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The coronavirus achieves all the top priorities of the Globalists

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We have a Conservative Candidate for Mayor of London kindly offering to host the summer Olympics if Tokyo can’t curb the virus in their region.  But check out the responses ... the Governor of Tokyo is offended with that suggestion nor is the WHO organization looking for a back-up plan.  Hmmm ... B-)


TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said on Friday it was inappropriate for candidates in London’s mayoral election to propose their city host the 2020 Olympic Games if the coronavirus outbreak forces organizers to look for an alternative site.

Shaun Bailey, the Conservative candidate for mayor of the British capital, has said London would be ready to host the event if needed.

The International Olympic Committee has said the World Health Organization advised it that there was no case for contingency plans to cancel or relocate the Games from Tokyo.

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The virus is now spreading to the Middle East ...


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Coronavirus Explodes in Italy, Threatening Europe. Can It Be Contained?

By Barbie Latza Nadeau
The Daily BeastFebruary 23, 2020,

ROME—The word quarantine comes from 17th-century Venetian dialect for 40 days, which was the amount of time ships had to wait in isolation before entering certain Italian ports during the pandemic known as the Black Death. Now the word is being used again in Italy, applied to the  government’s draconian reaction as the coronavirus and the disease known as COVID-19 appear to be hitting the country with a vengeance. More than 50,000 Italians living in 10 communities are literally locked down, facing jail sentences and fines if they leave their homes, thanks to the largest outbreak outside Asia. 

The towns, all in the north of the country, are cut off from the rest of Italy now, not even the trains stop when they roll through. The church services are cancelled and dipping one’s hand in holy water is strictly prohibited.

In Rome, nervous taxi drivers outside Fiumicino Airport were hesitant to pick up Asian passengers and a Chinese woman in Turin reported being assaulted for simply being Chinese.

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The ugly and fear of men really seems to surface quickly when viruses attack.  Sad, but seemingly inevitable.  Who needs atomic warfare?

Seems to me that with the wearing of masks was introduced, I would still find it odd.  Initially amongst Asian people, now seeing common people of every ilk and in every situation boldly wearing them.  Here within the states, even when no threat existed, except perhaps the common flu.  Thinking to myself, man people are even afraid to breath today!  How sad.

My thoughts roam back the aids epidemic of yesteryear.  Even given the proven fatal diagnosis for contracting this disease many simply remained in denial or opted to take their chances with unnatural sex.  They would and still do just simply continue to choose their poison as it were.

Std's, VD and the like continue to infect I am told nearly half our population.  Seems like we are always looking for a "magic" pill to accommodate our lifestyle choices.  Sadly the evils of viruses are often hidden and it's spread seems more arbitrary than not.

Indeed, the wages of our sins is death!  Even a cavalier attitude towards physical death cannot minimize the impact of the spiritual death our sins usher in!  Neither can one cavalier about the notion that we shall be held accountable for each of our sins!

Those born again, have their sins covered and blotted out by the blood of Christ.  Those not born again must give an account for and pay a price for every sin they have ever committed!

How much grey matter is required to make a wise choice here?!






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Here's an article reporting that Jeff Bezos has landed in New Zealand to bug out in his underground bunker.


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As mentioned before and not to panic anyone, but this is far from over. This is a real and serious reality. God will use what ever He will to get man’s attention. Eternity is real and about to begin for many.
This reminds me of the verse in 2 Cor 4:17-18 “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”

This is just a small taste of what is to come during the tribulation time, no place to hide, pestilence and heavy turmoil beyond belief.

We have prayer and trust God, so whether thru the grave or thru the air, our wait may soon be over. I earnestly pray for the rapture, now Father. :prayer-hands:

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Don't bug out, pray out!  Pray out and cry out to a loving God who hears.  This life will eventually be over for everyone at some point in time.


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Leaving Soon, thanks for the link about Jeff Bezos bugging out in his underground bunker in New Zealand.  I got goose bumps reading it.  Of all places ... isn’t New Zealand known for earthquakes ... especially the Christ Church region? :scratch:   Eventually he and his rich buddies will come out of their hide away shelters because the scene in Revelation 6 has the left behind looking for shelter once more.

Revelation Chapter 6

The church is in heaven watching

Jesus opens the first seal - then there is noise of thunder
Rider on the white horse (AC) arrives on the scene
Jesus opens the 2nd seal
Rider on the red horse (war unfolds - able to take peace from the earth and they killed one another with great sword)
Jesus opens the 3rd seal
Rider on the black horse (famine and high cost for food and supplies)
Jesus opens the 4th seal
Rider on the pale horse (1/4 of the earth dies both humans and animals from fighting and hunger)
Jesus opens the 5th seal
Tribulation saints are martyred (souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and for their testimony)
Jesus opens the 6th seal
Great earthquake, sun becomes black as sackcloth of hair, moon becomes blood, and the stars of heaven fell from the sky (sounds like total darkness day and night) again how will the left behind be able to calculate 7 years before the 2nd Coming event (no man knows the day or hour) if there are no more sunrises and sunsets?  The earth is getting a prelude of hell with total darkness day and night.
Then heaven departed as a scroll
Every mountain and island moved out of their places
The kings of the earth, great men, rich men and chief captains, might men, every bond man and free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains.  They said to the mountains and rocks ... “fall on us and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb” (still man refuses to repent ... they rather die.  I wonder how many rich died that remained underground?)
For the great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?


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I was thinking the exact same thing (Revelation 6) when you mentioned Bezos going to NZ. The evil bloodthirsty globalist cabal can run but they can’t hide. They are like cockroaches scurrying around after the light is shone on them. Lol.

May Bezos repent and gain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Perhaps this virus will prompt many to rethink their positions on life and death!?  Perhaps this little pin prick into the darkness of deception and spiritual blindness will allow enough light to expose the darkness !


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