Taking a Dip in the...
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Taking a Dip in the Deep End of the Theological Swimming Pool

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Just an observation as all of this biblical prophecy is converging and playing itself out in front of our eyes on a daily basis.

Sometimes I hear believers describe what is happening in the world today with a characterization that seems to imply that God is somehow moving all the pieces into place, as if the players have no responsibility or role to play themselves and instead are just pawns being manipulated by a Sovereign God. I guess I see it very differently. (Not directing this post to anyone in particular as I write this, just a general observation for something I see come up from time to time.)

Because God exists outside of our finite concept of time and knows the end from the beginning according to His Word, He was able to inform His prophets of the Bible, thousands of years in advance, exactly what would happen at any given point in history, including just before His second coming to earth. He has already seen the entire movie, so to speak, with the "actors" here on earth having played out their respective roles with their free will fully intact.  Thus, His prophets could predict with 100% accuracy what would happen in the day in which we find ourselves. He could enlighten His prophets because He had already seen what would happen long before it ever did. So, He is just describing what He already knows, for 100% certainty, is going to take place. It's part of what makes Him God.

And, I might add, it's definitely a topic that deserves to be analogously likened to swimming in the deep end of that imaginary theological swimming pool.

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God knows everything but he doesn’t use His foreknowledge to interfere with mankind’s free will. He knows everything and there is no sequence to His knowledge.

As you said, God is outside of time so it is hard for us humans to understand this deep theological subject. We’ll be studying it for eternity, though. Smile

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You're right, Watchman35.  So that's why I love my Romans 8:28 water wings.  I also try hard to avoid those globalists doing cannonballs down here in the deep end.
