I have been texting with a colleague for the last few weeks. Today, by mistake I sent him a text about the rapture. I did not mention the rapture, I just mentioned how nice it would be for the trumpet to sound and to fly away.
I guess he has no clue about the rapture and all of a sudden he gets a message from a colleague about flying away into the sky.
He must have thought I am crazy. He texted me back really concerned asking me if he should give me a call.
I feel a bit embarrassed. I texted him back saying I was joking with someone else and the message went to him by mistake.
I guess I have to tell him about the rapture.
for now, I am laughing, but still feeling a bit uncomfortable that a colleague was alarmed that I am crazy. did not feel too good.
Oh, well, I think God wants me to get going and to tell colleagues about the rapture.
I told him if we go out for coffee, I will tell him what the texts were all about. He is Muslim.
Your experience brought to mind for me, Psalm 118:24 ~~ "This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it."
Your message at the least, I've no doubt, stirred up your friend's attention, this day 'planned' by our God Who enjoys working through His children in 'mysterious' ways . . :flyup: :yahoo:
Please hurry with the coffee date! He might be the last one we are waiting on to be saved, and for his sake, we are running out of time.
Yes, Donna. I said I will tell him about it if we go out for coffee sometime and he texted: let's go out one evening and have coffee.
I felt sorry for this colleague when he reached out to me and said he is feeling isolated. His mother passed away a few years ago and he has no siblings. I asked about cousins, other relatives.............he said he is not really connected to them. I think he only has a few friends.
Thanks, Blue.
I hope I am not holding everyone up.
LOL! Am I glad no one from Ritan knows my address. I can imagine now several of you showing up at my door not too happy with me.
:prayer-hands: No, not showing up, just praying. Have confidence, the Lord is with you! :prayer-hands: I assume you feel safe with this person since it was you that suggested coffee. :prayer-hands:
To Heidi, a delightful RITA Now lady who has in the past revealed her penchant for and enjoyment of sarcasm:
You aren't crazy?
:mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:
Well, um, I don't want to embarrass myself now. I um, no, not crazy. :mdrmdr: