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Telecommunication in Eternity

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Do you think there will be some sort of telecommunication type service in the next life?  Suppose you’re on a planet exploring or eating donuts and drinking your coffee there and you get summoned you’re needed back asap in heaven or on the earth .... do you think you will be notified by a text message, email, cell phone call, perhaps will it be angel that delivers the message personally to you, or will it be a bird or will we just have supersonic hearing?

How about in the libraries in heaven or on the earth ... do you think we will need a computer to search for the location of the book(s)?  I doubt we will be fined if we are late in returning the book(s) or will the millennium people be subject to that policy?

For you computer geeks ... just wondering if you will really miss your computers/laptops/iPads, iPhone, etc. if they are not available in the next life?

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David W. Roche
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I'm thinking direct communication with God would solve a lot of our issues, making computers largely irrelevant, if not completely.  As much as I've worked with computers, I don't believe I'd mind being less dependent upon them.  Technology can be a blessing and also a pain, at times.

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I agree ... I personally will not miss any electronic device.  :negative:

However, if computers are used ... its going to be sooo nice that we don’t have to worry about someone sending viruses and/or trying to hack inside.

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I know people who have said we would be able to read each other's minds, information passing / sharing telepathically.  After our sinful nature is gone, this might be an enormous advantage, highlighting genuine love and respect for everyone.  One agenda.  Zero hidden agenda.

One thing would puzzle me, that would need to be sorted out.  Would a room full of people generate a telepathic cacophony like a large room full of people at a party does now?  Maybe that white stone Jesus gives us includes, among other things, a unique personal MAC address.  And we'd move in and out of various networks' domains.

No need for security and no identity theft!  Wow!

I just thought of a cool name for my dog up there:  "Router!"

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Does this mean I'm a computer?

I'm a blessing and a pain at times! :wacko:


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This verse immediately came to my mind ... when you mentioned that we would probably be able to read each other’s mind!

I John 3:2

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

As far as noise pollution if we are all in the same room ... I reckon our new ears can just block out that annoying noise and still be able to communicate with one another.

Hee hee hee ... yes, Router is a great name for your dog!


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LOL ... you’re a blessing but never a pain!   I even love your riddled questions you throw at us - you make me really think, even though some times I don’t have the right answer you’re looking for.   :heart:

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I saw a recent video interview with Elon Musk concerning bio-chip brain implants that would give humans the ability to learn at alarming speeds. The bio-chips would tie into a bank of super computers and learning would be forever changed. He actully was warning against such a thing in this video. But if man can create that kind of learning, just imagine (well, never ind. The Bible has already stated that no mind can comprehend the things of that God has in store for those who love Him) the kind of learning capabilities and telecommunications we will have access to. For me, I still prefer analog so I will not mind being without computers.

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Blessing to you purple petite! :rose:


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Even now when in prayer,  our God can 'speak' to our hearts faster than words can pronounce ~ `though our brain sorts seemingly chronologically what was said in our mind all at once,  imagine Heaven and all the wonder of powerful communication, a Heavenly language having instant reception clearly understood ~~

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