T.W. Tramm SATURDAY, MARCH 20, marks the vernal equinox, the first day of spring. -Fair Use- Just great! Awesome assessment! :flyup: JesusGirl, are you the one that said you read his book? If so, are there any other treasures to reveal from it? Also, I didn't mean to share the buy button. Someone please edit that out if it isn't allowed. So, Nisan 10 would be April 23 by his calculations? That would give plenty of time for things to change after the elections tomorrow before the measuring of the temple on April 23! When I was on Facebook, I followed Mr. Tramm and read all :thankyou :thankyou of his evaluations, but I never read a complete book by him. So, this is an exciting post for me Blue, and I will keep it for my own reference regarding all the dates! I deleted my Facebook account and don’t see many things anymore! Thank you for posting this Blue! Oh, Ok. Someone not too long ago posted that they were reading it. Whoever you are please share. It is an encouraging post! I have always favoured a Pentecost Rapture. ^^ The day before summer begins. How appropriate. :good: The two 2520s is very interesting. Here is a link to an article on Mr. Tramm's website that explains more of his argument that the calendar is off a month this year: -Fair Use- More hope: Yeah, definitely some possibilities with the dome of the rock in regards to the 1290 years and 1335 years. Very interesting. I also think there is going to be a fake fulfillment of Daniel 9 (by the Antichrist) with the decree given by Suleiman in and around 1538 AD to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Add 483 solar years and you arrive at 2021. We are definitely in the season. :mail:
Facebook March 20
In ancient Israel, the equinox, or day of equal daylight and darkness, was the astronomical sign that a new year was about to begin. The first new moon after the spring equinox was reckoned the first day of the first month, Nisan 1 (Ex. 12).
In 2021, the new moon marking the first of Nisan is expected to be sighted on April 12–13, causing the festivals to land on the following dates:
Passover: April 27
Unleavened Bread: April 28
Firstfruits: May 2
Pentecost: June 20
Feast of Trumpets: October 7
Day of Atonement: October 16
Feast of Tabernacles: October 21
The timing of the prophetic festivals is more important than ever as 2021 marks 73 years since the “fig tree,” Israel, came to life and put forth leaves in May 1948.
The 73-year milestone is significant because Jesus says the generation who sees the fig tree put forth leaves will see all the end-times events come to pass (Matt. 24:32–34).
Biblically, the upper limit of a human lifespan is 80 years (Ps. 90:10). Adding 80 years to 1948, we arrive at 2028 for the upper limit of the fig-tree generation. Subtracting 7 years, the presumed length of the final tribulation period, we arrive at 2021.
It’s interesting that Pentecost, the festival associated with the Church, the wheat harvest, and weddings, lands on June 20, the first day of summer, in 2021. In the fig-tree prophecy, “summer” is a metaphor for the end of the age:
“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer [the end] is near” (Matt. 24:32, 34).
It gets more interesting when we consider that Pentecost, the festival whose date varies considerably from year to year, occurred on the same date, June 20, in 1948. So we have a link between the harvest festival, the first day of summer, and the years 1948 and 2021.
There is more. A friend recently pointed out that there are exactly 2,520 days between June 20, 2021, and the fig-tree anniversary in 2028: June 20 (Pentecost–first day of summer) + 2,520 days = May 14, 2028.
The number 2,520 is significant because it represents a perfect period of 7 (360-day) years in Scripture. The “prophetic” 360-day year is referenced in Daniel and Revelation where “time, times and half a time,” referring to half of a 7-year period, or 42 months, is equivalent to 1,260 days (Dan. 7:25; 9:27; 12:7; Rev. 11:2, 3; 12:6, 14; 13:5).
In addition to 2,520 being a product of the factors 7 and 360, denoting completion and a perfect circle of time, as in a biblical year, this important number is also a product of the factors 3, 7, 10, and 12, numbers that denote perfection and completion in Scripture:
• 3 is the number of divine perfection
• 7 is the number of divine completion
• 10 is the number of ordinal perfection
• 12 is the number of governmental perfection
3 x 7 x 10 x 12 = 2,520
As a factor of numbers representing a complete unit of time and perfection, 2,520 could be said to be the ultimate number of completion and perfection, denoting the fullness of time.
Another fascinating coincidence related to 2,520 pertains to Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy. In chapter 9 of Daniel, the 70-weeks countdown to redemption begins with a decree to “rebuild Jerusalem” (v. 25). Scholars agree that the decree mentioned in Daniel was given in 457 BC by Persian King Artaxerxes. Thus, the giving of the decree in 457 BC is the event that set the clock ticking to Messiah’s appearance and Israel’s ultimate redemption at the end of the age. Here is the amazing part: Counting 2,520 prophetic (360-day) years from 457 BC, we arrive at 2028, the calculated upper limit of the fig-tree generation!
Understanding that God is the master of time and that every facet of His plan has meaning, it makes sense that the overall timespan encompassing Daniel’s 70 weeks—including the lengthy “gap” between the 69th and 70th week—would have significance related to the fullness of time. This is why the 2,520-timespan between 457 BC and 2028 is striking—the number 2,520 perfectly symbolizes the fullness of time.
To summarize, there are two 2,520-timespans pointing to 2028:
• June 20, 2021 (first day of summer–Pentecost) + 2,520 days = May 14, 2028
• 457 BC (clock starts ticking to Israel’s redemption) + 2,520 prophetic years = 2028
The 2,520 concurrence represents a remarkable linking of prophetic themes: summer, harvest, redemption, a perfect 7-year period, a 2,520-year period denoting the fullness of time, and the fig-tree generation.
Having highlighted this amazing concurrence, we understand that no one knows exactly when Judgment Day will arrive (Matt. 24:36, 42-51). However, many signs and date alignments suggest it is near and fast approaching. So hang onto your hats, 2021 could be a pivotal year in Bible Prophecy.
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For more on why 2021 could be a pivotal year in Bible prophecy, see T.W. Tramm’s latest book, “Summer Is Near”:
Visit the author’s website: www.theseasonofreturn.com
1. As explained in “Summer Is Near,” I believe that the modern Jewish calendar erroneously reckons Nisan 1 to be March 14 (the new moon BEFORE the spring equinox) in 2021, thus beginning the New Year a month prematurely, during the winter, instead of its biblically appointed season, spring (Ex. 12). It is telling that the modern Jewish calendar relies on a precalculation (predetermining the date of the equinox) to reckon Nisan 1 and the festivals. In contrast, designating the new moon after the equinox Nisan 1 requires no pre-calculation: one simply waits for the equinox to occur and then designates the following new moon Nisan 1. The difference between God’s calendar and the modern Jewish calendar is that the latter has incorporated many rules and traditions, including pre-calculation, not found in Scripture.
2. Pentecost 2021 calculation: The first new moon after the spring equinox, Nisan 1, is expected to be sighted April 12. Passover begins two weeks later on the evening of April 26. Since the firstfruits offering is to be made the “day after the Sabbath” following Passover, the day of firstfruits is the following Sunday, May 2. Counting 7 weeks from Sunday, May 2, we arrive at June 20 for Pentecost.
3. Pentecost 1948 calculation: The first new moon after the spring equinox, Nisan 1, in 1948 was April 10. Passover thus began the evening of April 24, which was a Saturday and also the Sabbath. Since the firstfruits offering is to be made the “day after the Sabbath” following Passover, the day of firstfruits is the following Sunday, May 2. Counting 7 weeks from May 2, we arrive at June 20 for Pentecost.
4. Thanks to Bobby Regan for pointing out the 2,520 day timespan between June 20 and May 14.
5. Number meanings in Scripture: https://www.levendwater.org/.../number_in_scripture...
6. Another reason 2,520 is considered a perfect number is that it is the only number that can be divided by all of the single digit numbers (1 through 9) without leaving a remainder
7. 2,520 prophetic years (2,520 X 360) are equivalent to 907,200 days. There are 907,200 days between 457 BC and 2028.
8. Must see video regarding the 2,520 phenomenon and 2028:
It gives me hope that we will be out of here very soon for real!