Aquarian’s on this board ... T.R., Yohanan, Loz, me .... B-)

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Indeed a waterfall sounds wonderful.  Given that we will be there for eternity I've thought it would be nice on a whim to just simply redo my dwelling from time to time.  Just think something new into existence and bam, it's there.  I know that a lot of women like change as well.

I love rocks and stone, I love flowers and shrubs, I love birds of every ilk.  Meadows and fields, forests as well!  I also love a wood burning fire place seeing the flames dancing in joy before the Lord.  I love artistry, paintings, statues, delicate and fine things.  And then there will things that I've never imagined or experienced to choose from.  Warm sunny days, and snow that isn't cold!

But even if I have but a room with four walls, and rags to wear I will be glad and grateful for it!


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Yes, I do expect the inside decor of our dwelling place to get a facelift from time to time.  One of my hobbies is going to Goodwill stores and getting things dirt cheap and giving new life to the items by cleaning them up and painting them.  I doubt there will be junk yards in heaven though ... perhaps I have to fly to another planet :mdrmdr:  Do you like to paint pictures and do art work?   I do like wood burning fireplaces but I don’t want to see another snowflake for at least 1 millennium.  My neighbor said to me today ...”is this winter ever going to end?”   Outside shoveling snow in 14 degree weather ... and right now its 1 degree (that is not a typo) I’m just sick of the cold. :negative: But I can understand ... just a little bit for all you who are fortunate to live in the warm climate states wishing for that nasty 4 letter word “snow”. But snow without the cold does sound intriguing!

Oh I love watching the birds too.  My favorite are the hummingbirds and woody woodpeckers.  Great personalities and a joy to watch as they eat at the bird feeders.  What are your favorite?  I wonder if we will have multi views from various windows ... the mountains and green meadows with wildflowers from one window, the forest with colorful leaves and waterfall /river from another window, the ponds or lakes with the summer flowers from another and the ocean with sandy white beaches from the other window?  All 4 seasons - spring, summer, fall, spring. :whistle:   Oh, did I leave out winter? B-)

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TR, I agree a change up will have to occur about every 1000 years or so :mdrmdr:  I love the rugged look of log homes, woods, moss on rocks and trees, forest, etc... I could also just sit for hours watching the waves break on the beach and over rocks.
My favorite bird is the humming bird as well, I have feeders for them and just am amazed at the way they hover.
Sorry Geri but I’m a turkey baby, with a November birthdate. I don’t care much for yellow (topaz) except in a field of daisys. I just love purple and rich blues. I would love to have you as a neighbor, maybe we can have one area in our heavenly abode dedicated to our RITAN family? :yes:

I am not artsy at all, very scientific brain, but I have found the most amazing artist to just watch on YouTube. She is Vietnamese and follows the pattern of Bob Ross but she doesn’t talk, just music, so for a relaxing treat visit her site on Wow Art. She is so cool to watch, makes even me want to pick up a canvas and try.
I think I’ll take up painting for a few 1000 years. Hey , I’ll go plant hopping with you Geri - what fun! See you all sooner than later :prayer-hands: :flyup:

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One crown that shall never be taken, is the crown of His heart towards each of us!  His love for us was there even before the cross, before the foundations of the Earth were laid, before He knit each of us in our mother's wombs, His love was there!


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Oh now you’re talking ... I do love log cabins homes!  However, I never seen a log cabin beach front home ... but hey ... in heaven all things are possible. :whistle:    Yep, I find the ocean waves so peaceful to watch as well and walking along the shoreline or horseback riding on the beach?

LOL  a turkey baby.  One of my brother’s celebrates his at the time as well.  The Topaz stone really isn’t that bad ... especially if you mingle it in with other stones.  Remember the sterling silver stackable rings in the 1990’s?  I had 5 of these rings ... Amethyst, light Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, and Topaz stones that I would individually link together and change the look by switching the the colors around.  I always keep the pink and purple stones together though.   In heaven I wish for a stackable ring with all 12 gem stones!

Thanks for the heads up on the Vietnamese artist ... I will check out her youtubes!  My uncle is an artist and makes 3-D murals with French doors  and flower gardens, trees, etc.  He is a believer so I can just imagine what he is going to do when he gets inspired with the splendor of heaven.  I would love to take up painting classes ... and if we goof up, perhaps we just have to say “be gone” and the mistakes disappear with special paints? :mdrmdr:

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maybe the crowns are taken off every time we are before the throne out of respect and honor to the Lord; then can be taken back as we go, to be laid at His feet over and over again

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Great thought Regina!  Loving it.  Glad to hear from ya.


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